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The above photo is J. L. Madden, Thanks Jennie for the identification.
-- A --
Abolt, Marion and Martha J. Marion and Martha Abolt (Marion's mother was Mary Ann Furr who was the sister of Alexander Furr.) An updated photo and the above information provided by Alicia Losser. Original Source: "Find~A~Grave", contributed by Jayne Beers
ALEXANDER, Jerimiah - Thanks to you Jennie!
Alkire ? Adkins ?, Dave - 1908 officials - thanks Jennie P for this super picture
Allen, Isaac (born Fountain Co) and wife, Emma Stewart with son Loyall Hampshire Allen on horse -- Allen was the son of John P. Allen and Surrilda Osburn- PLEASE contact Doug if you have anything on this family
Allen, Samuel & Sarah J. Barnes - 50th Anniversary - Fall 1897 -- they are in the center of the photo, surrounded by family - thanks so very very much to MaryAnne T for this :)
Allen, Loyall & Pearl Stice -- thanks to very much to Doug A for these - awesome :) -- Loyall was the son of Isaac Allen and Emma Scott. Contact Doug if you have anything on these lines :) -- Doug also sends this information about Loyall & Pearl.
Allstot children -- thanks Jennie - anyone know more about them?
Allstot, Reason - husband of Mary Bowsher - thanks Jennie so much
Allstot ? - I know Mary Bowsher married a man, Reason Allstot, and they went to Texas. Know he fought in the Civil War and then tried to get compensation from the government. Jennie -- Here's another that might/might not be an Allstot OR a Madden ? (perhaps Thaddeus Madden?)
Allstot, Mary Bowsher - thanks Jennie
ATKINSON, Ruby Edna Briney Wife of Walter C. Atkinson, Thanks to Sylvia Schultz
-- B --
Baker, Florence Wright Vyse Daughter of John Milton and Emma Jane (Holland) Wright, Thanks to her great granddaughter, Sheila Patterson.
Baldwin, James W & his wife, Catherine Barkley parents of Roberta Baldwin Howard. Thanks to Steve K. for this great picture. They raised several children in the Covington, Indiana area.
(22 February 2023)
BANNON, Frank and Etta (BARKER) - Jim Hanner redid the Frank & Etta Banner picture.
Bannon, Rosetta Emeiline (Etta) Barker -- although Etta (front middle) is the only one known, it is believed these are her sisters - there were 6 Barker sisters (one died young) and it is thought these are the other 5 - thanks Marsha P
Barker - unknowns - may be Browns, Lindleys ?? of this family at least likely - thanks, Marsha P
Barker, Annie Sowers -- she was a widow for more than 1/4 a Century. She never remarried. Born 8 May 1837 (one source 1839) in Rowan County, NC she moved with her parents, Lewis and Susannah Sink Sowers (see his picture other column) at less than a years old to the Parke/Fountain County IN line. They lived here for less than 20 years. Lewis and Susannah took all of their 11 children (except Annie who was a new bridge and mother) to Page County Iowa where two more children were born to the Sowers'. Susannah died a few days after the birth of her last child, George Valentine Sowers. Lewis can be seen with his second wife, Margaret Infram from this page (other side) whom he married 27 August 1863 in Nodaway County, Missouri after Susannah's death in February 1863. Margaret had five children of her own with first husband, John Cromwell Whittington and one lone Sowers son, Jacob. However, it is said and all indication proves so that she was an exceptionally good mother to Lewis' first crew!
Barker, Austin -- Left to right -- Dora Allen Barker (wife of Austin); Annie Sowers Barker (mother of Austin); Austin Puett Barker (called Pett assumedly as a take-off of his middle name); daughter Floss A.; son George Arvil; and in front, son, Wayne Russell -- love the "Men with their dogs!" (taken between 1910-1918)
Barker, Jesse -- This was behind glass (at my grandmother's, Sarah Morgan Smith, when I was a child, and I would literally sit and stare at my great, great grandfather Jesse. I thought he was so handsome and wanted to know more & more about him. My grandmother was his granddaughter so she knew stories and even took me to Wolfe Creek Cemetery (border of Parke & Fountain counties near Wallace, IN) to see his grave. The sad part of the whole story is that he was quite a rich man, had given the property and some of the money for the Wolfe Creek Church and yet he had no tombstone. She pointed several times where he was, and that only fascinated me more !! kz
Barker Reunion, about 1983 (at Veedersburg?) -- Front: Karen Bazzani Zach; her son, Jay Zach;. Seated left to right facing picture -- Hulda Smith; Silas Young? ; Evadna Morgan Young; Sylvia Duncan Barker; Dale Barker; Frances Barker; Patty Barker; (3rd row from bottom); Larry Devitt; Betty Morgan Devitt; Christie Barker ? ; Suzie Zach; Thelma Wells; ?; (little girl in yellow?); Sharon Barker; ? (lady in white shirt with blue flowers); Sherrie Barker; Nikki Barker; ? (young man in white shirt); (Back row) - boy in yellow shirt blue collar) ?; Sherman Wells; Terry Wells; George Barker; ? (man on end dark shirt)
Barker, unknown lady & child -- this nifty picture was in my Barker ones so imagine it's a Washburn; Lawson; Swanson; Barker or relation somehow :) kbz
Bean, Mary Lou McClaine 1860-1945 (buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Crawfordsville, IN - thanks to Dustin Stonebraker for this nifty pic he found in an antique store - anyone know more about her?
Beckelhymer, Isiah - Photo provided by Deb Park
Benamire -- see Lemper Family Photos
BENNETT, Ancil Two photos of Ancil: one is in football uniform, 1929; and his Senior High photo, both from Attica Yearbooks found on
Bernhart, Stanis -- thanks, Richard
Bernhart (Stanis) Family (Attica - Josephine Bernhart is lower center - her twin, Lena is beside her - thanks Richard)
Berto, Giacomo "Pete" Thanks to Carl Parker, his great-great-grandson, we have a picture of Giacomo Berto (around 1920) and an image of the plot map showing his land.
Bever, Delbert Thanks to Miranda Waltrip, This has been moved and is included in the listing below with the rest of the family!
Bever, Elijah and Mary Etta (Shoaf) This page has 7 family photos, to include: Elijah, Mary Etta (Shoaf) wife & mother, James A., Ora Eston along with his wife, Charles Arvil, Effie Ladoris (Mitchell), and Delbert. Thanks to Sherry Harris on the Fountain County Facebook Page and Thanks to Miranda Waltrip.
Bever, James Alan and wife Artie Starnes - wedding picture - 2 May 1908 Kingman, Indiana Thanks to Miranda Waltrip
Bever, Vivian Source: Thanks to Miranda Waltrip on the Fountain County Indiana Genealogy Facebook page
Bishoff, Betty Sullivan Mary Dinn Nina & Hazel -- THANKS muches to Dustin S
Blackford, Cletis and Orpha (Etter) Thanks to Carl Simms for contributing this photo
BONEBRAKE, Cornelius - Family 2 photos; one from Kay Steele and another from John D. Jones! Thanks to both of you.
BONEBRAKE, Glen L. 3 photograhs of civilian and military careers.
Ermine Hannah Underwood Booe 15 Sept 1861 - 1 Feb 1937?? wife of Rev. Solomon Isley Booe - thanks to Richard Hellstrom
BOOE, Zeb with wife
Boord Family - (we assume -- with Paul Boord picture below) thanks to Dustin Stonebraker who found this and several pictures in an antique store in Crawfordsville Indiana and shared them with us :)
Boord, Paul -- see above note
Bowman, Catherine Wilkinson - daughter of Daniel and Louiza Shephard Wilkinson - she came from a large family (8 children) and was born 30 October 1854 in Cincinnati, Ohio where the majority of the Wilkinsons were born. As a child she came with her parents to Fountain County. She married Jacob D. Bowman 17 Nov 1874 in Fountain County, having 11 children of her own. She passed away in Wallace on the 14th of June 1933. - thanks muches to Michael B her great grandson. Note: same pic on findagrave that is larger but not as clear.
Bowman -- Russell and Clara Deane Grandstaff Bowman in front of Paul's Barbershop sign in Wallace, Indiana 1943. Thanks so much for Michael Duane Bowman from the Bowman FB page :)
Bowsher - unknown man and his wife - thanks sooo much Jennie :)
Bowsher, - another unknown man and wife - might be Lew Bowsher ?? - thanks Jennie
Bowsher - unknown wedding picture - Jennie thinks this is one of Sylvester Bowsher's brothers - anyone know for sure?
Bowsher - collection - unknown boy (one at top of page by the way - if you know who this is, please let Jennie know - as well as any of the other unknowns in the Bowsher collection - she (& I would really love to know wo these people are)
Bowsher - probably Lemuel - this seems to be taken at the same time of his brother's picture - how he was not buried as a "tramp" was because he had his photo album with him at the time he was killed b a train. It is likely pictures just like this one and the one below of his two younger brothers were in that photo album. THANKS THANKS THANKS Jennie :)
Bowsher - unknown girls -- one has "Ollie" written on it but do not know here - she definitely looks like a Madden whereas the other one may/might not be a Bowsher
Bowsher -- or Madden -- grandmother and child -- but ... who are they?????
Bowsher, Kenneth & Geneva -- see Madden, Anson
Bowsher - Lewellen & Mary Caroline Watts -- thanks so much to Jennie for so many of these pics - you rock, Girly :)
Bowsher or Madden? - unknown young boy with distinctive face - but WHO IS HE? Let Jennie or me know PLEASE if you have a guess or know for sure who this nifty young man is !!
