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Items of Interest
Also Check out Jeff Bossaer's Compilation
of County and Attica Photos, to include: Railroads and Trains, Attica of Yesteryear, Attica of Today (2016), Attica Sesquicentennial, Fountain County Bicentennial and Attica High School Alumni Slide Show from 2019.
Attica Armory Thanks to Jeff Bossaer
Attica Greeting Card post card view
Early aerial view of the Paul Dresser Bridge built in 1922. Photo taken in 1924. Thanks to Jeff Bossaer
Electricial Substation of 2020 Thanks to Jeff Bossaer
Elite Cafe, Attica - picture back row -- Frank harper, Edith Pitzer Harper, Mrs. Francis, Walker Pitzer, Ada Kidwell, Florence Gerald and Eva Cole Pitzer. Thanks to Sally Remaklus
Municipal Light and Water Power Station. An early Post Card view of this ultility. Thanks to Jeff Bossaer
Poston / Poston-Herron Brick Company (2 photos: Late 1940's and the other is earlier) Thanks to Jeff Bossaer
Street Department of 1929 Photo by P. N. White, taken September 18, 1929. Sorry, we do not have the workers names. Can anyone help name these men? Thanks to Jeff Bossaer