M News - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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M News

-- M--

MARLATT, Encil  -  Old Culver Hospital Statement, September 19, 1921  Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!

MARLATT, 70th Anniversary of Encil and Maxine  An Article by Bob Scott and photo by Amy Bombassaro of the Journal and Courier on 3 November 1999.

MARSHALL, Denzil - in service

MARTIN, Mr. & Mrs. T. E. Twenty-Fifth Anniversary 1878-1903 Invatation to Attend!   Thanks to P A Rice for the submission!

MATTOX, Galiel - Silent Hoosier - school

MAYERS, Emma Teagarden - never to return to Hillsboro

McBROOM (Brothers - Claude & Harry - trouble against Fannie Davis)

McBroom, Eloise - birth  

McCABE, Charles - dynamite bomb found by daughter

McCLAMROCH, Grace - murder or not?

McCORD, J. B. - Covington = Mercantile  

McELWEE - Golet - Buchanan - Myers - child stolen ... long but interesting story

McGAUGHEY, O.W. - mayor of Veedersburg

McKENZIE, Henry - bloody duel with  Thomas Krout  

McLEAN, Hank - Charley Swearingen - big fight

McMurtrie, Zennia -  90th birthday

McNEIL, Albert - Will submitted  

McPHERRIN, Thomas - Hillsboro Postmaster - oldest in US

MASSEY, (Mayor) WR - sells property -

MEDICAL HISTORY of Fountain County - early doctors mentioned - various lengths of articles

MEEKER, Theodore - 1894 Election Ballot    

MELLOTT High School - various articles

MESSMORE - Reunions

MESSMORE, Mr. and Mrs. A.D. - 55th anniversary - nice article with family info.

METEORITE - what a hoot

MICKELS, Lucy DeBoy (Dubois?) Slayton - name changes 3 times in one day

MILES, RH - best peaches

MILLER, Robert J - 1894 Elect

MILLIGAN, Lee - see Attica Post Office

MINICK, Simon - 70th anniversary

MIRES, Jacob and Sorrell Horse

MOFFETT, Stephen - letter to Guernsey Club

MOORE, Effie - claim for her grandson's $

MURPHY, John - Killed

MURRAY, Emaline - age 93

MURRAY - Family Reunion

MYERS - McElwee - Goelet - Buchanan - child stolen ... long but interesting story

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