Bowsher, Pete - thanks again to Jennie - greatly appreciated!
Bowsher, Pete & his sons Deal and Charles -- loads slowly - be patient, it's worth the wait - thanks Jennie
Bowsher, Sylvester family - Sylvester, Marilda, Carl (youngster) Middle; Bill. Back -- Clair, Hillman (Pete)
Brady, Reed - son of Anna Reed and ? Brady
Bride & Groom - unknown - thanks Jennie - sure would love to find out who they are :(
Bright, James - Civil War soldier ? -- older picture of James Bright - thanks to Beth Rasmussen for both of these - good friend, Beth
Brown, Cynthia -- on back of a 1 cent postcard it says, "Tangier, Nov 23, 1909" -- Compliments of a friend Cynthia Brown to Zelma Lindley

Brown, Don with sister Along with Ferman Herman "Fuzzy" Rice and his school Bus. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission.
Brown, Eleanor -- love this picture :) PLEASE let me know if you sent these pictures so I can thank you (I'm pretty good at that but for some reason, I missed this :(
Brown, Ina Barker & Family - need a lot of help here, also
-- C --
Campbell, Eileen Thanks to Carl Parker for this picture of his mother, a Kingman High School graduate in 1942. The photo was taken in Cates. Eileen is the daughter of Robert Glen and Fredia Jarred Campbell, they can be seen below.
Campbell, Eileen and Betty Dugan in front of Fredia Campbell’s house in Cates, 1938-1939. Thanks to Carl Parker for this picture
Campbell, Fredia Jarred Grandmother to Carl Parker, who supplied this picture. She was baptized in this area by Snoddy's Mill which can be seen in the background. Here is a photo of her house in Cates.
(10 May 2023)
Campbell, Fredia Jarred (before marriage) with her cousins Cleo Berto and Zola Berto in 1919. Fredia is grandmother to Carl Parker, who supplied this picture.
Campbell, Luella (Royer); Helen Lee & Russell Tibitts, taken by their Albert Ross Campbell, Luella's husband and father of Helen & Russell. Thanks oh so much to Deb Bain for this awesome picture -- note that is not your run-of-the-mill photo of the time - most looked directly ahead, and no expression - you see Helen smiling and Momma's proud look on her face - such a beautiful, natural photo. - taken about Spring 1892 considering Russell was born in Nov 1892.
Campbell, Martin and wife Emeline Cameron - Thanks to Amanda Ferguson Macy
Campbell, Robert Glen and Fredia Jarred Thanks to Carl Parker for this picture of his mother and father.
Campbell, Robert Glen and Kathleen "Kass" Campbell his niece along with a friend of hers. Thanks to Carl Parker for this picture
Canton, Bob & Mary 8-3-1947 - thanks Dustin :)
CARNIVAL OFFICIERS - PHOTO coutesy of Steve Kruger :) THANKS
Charles M. Berry, President; Hardy Songer, Tresurer; Mayor W. B. Gray, Chairman of the Executive Committee; Joseph K. Irwin, Secretary.
Clarkston, Elihu & wife, Mary "Frances" Bull. Thanks to their great great grandson (one of my past students at TR) Andrew Clarkston for this awesome picture. Elihu was born in Manchester, Kentucky 14 Jan 1893 died in Danville, Illinois 20 May 1968. Frances was born in Kentucky 8 March 1888, died 9 June 1977 in Danville. On the 1st of October, 1910, they married and were parents of 9 children.
Clawson, Fletcher - US Navy -- thanks so much to Dustin S for this -- I thought Fletcher was a 'lil worse for wear so asked my good friend, Dea G if she could redo him -- THANKS MUCHES Dea!
Clawson, William H. - Two Photos (sorry from newspaper but as good a scan as hubby could do)
Clingan Brothers - October 1944 - Bert, age 20 & Fred, age 17 -- Jennie would love to give this original photo to someone in the family - contact her by clicking on her name.
Clore, Charles & Cynthia Smith with their son and four daughters at Wallace, Indiana. Circa 1918.- children are: Tressie, Oveta, Jim, Bertha, & Halsie.(what a nifty pic - thanks again Cynthia Smith. The photo was given to and identified by Oveta Clore Fisher.
Also on this page:
Clore, Charles and unknown child -- thanks again. The photo was given to and identified by Oveta Clore Fisher.
Clore, Charles -- The photo was given to and identified by Oveta Clore Fisher.- super pics
Clore, Israel -- Margaret Stonebraker Clore - I doctored these up some, compare to the originals below - hopefully they look better -- kbz :) Shows both sets.
Hello Karen, Israel and Margaret Stonebraker Clore are my great, great grandparents. My Dad's mother was Oveta Clore Fisher. Her father was Charlie Clore of Wallace, IN. and his parents were Israel and Margaret Stonebraker Clore of Wallace, IN. Please add the following information to each of Israel and Margaret Clore's pictures. You can put my name with the pictures. I only mentioned my Grandmother Oveta Clore Fisher because I received the pictures from her. I helped her label many of her family pictures before she died or we wouldn't know who they were. Israel Clore Born 1840 in Indiana. Died 10-24-1881 in Wallace, Indiana to Urial and Dorothy Ann Cosby Clore. He married Margaret Stonebraker 11-29-1862. in Parke Co. They had six children together: William Clore, Charles Clore, Albert Clore, Fannie (Laura) Clore, Ida Clore, and Edna Clore. Margaret Stonebraker Clore was born 9-18-1842 to David and Mary Rush Stonebraker. She died 7-9-1915 in Dana, Indiana - buried in the Phanuel Lutheran Cemetery in Wallace, Indiana. She married Israel Clore on 11-29-1862 in Parke Co. Indiana. Their children are William Clore, Charles Clore, Albert Clore, Fannie (Laura) Clore, Ida Clore, and Edna Clore. Margaret married her widowed brother-in-law, Berryman Clore on 4-3-1893 in Parke Co. Indiana. Margaret had a twin sister Elizabeth (Lizzie) Stonebraker Clore, married to a brother of Berryman Clore. All the work you have done on the Gen Web page is wonderful. I hope I can be helpful and give you more information and pictures in the future too. I am happy to share them with the site, but it would take me awhile to do it too. My Grandpa John Fisher was born in Harveysburg, IN. and both his parents were from Harveysburg, IN. and early pioneers to the area. These days I am helping with our one year old granddaughter. We live in Danville, but my second home is definitely Kingman, IN. Thanks again. Nice to meet you. Here are my scans for Israel and Margaret Clore's pictures as they may look clearer than the electronic transfers. Cynthia Fisher Smith
Clouse, Andrew and Eliza Pickett - thanks muches to Cathy Clouse Armstrong - greatly appreciated !
COATS, Mrs. Serena D. - PHOTO coutesy of Steve Kruger :) THANKS
Coleman, John son of Issac and Rachel Coleman
Coleman, Rachel Hanley Thompson Crummey wife of Issac Coleman and mother of son John and daughter Martha Coleman Schintz
Copeland, Jim (1908 Officials at Covington - thanks Peters')
Copeland, Oliver Jackson & Anna DeBaun - they are sooo adorable (thanks so much to Cousette :)
Corey, Kate (thanks muches again to Jennie - you rock, girl - these pictures are so fab!!
Cory - Joseph Edward & Mary Ann Livingstone)
Cotton Album (many need identified) -- thanks so very much to Marsha Patterson for these
Cowgill, Solon - Photo from John Wolfgang of Gresham, Oregon -- his grandfather, the only known thrasher in the photo is in the middle of the top row.
Craig, Beulah Kiger (age 81 - thanks muches Dellie).
Craig, Owen Benton and wife, Ada Drollinger -- thanks muches, Dellie
Craig, Samuel Larkin Photo 1 - (Veedersburg HS - basketball player probably 1940), Photo 2 - (Dairyman - Kingman Tavern with rooms and a restaurant), Photo 3 - in front of the varsity basketball team at Kingman 1939-41 ?) - thanks to his daughter-in-law, Dellie :)
George Crane with brother John Crane , sisters Mildred and Elsbeth, cousins Naomi, Helen Mitman, Aunt Bess Bever, Uncle Vic Bever, Mom,Jenny (Bever) Crane, and Grandmother, Rebecca Caroline Bever in front of their Hillsboro home that was part of the Underground Railroad according to FC Historical Society...Source: Debby OuryYou know you are from Hillsboro Indiana if...Facebook page.
CRONK Family 10 people in photo, names have been added, year not given Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!

Cronk, Freeman with wife Goldie Butts Cronk Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
William and Margaret Parker Cronk Fountain County/From Hillsboro Photos from the personal collection of Joyce Davis Jones and provided by the efforts of PA Rice, Much Thanks!!!
Cruea, Pearl, age 2 -- thanks DS - such a cute pic
Cunningham, Cyrus & wife, Mary Oliphant - thanks so much Dellie
-- D --
Dagger, John A. Born 22 December 1836 in Fountain County, Indiana to Charles B Dagger and Mary Waskey. died 14 October 1916 Richland, Fountain County, Indiana Thanks to Alicia Losser for submitting this photo.
Dagger, Tilford Born 1844 in Fountain County, Indiana to Charles B Dagger and Mary Waskey, diedin 1926 Fountain County. Thanks to Alicia Losser for submitting this photo.
Daines, Eliza -- thanks to Dustin Stonebraker for this :)
Dark, Clarence and wife Minnie Payton circa 1942 Thanks to J. E. and Cindy Nagele from the Fountain County Facebook page.
Dark Family of Clarence and Minnie Circa 1932 Thanks to J. E. and Cindy Nagele from the Fountain County Facebook page.
Davis, Elzora Dinsmore as a Child daughter of John Dinsmore, mother of Carl S Davis, wife of Henry Howard Davis Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
Davis, Floyd Elsworth and Arrie Katherine Schlusser Davis; Children include: Pauline Davis, Lewis Elmore Davis ( Carole's Grandfather), Floyd Elsworth Davis, Glen F. Davis, Cecil Davis and Ralph Davis. Also, included is Mary Emily Miller (Davis) who beame wife of Lewis Elmore Davis. Thanks to Carole Barton for contributing the use of her family Photos!!
Davis, Issac Family - Isaac Davis holding Opal Agnes, Cassinda Philpott Davis, Albert, Charles Raymond, Minnie Mae, Bessie, John, Myrta Ellen, Joeseph, and Mary Catherine Davis. The house still stands today, in Fountain county, Indiana - thanks to Kim Hancock
DENHART, Tom with 1 of 13 mushrooms found in the 1960's on the Price Family Farm. Thanks to Thomas Denhart!
Devinish V.M., Arthur with with Maryetta Marquess Devinish; Portland Arch Indiana 1905. Thanks to Greg Marquess Fountain County, Indiana Genealogy
Devinish, Mary Etta Marquess Daughter Of John Marquess And Melissa Helms Marquess Portland Arch Indiana. Thanks to Greg Marquess Fountain County, Indiana Genealogy
DRAKE, Virgil and Nellie White - thanks to Marsha Patterson
Drollinger, Samuel (thanks muches Dellie) Note: He was born 1 March 1829 Fountain Co Ind and died 31 May 1902. He was father of Ada Dora Drollinger who married Owen Brenton Craig.(see pictures above) - his first wife was Mary Ann Jones.
Dugan, Betty and Eileen Campbell in front of Fredia Campbell’s house in Cates, 1938-1939. Thanks to Carl Parker for this picture.
Duncan, Jack - Indiana State Police in 1963
-- E --
Picture 1: Information as it is written on back of original picture: L-R top row: Ethiel Murray (Iowa) mother of: 1. Pearl; 2. Hamilton; 3. Guy; 4. Fred. W.W. Edwards (Waynetown) Nancy Ann (The mother from Mellott) L-R middle row: Hamilton Edwards (The father from Mellott) Fanny Cord (seated at table) Aunt Sette Anderson (Far right-middle row) this writing not clear. It looks like there are three children: 1. Ethel Duke; 2. Hamilton; 3. Charles; [I am not sure about these]. 3rd or bottom row: Aunt Molly Long (Waynetown) seated at Hamilton's right Aunt Gertie Frazier (Hillsboro) sitting on floor holding a book. Aunt Rachel (lower row, far right) Transcripted by Max Myers. The original was in possession of Pat Templeton Wagoner at that time. Thanks so much to Dellie & Roger Craig for this :)
Picture 2: Edwards, Hamilton & Mable - thanks muches again Dellie - you rock, girl ! Read all about it :)
Picture 3: Edwards, Hamilton & Nancy Suiter tombstone (at Dry Run)-- (Picture 4) entry to Dry Run Cemetery -- these were such large files and I'm not good at all shrinking them so please go to
Picture 5: Edwards, Hamilton Samuel Swinford
Picture 6: Edwards, Hamilton Samuel Swinford with car
Picture 7: Edwards, Mary (Molly) Catherine Edwards
Family Background for Hamilton Edwards from Dellie & Roger:
Hamilton's parents were Jonathan and Sarah Cowen McFee Edwards (Roger's great great great grandparents. Hamilton's wife was Nancy Ann Suiters (Roger's great great grandparents; their daughter was Mary Catherine Edwards who married Alonzo Newton Long (Roger's great-grandparents); their daughter was Nancy Faye Long who married Harry Rodgers (Roger's grandparents)
Erwin, Susie (thanks muches Jennie :)
ETTER, Sgt. Frederick Etter U.S. Army ..25th AERO SQUADRON PURSUIT.....Europe WWI...he was a biplane mechanic Thanks to Carl Simms for this great photo
Etter, Fred standing by car, Cletis and Orpha (Etter) Blackford in background on other side of car- on their farm just south of Wingate. Thanks to Carl Simms for contributing this photo
Etter, Joseph & Amanda Hybarger -- Thanks to Stephanie Simms
-- F --
Fennessey, John, Joe Kelley & ? -- thanks muches to Dustin S.
Fender, Artie Estie (Starnes, Bever) Thanks to Miranda Waltrip on the Fountain County Indiana Genealogy Facebook page
FINKELSTEIN, Ida - PHOTO coutesy of Steve Kruger :) THANKS
(24 April 2023)

Fisher, John Hartman Three photos contained in a photo gallery, submitted by and Thanks to his granddaughter, Cynthia Fisher Smith.
Floyd, Eva -- thanks so much to Jennie - anyone know anything about htis lady?
Fountain Thrashers - Photo from John Wolfgang of Gresham, Oregon -- his grandfather, the only known thrasher in the photo is in the middle of the top row (Solon Cowgill)
French, Gpa' -- just who IS Gpa' French, as in a name or information on him ?? - It'd be great to fill in some info - contact me if you know - in the meantime, this interestin' lookin' fellow will just have to remain Gpa' :) kbz
Fruits Family Members Some names listed on back of photo (around 24 family members shown) Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
Furr, Alexander son of Jacob Furr and Mary Polly Goslin, born 15 Feb 1834 in Steam Corners, Fountain County, Indiana. Thanks to Alicia Losser for submitting this photo.
Furr, Herman John son of Alexander Furr and Mary Jane Nelson. Born 23 January 1888 Mellott, Fountain County, Indiana Died 12 March 1971 Lincoln, Nebraska. Thanks to Alicia Losser for submitting this photo.
-- G --
Gerard, Richard -- thanks to Dustin S :)
Gilstrap, Charles Heber 1877-1966, son of John Harvey Gilstrap Source: from Sally Wright Yarbrough - Indiana Genealogy Facebook page
Gilstrap, Dawson 1874-1994, Died in a train accident Source: from Sally Wright Yarbrough - Indiana Genealogy Facebook page
Gilstrap, Martha Brown Ellmonr at her home, 800 East Washington, Covington Source: from Sally Wright Yarbrough - Indiana Genealogy Facebook page
Gilstrap, Nancy 1844-1914 Source: from Sally Wright Yarbrough - Indiana Genealogy Facebook page
Glasock, Troy Cade, Mary Lindley, Mildred & Hubert - thanks to the Peters' for this!
Glenwood Madden and Bull around 1922/23
Goben, Paul and Vivian Bever Wedding Photo Source: Thanks to Miranda Waltrip on the Fountain County Indiana Genealogy Facebook page
Gooding, Phoebe Sowers -- was a widow (married Thomas Gooding who died in 1896) for over 30 years (she died in 1928). She raised 12 children, as long as some who were not hers AND made extra money spinning. Some of her family members lived in her home until just the last few years (south of Wallace)
GOSSETT, Albert J. - PHOTO coutesy of Steve Kruger :) THANKS
Grant, Harriat -- with ? - thanks so much to Patrice W. for this awesome picture from Covington Indiana - the Askin family lived between Crawfordsville and Covington from 1817 - 1935. Thanks Patrice W -- Friends of Harriat - love to find out their names :)
Gray, Captain - thanks to Peters' - 1908 officials at Covington
Annis Martin Gray and Daniel Gray Identified by Andy Rice as formerly unidentified friends of the Marlatt's. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
-- H --
Haas, Alton Guy "Junior" as a young adult. Thanks to Andy Rice for sending this in. It was contained in a photo collection of his great grandparents.
Hadley children - from Jennie -- here is what she says about the pics -- Eva Ellen Hadley is sitting down, Martha Hadley is a portrait and someone had put a question mark after her name so not sure if that is who it is supposed to be and the boy at the bottom someone had written John Griffen ? date listed is Sept 13 or 15, 1885
Haga, Gene and Eunice (Lamb) Early in their relationship about 1941. Thanks to Jeff Bossaer for this picture of his wife's parents.
Hansel, Ralph (going by KHS)
Harden, Cecil Murray (congresswoman)
Harrison, George W and Margaret Rankin & family -- This is probably their first four children - Grace Ann in back with hand on Nella; William Henry on father's lap and baby Lula. - they had five more children - Sam; Arch; Charles; Ruby and Hazel
HAWKINS, Jerome Harrison -- Source: Ancestry- ASIEFKE1
HAWKINS, Simeon and Lovenia Source: From: Ancestry - ASIEFKE1 family tree
Hayworth, Dick - thanks to Dustin Stonebraker - greatly appreciated, DS :)
HELMS, James Franklin and Hannah Caffert Marlatt Family - Credit to Laura Gephart Adams
Hendricks, B. - thanks to Peters' - 1908 Officials at Covington
Hershberger, Henry Jeremial Family We have five photos centerted around the Henry Jeremiah Hershberger Family. We wish to thank John Wolfgang for this contribution. Other family names which could be included are Cowgill, Neal, Bonebrake, and Neal.
Hershberger, Hobart Lincoln - thanks so much to John W for this awesome pic :) -- Taken 1889 born: 1-11-1866 died: 1-5-1910 married 8-10-1892 Mary Henrietta Neal
Hicks, Dr. - thanks Peters' - 1908 Officials at Covington
Hogstrum, Martin and Bessie Wisma with daughter Vera - from Jeff Bossaer, also from Jeff the couple in later years
Howard, William Garrett, Jr. - thanks so much to Steve Kruger for lettin' me borrow this one :) Wm. Garrett was born 28 May 1923 and died 7 Nov 1978 - he was a mail carrier for 1/4 of a Century retiring in 1978 due to illness. Son of Wm. Garrett & Roberta Baldwin Howard, he was in the US Navy during WWII. His wife, Dorothy Delores Cates was born in Fountain County and they were married 27 April 1946. He graduated from Covington HS in 1941. He is pictured here in his American Legion Post hat.
Howard, Wm. G. Sr. and wife, Robert Baldwin, parents of William Garrett, Jr. above. Thanks to Steve K. for this one, too. Love these photos :)
HUTSON, Jenny Lou Thanks to Miranda Waltrip
HUTSON, Jim Thanks to Miranda Waltrip
HUTSON, Parvin "Bus" and bride Loreta Bever on their Honeymoon at Spring Mill State Park Thanks to Miranda Waltrip
-- I --
Irwin, Lew -- thanks Peters' - 1908 Officials at Covington
Irwin, Mac -- thanks Peters' - 1908 officials at Covington
IRWIN, Samuel Mack -- PHOTO courtesy of Steve Kruger :) THANKS
-- J --
Jinkins, Ellen Fitzgerald - thanks muches, Dellie
Jinkins, Samuel -- thanks Dellie again - love this pic
Johnson, William along with Norman and Eliza Rice Johnson, Catherine Johnson (wife of William) and children Carrie Johnson ans Lesa Johnson.
Johnson, Norman Family Farm includes Norman, son Wife Elizabeth and daughter. Abt 1900... thanks to Fred Smith on the Fountain County, Indiana Genealogy page
JONES, Alonzo - Family Includes his wife and children I believe. Not all of them named, need further indentification. (Newtown/Richland) Photos from the personal collection of Joyce Davis Jones and provided by the efforts of PA Rice, Much Thanks!!!. They were sent as 3 scrapebook album pages, in order to fit into out space requirments I cropped the photos off the page, then cleaned up, adjusted before uploading. Currently there are 11 photos displayed in a Slide show display.
Carl Jones with Friends Listed: Lena Smith Floyd, Beulah Smith Snelling, Jack Smith, Edith Dinwiddie House, Wilmer Smith, Kate Dinwiddie Taylor, Carl Jones, Victoria Smith, Charlie Smith, Dora Smith. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
JONES, Carl Willard and wife Sylvia Marie Miller with Granddaughter Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
Jones, Dallas Slide was taken somewhere in Germany in the late 1950s at a large Allied Army Ball, he is the man in the middle of the group. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
JONES Men? Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission! Andy says: This photo was in Lulu Peterson's packet. Unidentified currently. Possibility it is her two brothers and/or half brothers? Grover and Jesse Jones, but all conjecture of course
Jones, Newman and wife Sophia Clawson Jones Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
Jones, Tighlman Howard Civil War soldier from near Rob Roy. Son of Joel S Jones, brother of Zighlman, 1st cousin of Levi G Jones. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
-- K --
KEEFE, Tom Photo taken at Voorhis Studio, Indianapolis. Thanks to Thomas Denhart!
KERR, Isaac - PHOTO coutesy of Steve Kruger :) THANKS
KEYS, Clarence and Evelyn Here is a photo of Clarence and Evelyn Keys. Parents of my Grandmother's Aunt Thelma. From and Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
Keys, William Thomas - Family Includes wife and Children Thanks so much to Kim & Roger Hancock
Kiger, Ida Delp and husband John Wesley Kiger -- born 27 March 1873 daughter of Uriel & Nancy Clore Delp married John Wesley Kiger 24 December 1890 (he was born 16 March 1866 died 26 August 1944)-- thanks Dellie again - love this pic
KIGER, John R. Born 20 Feb 1929 – Parke County, Indiana Died: 13 Feb 2007 Crawfordsville, Indiana buried Rush Creek Cemetery, Parke County, Indiana. Married 1 Oct 1950 Barbara Ellen Newnum. John son of Harold Reid and Katherine (Grimes) Kiger
John owned a gas station in Kingman, Fountain County, Indiana for 46 years
Thanks to James Patton for this awesome photo!
Kingman Band, Old Settlers Meeting August 1908 - thanks so very much to John W. -- The boy seated in the front (on the right) is David S. Neal, brother of my GrGrandmother (Henrietta "Etta" Neal Hershberger)
-- L --
Lash, Evelyn - thanks to DS for this one :)
LaTourette Coverlet - owned by Mrs. Charles Mingee
Lawson, Henry Davis & wife, Phoebe Barker & children --the girls are easy, Amanda Catherine the one standing in the middle who married Alfred Swanson (1909) and Emma who married Karl Mitchell (1909). "Mandy was born in 1887 and Emma 1888 and they look to be about 7 or 8 so that seems to put the picture in about 1895. If trhat is the case, the older one in back with arm on father would be Manford next to him John Bryant Lawson and the boy in the front Joseph T. Lawson.
LeClair Children of Joseph Z and Marie (Gaudreau) LeClair! Pictures of five of their seven children born in Fountain County, out of eleven total. Thanks to Gayle Pearson for letting us post these photos!
Lemper family photos -- Genevieve Mary Lemper 300 N Perry Street Attica IN Known info as of Dec 2011. Purchased in a private estate lot in a Covington antique store. Lemper Family - Moved from Para Illinois to Attica Indiana. From conversations I have had with older Attica natives, "Two old Lemper Maids lived together into their old age" There is a group of them buried in the Attica Cemetery. Sheeley, George. Born in PA, Died in OH, was in the military. Brother of Ida Sheeley Sheeley, IDA. Assumed Born in PA. Sister of George Sheeley. - thanks so much to Dustin Stonebraker - he's shared some great pics with us :)
Lemper 1 (labled Mother & Genevieve)--
Lemper 2 (Genevieve)--
Lemper 3 (Genevieve?)--
Lemper 4 (Wiley Obermeyer & KL) --
Lemper 5 -- Sheeley, George --
Lemper 6 (VanPetan, Carrie, a missionary in Japan - it also says Sarah R Rigg on back of photo) --
Lemper 7 (Florence Kersey Daught -cousin of Emma Rigg Kersey) --
Lemper 8 (Eiler, Olive) --
Lemper 9 (Buck, Daniel, A, PA friend of John & Mary Rigg) --
Lemper 10 -- Lightle, Ralph - 1933, Attica, Indiana --
Lemper 11 (Chapson? Chapsin? -- I wonder if this might be MV Chapman, the photographer) --
Lemper 12 (Mrs. Benamire; Charles Graf & wife; Mary Kilmartin; Elizabeth Lemper--
Lemper 13 (Genevieve Lemper, 300 N. Perry Street, Attica IN) --
Lemper 14 (Katherine Lemper) --
Lemper 15 (Maxine Larew; Mary Caton & Helen Jozsa) --
Lemper 16 (Mordecai Beard, Reading PA - must have been friends with the Lemper family) --
Lemper 17 (Alfred Lemper) --
Lemper 18 (diff view of Genevieve) --
Lemper 19 (Lemper, Helen & Herman - he is a HOOT) --
Lemper 20 (Mary Lemper; Nettie Benamire; Bidg Moran; Celia Timm) --
Lemper 21 (Valerie Frances Lemper - photo taken 9-24-1930 - she was born 1-4-1929).
Lemper 22 - Mary Lemper; Nettie Benamire; Bida Moran; Celia Timm; Kate Smith taken 5-5-1937;
Lemper 23 -- Taken Jan 12, 1936 - Mr. Scheider died 3-8-1936 - Anna; Elizabeth; Tena ? Scheidler; Mother; Charles S & Frank Scheider -
Lemper 24 -- Edith & Maggie Bauman home (1958 - was Lemper home?)
Lightle, Ralph -- see Lemper 10 above
Lightle, Samuel Guy & family - Thanks Dustin for this one & thanks MARC II for the revision on it - it looks great :) Samuel b. 15 May 1883 near Veedersburg d. 28 Feb 1968 Kingman - s/o William Dayton Lightle and Ethie May Drollinger - married 13 Jan 1907 to Edna Florence Harvey. To my knowledge, they only had one child, Elizabeth who never married (b 22 Feb 1912 died in 2005). The two boys I believe are Samuel "Guy's" younger brothers by his father's second marriage to Millie Lindley. The boys would be Kelso and Clyde. The picture is probably take in about 1918
Lindley, Isaac & wife, Elizabeth ? on last name - thanks again to Jennie - she has been GREAT adding pics here :)
Lindley, Miles & his muskrat ? friend - love this crazy pic - thanks to Dustin S for this
Lindley, Miles and his wife, Grace Harmon Lindley - thanks again DS :)
Lindley - maybe ? Unidentified woman and child - she may be a Lindley - HELP IDENTIFY ME :) Thanks to Jennie P. for this one - now, let's get her identified !!
Lindley -- maybe #2 -- I think this may be Charles Irvin Lindley and Rebecca Jane Barker -- it almost looks like one of the pictures taken for the Beckwith histories so I might find it in an old history book and tagged it for sure -- ANYONE KNOW FOR SURE ??????? kz (thanks, Marsha P for the pic)
Lindley, Stella - see Unknown Woman (other column under "U")
Lindley-Barker - 4 generation -- Rebecca Jane Barker Lindley holding Glen Bonebrake; in back, LeDora (Dora) Lindley Bonebrake and in front, Lucinda Cotton Barker
Livengood, Flora Parker and Jasper Andrew Also, included is a photo of their grandson Byron Nelson Livengood and four of their great grandchildren: Ted Jeffrey, Hal Douglas, Sally Ann Livengood Zuber, Rex Leslie. Thanks to their great-granddaughter Sally Ann Livengood Zuber
Livengood Reunion -1951 - thanks to Mark Smith
Livengood, Manford -- thanks Peters' - 1908 officials at Covington - I do know that he was superintendent of schools this year but not sure which man he is :( SURE LOVE TO HAVE THESE FOLKS IDENTIFIED
Livengood, Wilson Marion Family in 1906 - Thanks to Steve Livengood via Mark Smith
-- M --
McALISTERS, Nancy "Nannie"Lyon and FAMILY Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
McCORD, William H. - PHOTO coutesy of Steve Kruger :) THANKS
McKnight Family - Stuart and Grace with son David and daughter Marcia. Thanks to Roxann Kerns
McMahan, Katie -- thanks, Peters' - 1908 officials at Covington
Madden - in a collecton of Anson Madden & Clair Bowsher - is this a Madden gma' with her grandchild or a Bowsher one?
Madden, Anson and Clair Bowsher - wedding picture - thanks so very, very much Jennie - what a GREAT pic
Madden, Anson G. #2 (love to know what gathering this is)-- Madden family reunion? Get-together of Anson's children from his 3-wives? Anyone know anyone doing whatever in this -- only known people for sure are: Clair Bowsher Madden (far left looking at photo) - has child Glenwood Madden; and her husband, Anson Madden.
Madden, Anson G -- officials gathered on courthouse steps at Covington - 1908
Madden (or Bowsher) - unknown young boy with distinctive face - but WHO IS HE? Let Jennie or me know PLEASE if you have a guess or know for sure who this nifty young man is !!
Madden Brothers - Left to right: George; L.J.; Sarah Lindley; Fred; Glenwood. This might be at Glenwood's graduation from Kingman HS in 1921. Thanks so much to Jennie for sharing this one :)
Love it!
MADDEN, Glenwood and Bull around 1922/23
Madden, Glenwood and George - 1949 at a Wedding Reception
Madden, Claude P. (thanks Tom & Jennie :)
Madden, Glenwood - 1921 (probable - 1922?) Kingman HS graduation - he went on to graduate from Ohio State Veterenarian College of Medicine and practice in Madeira, Ohio - thanks Jennie :)
Madden, Telsie (d/o Claude thanks T&J)
Maloy, Vincent -- thanks to Dustin S for this one :)
MARIS, Dr. Lee J & daughter, Glenda & Jennie with her mother - thanks Jennie - she has been sooo helpful sending pics for this site - you rock INCLUDES: 2 Photos of Dr. Maris graduation from Medical School.
Marks Family - thanks so much to Jennie for this one - she's been such a great helper/contributor to this site - you rock J :)-- Bottom row, left to right. Kezia(Marks?) Lydia Ann Marks Madden, ----, Ora Duncan, Mrs Duncan (Marks?). Aunt Kate Marks Back Row. Left to right, Something Woody, Tom Marks, Capt. Jake Marks, George Marks, Tom Marks, ----, Aunt Lydia, Marion Duncan, I checked on the Marion Duncan and it said he married a Lydia Marks. She must be the daughter of another Marks. I don't think she could be Lydia Marks Madden's sister. Lydia must have been a popular name.
Marks, George Family - Thanks so very much for this and all the great photos Jennie shares with us -- Front from left: George Marks, wife Lydia - back, James, Jennie and Horace (however I could have the boys mixed- up - let me know anyone who knows which boy for sure :) kbz
MARKS, Scott Family -- Thanks to Jennie
Marquess, John and Family -- Greg Marquess from the Fountain County, Indiana Genealogy Facebook page - used with permission, Thanks Greg :)
MARLATT, Benjamin father of Newman Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
MARLATT, Elizabeth Wagner (wife of Benjamin) along with Margaret Marlatt Hatton and Maria Marlatt Simons Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission! Note: Newman's mother; and grandmother to Pearl Martin Marlatt.
MARLATT, Elizabeth Wagner (wife of Benjamin) along with Margaret Marlatt Hatton and Maria Marlatt Simons Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission! Note: Newman's mother; and grandmother to Pearl Martin Marlatt.
MARLATT, Encil As a young acrobatic horse rider. Thanks to Andy Rice, who found this as an old negative of Newman Marlatt/Pearl Marlatt of Fountain County/Newtown and was able to scan the negative. Great job Andy, thanks for sending it in.
MARLATT, 70th Anniversary of Encil and Maxine In our News section, an Article by Bob Scott and photo by Amy Bombassaro of the Journal and Courier on 3 November 1999.
MARLATT, Encil Newman and Maxine Cronk (3 photos) Photos from the personal collection of Joyce Davis Jones and provided by the efforts of PA Rice, Much Thanks!!!
MARLATT, Encil and his grandson Phil Rice photo around the late 1950's, maybe 1960. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
"Marlatt, Aunt Frank" aka Frances B. Peasley Marlatt or Frances Bradburn MARLATT Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
MARLATT, Lydia Martin Thanks to Andy Rice, who found this as an old negative of Newman Marlatt/Pearl Marlatt of Fountain County/Newtown and was able to scan the negative. Great job Andy, thanks for sending it in.
MARLATT, Lydia Pearl Martin and her cousin or sister per Andy (3 photos) Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
MARLATT, Newman and Pearl Martin and Family Members (6 Photos in a slide show album) Photos from the personal collection of Joyce Davis Jones and provided by the efforts of PA Rice, Much Thanks!!!
MARLATT, Newman with unidentified man. Newman is on the right side of picture and the unidentified man on the left to Newman's right. Thanks to Andy Rice, who found this as an old negative of Newman Marlatt/Pearl Marlatt of Fountain County/Newtown and was able to scan the negative. Great job Andy, thanks for sending it in.
Marlatt, Girls with friend we’ve been unable to identify. The photo is in the 1920s'. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
MARLATT, Unidentified friends of Newman Marlatt/Pearl Marlatt of Fountain County/Newtown. Have been identified by Andy as Annis Martin Gray and Daniel Gray. Thanks to Andy Rice, who found this as an old negative of Newman Marlatt/Pearl Marlatt of Fountain County/Newtown and was able to scan the negative. Great job Andy, thanks for sending it in.
Martin, Amos and wife Hannah Palin 6 photos in a slide presentation Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
EXTRA!! EXTRA!! ADDED 2 PHOTOS OF HIM IN FRONT OF HIS HOME, may include his wife (ladies not named)? Total of 8 pictures!
MARTIN, Cora sister of Pearl Martin Marlatt Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
MARTIN, John and wife Martha Zook with daughter Dema Martin (Alfrey) Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
Martin, John (Group Postcard Picture, also includes back of postcard with message) John and possibly his wife Martha and 6 young people (Unnamed). Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
Mauk, Jerry and Pauline Fisher (she was born and raised in Kingman - KHS 1943 - lived in Indianapolis for years then retired and built a home outside of Kingman (at Harveysburg) where he raised Percheron horses. Thanks so much to Cynthia Smith for this beautiful photo :)
McBroom, Barton -- he's been hiding for years :(
McKinney, William McClure -- son of Presley Thompson and Sarah Jane McClure McKinney. This is the great granduncle of Jeff Quirk, who graciously let me use this photo. William was in Co I, 15th Indiana Infantry, mustering in as 2nd Lt. on 24 April 1861 (from Covington, Indiana) promotoed to 1st Lt. 10 Sept 1861 then Captain 9 Nov 1862. Mustered out 25 June 1864. His dairy is in Wabash College Archives. He seems to be buried in the (at Wingate but since in Fountain County must be near Wingate over the county line) Oak Ridge Cemetery but no death date - just 28 Years 5 Months 19 days - if he was mustered out because of death, then he would be born 6 December 1835 which tallies with the 1850 & 1860 census. Anyone know for sure, let me know :) THANKS
Mick, Ezekiel (thanks so much to Judy E for this awesome pic of a cool banjo player :) Also his wife, Ellen Nancy Covalt and daughter, Effie Zee Mick VanHook
Miller Family, 8 January 1922. The Millers lived around Stone Bluff. The patriarch in this photo Charles Lincoln Miller is buried at Osborn prairie and his father and grandfather are buried at Crazy Corner South Cemetary/Progressive Friends near Stone Bluff. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
Miller Photo Album - thanks so much to the nice couple who gave me this to enter on the site but so sorry forgot your names and even had a great breakfast at Benjamin's with ya' :( SORRY!
Miller, William "Bill" -- although it is not positive but 95% sure this is the Bill Miller born to Fleming and Serilda Gooding Miller who died in the March 1906 Pueblo Colorado train disaster. So sad !
Mitchell, Fred and Effie Bever Wedding Photo Source: Thanks to Miranda Waltrip on the Fountain County Indiana Genealogy Facebook page
Moody, Marlin & a Nolan girl - thanks, JP
Moran -- see Lemper Family Photos
Morgan, Homer (born Jackson Twp, Fountain County, Indiana 20 Feb 1880 to Joseph Nathaniel & Amanda Barker Morgan) and wife, Blanche Banta, children, Kenneth & Mary and a friend, Tom Durham - thanks to Jerry Lou :)
Morgan, Nathaniel & Sarah Bowers Reichard Sowers (my great, great grandparents - kz)
Myers, Foreign and Jewel Starnes Wedding Photo Source: Thanks to Miranda Waltrip on the Fountain County Indiana Genealogy Facebook page
-- N --

Newman, Samuel Jesse Jan 25, 1892-Dec 18,1963 He was the son of Joseph H. Newnum and Ann Carr. He married Anna Fisher on October 13, 1923 in Kingman, Indiana. Photo is in his brother-in-law John Hartman Fisher's album, contributed by his neice Cynthia Fisher Smith.
Nine, Bonnie Barr Riverside in. Thanks to Greg Marquess Fountain County, Indiana Genealogy
Nine, Bonnie Barr and her mother, Florence Thanks to Greg Marquess Fountain County, Indiana Genealogy
Nixon Family Photos
Noble, Benjamin Richard - thanks so much to Dustin Stonebraker for all these wonderful Noble pictures :)
Noble, Clara - what a unique and different viewpoint of pictures Clara has taken -- 4 and an explanation to her grandparents - precious !
Noble, David R. and Pearl Cruea - Two pictures, the second is during Bicentennial - at Covington - thanks, DS
Noble, Dean - US Navy
Noble, Gene - 3-11-1975 - thanks DS
Noble, James H. - Civil War photo - awesome, Dustin !!
-- O --
OCBORN, Charles E. - PHOTO coutesy of Steve Kruger :) THANKS
Ogden, Anaias son of Cornelius Ogden and Susanna Diehl b. abt 1799 Rockbridge, Virginia Died 10 February 1889 Fountain, Indiana. Included is a photo of Sarah Love his first wife. Also, a photo of Anaias with second wife Mary Waskey widow of Charles B Dagger. Thanks to Alicia Losser for submitting this photo.
Ogden, Sarah Ann born abt 1830 to Cornelius Ogden and Susanna Diehl. Married Frederick R. Nelson in 26 October 1842 in Fountain and died in 27 December 1852. Thanks to Alicia Losser for submitting this photo.
OSBORN, John L. - PHOTO coutesy of Steve Kruger :) THANKS
-- P --
PALIN, Charles C. Photo from death notice, posted November 30, 1906 (paper unknown) Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
Palin, Zeb (Zeptimus) Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission
PARHAM, J. Fred - PHOTO coutesy of Steve Kruger :) THANKS
Parker Family & Naoma Cronk Fishero Persons in the photo are labled. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission
Parker Family - Charles, Mabel Keeling, Margaret Cronk, Clifford (Names included) Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission
George Parker and Mary Olive Rusk Parker of Hillsboro, 3X Great Grandparents of Andy Rice. The rest are most of her presumed siblings. She had 9 brothers/sisters, and they all look exactly alike. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
Perry, Sonny - Kingman boy :) Thanks JP
PETERSON, Elmer and wife Lulu Belle Jones Peterson Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
PITHOUD, Elisha with wife and sisters: Anna Barker, Elizabeth Nichols and Charolette Harvey. (Found in the Iva Lewis Obituary Collection, Paper unknown.)
Plowman, Sisters Ida and Lucy photo contributed by Donna Laughlin
Poole Family Thanks to Scott Busenbark Jessie May (McFann) Poole, Mary, Clarence, Vera, Nellie, and John. Behind is Grant Albert and William Clyde.
PRICE, Bethany mother of John Price. Thanks to Thomas Denhart!
PURNELL, Samuel J. - PHOTO coutesy of Steve Kruger :) THANKS
-- Q --
Sorry no Photos with Q Family Surnames!
-- R --
Ratcliff, Capitola (Tolie) and Della (thanks Jennie)
(23 February 2023)
Ratcliff, Susan & family --See also this speculation of who is in the photo -- I have a photo postcard that was mailed in Kingman, July 3, 1907. This appears to be of part of Thomas "Uncle Tommy" Ratcliff's family. It is a photo of some of them. I have been trying to figure out who all the people are. His daughter Susan sent the post card to her brother Zack's (also seen as Zach, Zacharith, and Zacceus based on obits and other records) wife addressed to Yeddo, Ind. Someone later wrote on it with "Mary Ratcliffe Sanders Susan Sowers family". She only says this: July 3, Taken out (assume this meant either at or outside) home the 3rd Sun. July. Ry? didn't feel able to go to Osborn Prairie so we are not going. Susan. I am not sure what date she meant since she mailed it on July 3rd. Possibly, she really meant June or some other month but accidently put July. Unfortunately, Susan didn't list names of everyone. So, I assume she figured her brother's family would know who they are. I have not figured out who 'Ry" could be. I have figured out that Thomas Ratcliff was married twice. I know he is in the picture because I have a newspaper photo of him put in a article in January 1911 and then later when he died in April of 1911. The elderly lady next to him is probably his second wife Elizabeth Jane Little. I doubt if any of the people were from his first wife, Anna Retta Bradford, based on how old the people look in the photo. Silas was in Kansas at this time, so none are probably his family. Ellen and David J. would probably have been older. Emely or Emily Bond could possibly be in the photo, but she too would probably have looked older. I suspect two of the women are Serepta and Ida Ratcliff from the second marriage and sister of Susan. They were not married and still living with their parents. One of the men probably is Edmond "Eddie" Ratcliff since he was living there. Susan is probably in the photo since she mailed it along with her husband Ira Elmer Sowers and their daughter Ruth M. Ruth was born about 1899. Their next child wasn't born until 1912. The question I have is who are the others. Edmond was married to Mary D. s. in 1906 There is one more woman in the photo. They didn't have a child until Based on someone writing her name as Mary Ratcliff Sanders (who was her second husband in 1918, Edmond died in 1911), I suspect she may be the woman. ut if so, it leaves a puzzle as to the other man, two older boys, and another girl. My first guess would be that this is Anderson Ratcliff, his two sons and daughter. His other 2 children would have been young in 1907, but there are no babies or young children in the photo. Possibly they were left out. Also, if Mary is in the photo, where is Anderson's wife? If it is them, Edward "Eddie Thomas Ratcliff, Marion Marshall Ratcliff, and Neomi (Naomi) Ratcliff would be the other young people. Neomi would have been about 7, Eddie would have been about 14, and Marshall would have been about 10. But the young people look older than that. It would make since that they would be Andersons family. However, I found some newspaper articles that say Anderson was sent to the Assylum in Indianapolis in 1905 and again in 1906 and he later died in February 29,1907 there. So, if this was actually taken in June of 1907, he couldn't be in the photo. So, I don't know who the other man is. I found the picture of Edward Thomas Ratcliff who died in WWI. He does look like he could be a older version of one of the young boys, but I don't know for sure. The bigger question is when was the photo taken. She say the 3rd Sun. July, but it is postmarked 3 July 1907. If it really was taken at that time, it would have been from a previous year, such as 1906. In that case it is possible Anderson could be in the photo since he apparently could have came and went back to the hospital since he did it before. If it was taken in 1907, then it is possible that the other man is another Ratcliff. I don't think it would be Zachariah though since he would probably have looked older, plus all of his family would have been older by this time. Three women definitely look like sisters. I can't tell about the forth woman who appears to be a bit younger. One is definitely a son of Thomas, because he just looks like a younger version. The man I am not sure about also looks like he could be a son. The man in the back probably is Ira Elmer Sowers because he doesn't look like the others. Anyway, I was wondering if I could send a copy of the postcard, the newspaper photo of Thomas, and the photo of Edward Thomas and little bio from the Gold Star book, to see if anyone who is related can recognize them. I can give a list of who I think the people might be in the postcard. Thanks Kathy Snow
The Following are contained in Reed Family **
Reed -- daughters of Rev. Joseph C. and Emma Boothroyd Reed -- Left = Emma; Top = Anna; Right = Mary; Bottom is Josephine - photo taken by John Andrew Henney, Attica, Indiana about 1883 - thanks so much to Jenny Alvarado for this and other awesome Fountain county pics of her ancestors :) Normally, I probably would have typed this, but I LOVED the explanation hand-written on the back - about Mary Cash Boothroyd , mother of Emma Boothroyd Reed - ahhh, if more would have done this :) Reed Brady, son of Anna Reed . Reed - four generations -- I LOVE this picture -- on left is Emma Boothroyd Reed; middle top, Mary Reed Adams; right: Mary Cash Boothroyd; and botto is Mildred Adams Schupp (mother of Little Moe - who is Eleanor Schupp Feitel). Reed Brady, son of Anna Reed -- this one is a pic of cousins, Nayne Reed, Mildred Abigail Adams, Will Reed -- Nayne Reed, daughter of Will B. Reed -- Mary Reed Adams, as a child -- Mildred Adams Schupp, granddaughter of J.C. and Emma Boothroyd Reed - taken by Sperry, 319 Summit Street, Toledo, Ohio -- Mildred is the daughter of Mary Reed & James Adams she married Otto Schupp; their daughter, Eleanor Scupp married Joseph Feitel. Their son, Joseph married Caroline Beach and they had our wonderful contributor, Jenny! You rock, girl! These are sooo awesome!! OTHER REED PICTURES BELOW : Thanks, Jenny!!
** Reed, Joseph Clark (Rev) born 7 March 1826 Ohio and died 27 Oct 1887 -- His wife, Emma Boothroyd Reed -- born 1 April 1833 (England) died 9 May 1906 -- they are buried in Riverside Cemetery, Attica, Indiana -- he was a Doctor of Divinity and served as the Presiding Elder (District Superintent) of Terre Haute and Greencastle districts for the NorthWest Indiana Conference. Also, he served as Chaplain during the Civil War for the 29th Indiana Chaplain
** Reed, Will B. son of Rev. Joseph Clark & Emma Boothroyd Reed married Carrie Hay 3 April 1884 in Fountain County, Indiana. They had at least one daughter, Nayne Reed born Sept 1886
Reichard, Sammy -- was called "Uncle Sammy" even by people who were not his relation. He was a bit slow but a sweet man. The son of Solomon Reichard and Sarah Bowers, he lived with his half sister (see Gooding, Phoebe Sowers) most of his life. You can even see one of the same dogs I believe in the two pictures
Rice Family 1898 Names included Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
Rice Family Reunion and the Rice-Stephens combined Family Reunions. Starting in 1897. three articles and one group photo. Furnished by Andy Rice through the courtosey of Fred Smith or Andrew Smith.
Rice, Ferman Herman also known as "Fuzzy Rice". Pictured here with the school bus he drove, along with two riders Don Brown and his sister. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission, Fuzzy was his first cousin twice removed.

Rice, George Washington and son William Low Rice Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission along with Andrew and Fred Smith for scanning the tintypes!
RICE, Grandma & Grandpa labeled tintypes. Currently names unknown. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission and Fred Smith for scanning the tintypes!
Rice, James and Olivia - Family Added 2 new pages (8 pictures) of family Photographs. I have place in a slide show gallery, giving a chance to look at full screen and enlarge. Thanks to PA Rice for the photos and information on the family!!!!
Rice, Jonathan B. A tintype photo, included on this page is a "Hillsboro Newspaper" article on the 1903 "Rice-Strephens Family Reunion" which also shows Jonathan and Susan Rice along with Wallace and Rachel Stephens Rice. These are courtesy of Fred Smith, whose direct relative is Mary Rice Clore, Jonathan's daughter. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
James Washington Rice with Car Eddis Rice Dice and neighbor J Arthur. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
Rice, Rubinette This is from the “1919 Polyscope” of Bradley Polytehnic Institute/Bradley university. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
RICE: Samuel and America Alice Abolt Rice their four Daughters Source: Fountain County Indiana Genealogy Facebook Page and Alicia Losser
Robb, Cleantha French - mother of Lona Robb Shannon and grandmother of Rollin Robb Shannon - MV Chapman Photographer, Attica - thanks Dellie
ROBINSON, WP "Christmas Greetings from" 10 individuals in the photo, ALL unnamed. Not sure of year? Photo Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
Romine, Leon Rex - from Purdue Debris 1914 Yearbook - thanks muches to Kathy S :)
Rusk Family Siblings George Parker and Mary Olive Rusk Parker of Hillsboro, 3X Great Grandparents of Andy Rice. The rest are most of her presumed siblings. She had 9 brothers/sisters, and they all look exactly alike. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
-- S --
Sanders, Ray - thanks Peters' - officials at Covington - 1908
Sanders - Vern, Calvin & Virgil - while in Kansas - Calvin was born there in 1888 (looks like 1889-1890) then the family returned to Fountain County after 4-5 years
Schintz, Martha Coleman daughter of Issac and Rachel Thompson Crummey Coleman
Schoonover, Judge - (Isaac?) - thanks to Peters' -- officials at Covington
Shades provided by David Shade
Front Row
Harold Gegner, Ilah Gegner, Vera Gegner Shade, Gertrude Rafferty, Donald Moore, Mary McCarty Starke
Middle Row
Elizabeth Ball Gegner, Charles Gegner, Charlotte Maureder? holding Charlotte Gegner Hudson, Nancy Gegner holding Edith Gegner Ford, Ella McCarty, Alma McCarty, Mary Ball
Back Row
Hugh McCarty, Ernest Cedars, Anna Maureder, Verne Cedars, Franklin Cedars, Edna Gegner Cedars, Clarence Moore, Mildred Crowder, Margaret Moore, Lydia Fruits Cruea, Benjamin Ball
Shade, John W & 2nd wife, Susan Vice - thanks again to Daivd S for all the great goodies from this family :) SORRY this came out sideways even though I saved it right side up :( SORRY -kz)
Shade, Garfield & Mary Gray - wedding day with family members - neat idea/neat pic - thanks, muches David :) --This I believe is my GreatGrandparents Garfield & Mary Gray Shade's wedding day picture with her side of the family the Gray's & Fouts ( same ones you have in other pictures) .My Aunt was able to put together a key , Back row ;Garfield Shade,Maggie Fouts?, James Gray,Charlie Smith,Cora Cord-Fouts,Jimmy Fouts(son of Joe Fouts,stpsn of Cora) Middle Row; Mary Gray Shade(Daughter of James & Ellie),John Fouts,Ellie Fouts Gray( child Walter Gray),Mother of Ellie Gray& Cora Smith Fouts,Smith Child,Cora Fouts Smith(Sis of Ellie),Joe Fouts(brother of Ellie & Cora,Cecile Gray(sis of Mary,Nellie& Walter) Front Row ;child of John Fouts,Child of John Fouts,Nellie Gray,Icie Smith,Edith Smith,Ilah Fouts,Charles FoutsClaud & Roscoe Fouts up front.
Shade, Lafayette & Eliza Wheeler - thanks to their great great grandson, David Shade for this one :)
Sheeley, George - s/o Rachel Rigg Sheeley
Sheeley, Ida -- daughter of Rachel Rigg Sheeley "Carrie"
Shirley, Bessie Woods -- thanks to Dustin S -- Bessie Woods Shirley - Jan 3 1885 - Jan 18 1955 - Born Rossville IN - Died Veedersburg IN First to contribute to Red Cross in veedersburg - Also had six sons in service at once. -- Younger pic -- another one - thanks DUSTIN
Shuler, brother Charles and sister Lillian. Children of Eston and Oda (Roach) Shuler. Thanks to Patty Snider - Jackson Twp Facebook page!
Shoaf, Pauline ?? (unknown child thought to be Pauline Shoaf -- this is a hoot - I can't imagine doing this to a child for a picture :( Thanks Marsha P for these
Sigler, Arthur Howard & Mary Ellen (Stull) (thanks to Sandra Shepard for this one & one below)
Simmons, Maria and Monroe Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission! I was told this is Maria and Monroe Simmons by my grandmother. They would have been a great aunt & uncle to her. She wasn’t living when this photo was taken but it was taken just north of Newtown on the family farm, according to the rest of the negatives in the batch. Early/Mid 1920s.
Slattery, John (thanks to CDPL for this photo - C'ville Library is great and has a wonderful collection of photos -- John Slattery was born in Limerick County, Ireland in 1841. In Montgomery County, Indiana he apprenticed to a saddlemaker but when he lived in Covington, Fountain County, he owned a tavern. He served in the 86th Indiana Infantry during the Civil War, Co. K. Also from CDPL here is a photo of John in later life. He died 28 January 1890 in Covington. He was married to Elizabeth McCabe and they had 9 children.
Smith, Elmer -- such a cutie - thanks Dustin S for htis one :)
Smith, Elmer, Cora, Ivan & Ralphie (killed age 7) - thanks Dustin
Sniff, Elsworth and Ida (Sowers) - thanks to my new-found cousin, Kirk S
Sowers. family (again, thanks muches Kirk) about 1905 - Kansas - Ida Sowers Sniff 2nd row; Huston Sowers (they were born in Fountain County) Legend for this picture
Sowers Clan, Legend for this picture
Sowers, Lewis & 2nd wife (Margaret Ingram)
Spencer, Flossie - thanks muches to Dustin Stonebraker !
Spinning, Anna - thanks to the Peters' for this neat picture of the 1908 officials at Covington
Spinning, Dr. (thanks to the Peters' for this nifty picture of the 1908 officials at Covington)
Spinning, Guy (thanks Jennie & Tom) - 1908 officials
Stonebraker Album ***, Photos supplied by Dustin Stonebreaker
***Stonebraker, Edith -- Edith M Shirley Stonebraker - Jul 5 1904 Kentucky to Dec 1983 Veedersburg Second wife of Charles Alvin Stonebraker - Daughter of Franklin Shirley and Bessie M Woods - thanks so very much to Dustin Stonebraker for this and all these great Stonebraker pics :)
***Stonebraker, Edward J -- Edward J Stonebraker - 14 Jul 1867 Montgomery County to 03 Oct 1945 Indianapolis In. Married Martha Jane Wainscot of Mont County. Father of Homer Stonebraker - Abandoned Family and moved to Indianapolis. His last known address is now the address to the new Lucas Oil Stadium. Buried in an known but unmarked grave. Only known photo of this man. - Thanks so much DS :)
***Stonebraker, Florence -- 90th birthday - Feb 4, 1960 (Florence Idell Smith - thanks to Cynthia Fisher Smith )
***Stonebraker, Homer -- Homer Stonebraker - The basketball player with his second wife Jannette Williams
***Stonebraker, James Robert and wife Betty Noble with Edith ShirleyNoble - thanks to Dustin Stonebraker
***Stonebraker, Martha & Sue Ann -- Martha J Wainscot Stonebraker - Wife of Edward J Stonebraker - 27 Jul 1869 Boston Store, Indiana - 30 Apr 1947 holding grandaughter Sue Ann Stonebraker as labeled. THANKS Dustin
***Stonebraker, Mary Artie -- Mary Artie with Diploma Jun 1900 Montgomery co Schools - thanks Dustin
***Stonebraker, Maurice -- Maurice A Stonebraker - May 15 1908 Veedersburg to Jun 11 1991 Danville IL VA Hospital - Son of Charles Alvin and Lydia Ellen Lightle Stonebraker - Never married - no Children - thanks, Dustin
***Stonebraker, Robert & Sue Allen -- Robert L Stonebraker - Nov 27 1902 Montgomery County to Mar 10 1993 Attica - Married to Susan Dolphina (Delphina) Allen Mar 7 1925 in Attica - Son of Edward J and Martha Jane Wainscott Stonebraker - Brother to Hoosier Basketball Hall of Famer Homer Stonebraker - thanks so much, Dustin!
***Stonebraker, William Earl "Bill" -- William Earl (Bill) Stonebraker - Oct 18 1930 Veedersburg to May 8 1985 - Married July 9 1951 to Ramona Lee Perry
Swanson, Alfred and Amanda Lawson (Mandy) -- they were the sweetest couple at the Barker reunions when I was a kid. She was born in Yeddo, Fountain County in 1887 and married in 1909 there but spent most of her life in Fowler/Lafayette area raising her fabulous children -- he loved kids and the first five began with M's meaning he wanted more (Mary; Mable; Mildre; Myrl; Manford) then came Helen for Hold; Estin for Enough and finally the LAST was Lorene.
-- T --
Teagarden, George & wife - anyone know anything about this couple??
TEEGARDEN, Noah Marion 1876-1951 from a paper?
Templeton, Buryl Shirley Four photos from school into later in life with 3 of her siblings. Thanks to Kim Davis Keeling
Templeton, Lana Wedding to David L. Jackson, 7 April 1984, San Juan Capistrano, California. Thanks to Kim Davis Keeling
Templeton, Lori Wedding to John David Gash, 22 April 1978, Orange County, California. (2 images and no other names) Thanks to Kim Davis Keeling
Templeton, Thomas (3 images) As an infant, a young man with his 36 Ford and a formal portrait. Thanks to Kim Davis Keeling
Thorn, John with wife Emma Johnson married 25 December 1888 in Fountain County, Indiana, also a photo image of Marriage License. Both thanks to Fred Smith.
THORN, Mary Clore along with John and Emma Thorn, thanks to Fred Smith - Fountain County Indiana Genealogy Facebook Page for this picture of his 3x Great grandmother
Timm -- see Lemper family photos
Tinder, Arlie Photo courtesy of Attica Indiana Facebook page and personnel information thanks to Ben Day!
Truman, Henry C & wife, Martha Leach (Thanks, Beth R)
Truman, James & family -- (neat pictures - thanks, Beth) - this is the second wife of James C. Trumman, Mary Surbaugh and daughter, Estel)
Truman, Ben, James & Alice -- (thanks, Beth) - brothers/sister some of the children of James Calvert & Mary Surbaugh Truman (often spelled Trueman
-- U --
Unnamed photos from the Rice-Johnson Family. These are courtesy of Fred Smith, whose direct relative is Mary Rice Clore, Jonathan's daughter. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
These are 3 unknown groups (in separate photos) from Andy Rice, which he did not know. They may be people associated with northern Fountain County around Newtown and Mellott. Possibly Cronks, Martins, Marlatts or associated families. If you recognize anyone people let us know so we can name them and let Andy know. THANKS
Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
Unknowns - several photos of unknown people, especially children
Unknown lady -- probably a Hadley, Madden or relation to them - thanks Jennie
Unknown family - thanks to Jennie - please help us identify this one :)
Unknown family2 - probably of a Fountain family friends/relation to Bowshers. Taken by Eppert & Sons of Terre Haute. Thanks again to Jennie for sending so many of these wonderful family photos (Bowsher)
Unknown family3 This is a mystery family. Could be a Newman Marlatt sister or within their realm of extended relatives. From the archives of Andy Rice. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
Unknown family 3 Thanks to Robert Milligan! Rob has a feeling that it is some extension of the Youmans family. His branch of the family lived in Mecca, Clinton and Newport areas.
Unknown woman - has "Stella Lindley" on front with a ? - thanks to Jennie - if anyone can confirm this, please let me know :)
Unknown man -- same exact time obviously as woman above - so he might be a Lindley or else Stella's husband OR I think they look alike so could be bro/sis
Unknown man-wife - photo taken by Eppert & Sons from Terre Haute (but may hav e been in the area taking pictures as more have been found from there)
Unknown man2 - please help identify - could be a Marks; Lindley .... ? Thanks Jennie - hope someone can helps us find out who he is :) Unknown man 2 -- Unknown man 3
Unknown Men at Cooper's Chapel Church in 1958 on the south the side. Thanks to Thomas Denhart!
Unknown family3 - love this photo from Jennie - again, may be a Bowsher, Lindley or someone from those families :)
Unknown mother-son - thanks Jennie - Lindley? Madden ?
Unknown lady and assume her daughter - probably a Lindley
Unknown 3 ladies - probably sisters - thanks Jennie - Lindley? Madden? Bowsher ? - these gals look like Lindleys of today (2015)
-- V --
Vaughan, M/M, Jimmie & Peggy Sue - thanks muches to Dustin S
Veedersburg Baseball Team - (again thanks to Bill Boone and here's his explanation of this team -- The team at the left was called the Veedersburg Little Jersey Baseball team. They beat the Ladoga Leaders and Eddie Summers in a Championship game played on Sept. 25, 1902. The writer of the Crawfordsville paper wrote under the headline: FADED HOPES = The Championship goes to the Veedersburg Team--Ladoga Threw the Game Away. Pre-game news labeled the game as the game which would decide the championship of the two counties of Fountain and Montgomery. The Leaders lost 6-3. Eddie Summers played 1st base and had three hits in four times at bat.
-- W --
Wade, Jenny Booe and Doug Jenny Booe Wade's husband was Wallace Wade. Source: Thanks to Richard Hellstrom for sharing on the Indiana Genealogy Facebook page. See a photo of her daughter Ruby Wade Jones and son-in-law Virgil Jones, also thanks to Richard Hellstrom
Wade, Joseph and wife Martha A. Beedle Joseph Wade born 20 June 1835 IN died 28 Feb 1869 Fountain Co, IN buried at Quirk Cemetery in Fountain County IN. His wife, Martha A BEEDLE born 30 Mar 1830 and died 16 Sept 1909 is buried at Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Wingate, Montgomery County, IN. Source: Thanks to Richard Hellstrom for sharing on the Indiana Genealogy Facebook page.
WADE, Wallace Winford and Jennie (Booe) - thanks to Richard Hellstrom
Washburn Family -- Fred (born 3 Nov 1885 Attica) and Anna Elizabeth Wagoner (b 30 August 1885 Fountain County) married 2 December 1905 Fountain Co) - their first two children were born in Attica (Melvin - 1906; Clarence - 1910) rest were born in Minnesota - George 1912; Dorothy 1914; Freda 1917 - Lillian 1921 and Donald 1922) - I can only guess who is who there. Fred may have taken the picture - I'd say it's about 1928 so Lillian and Donald are easy as is Freda and Dorothy - not sure about the boys though.
Watts, James and wife, Margaret Sowers -- - thanks muches to one of my fab contributors, Jennie
Weaver, Benjamin John - again, thanks so much Jennie :)
Weaver, Margaret Bowsher - thanks so much, Jennie
Weidman, Jennie -- see McBroom, Jennie
Weidman, Kitty - see McBroom, Kitty
Welch -- Mary Emma (Jones) Welch, husband of Daniel Welch. Her dates are 1836-1907. Thanks so much to George E :)
Willis, Barbara McKee - raised in Wallace, Indiana. Photo thanks to Michael Duane Bowman!
****White, Unknown - could be Alexander below and wife, Hannah (Grant W & I do not think so though) or his father, David & his 2nd wife, Jane Shaw or even Aleander's brother, David & his wife, Fanny Dillon. Any help identifying the people in the photo greatly appreciated. Grant ... Karen
****White, Alexander 1810-1887 - original owned by Mary Virginia Switzer of Fountain County, a descendent of Alexander & Hannah. . Family legend says this man is Alexander White. Photo contributed by Grant White. Thanks so much GW :)
****White, Hannah Wheeler - 1808-1884 -- original owned by Mary Virginia Switzer of Fountain County, a descendent of Alexander & Hannah. Family legend says this man is Alexander White. Photo contributed by Grant White. Thanks so much GW :)
****White Family Home -- anyone know if it's still there? E-mail me or Grant (e-mails above). This home was on "Whites Corner" in Fountain County and was still there in 1986. It was built about 1840 probably by Alexander White, above. I loved Grant's notation -- You can see that most of the people standing in front of the house, and some of the details in the foreground, are very unclear. I don't know if this is due to the age of the photo or to the photograph itself. "You can, though, make out details like the fact that one of the young women is holding a baby, and that the family dog made it into the picture as well. :-)"
****White, Nelson - 1908 officials at Covington
****White, William
White Family Home This is an update from Grant White sent in May of 2020. This includes his thoughts to us along with possible identification for the people in the photo. The photo is include in the White Family Album above, but here is another posting with the idents.
Edythe Stone Wilson holding son Pete Wilson --Thanks so very much to Patrice W. for sharing these great photos :)
Woody, James & wife, Margaret Hall - thanks so much to Jennie :)
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