Attica High School (above) -- read about it and other Attica schools in the 2013 History of Fountain County, Indiana, p. 101
Pictorial Slide Show Created by Jeff Bossaer for the June 8, 2019 Attica Alumni Banquet. We are honored that Jeff is allowing us to post this pictorial history of Attica High School and the surrounding area. Contains picture of both present and historic buildings. Also check the "Fountain County Photos" section provided by Jeff, which contains an assortment of historic school photos. Thanks Jeff!
Attica Schools At least 48 pictures in a slide show. From a collection of photographs from "Attica of Yesteryear" consisting of pictures that were collected by the Attica Sesquicentennial History Committee and Jeff Bossaer. Thanks Jeff!
Attica High Fire Photos, January 1974 provided by Jeff Bossaer
Sophomore Class of 1914 unknown source

1939 Commencement Program Thanks to Jeff Bossaer

1949 Region Basketball Program, Thanks to Jeff Bossaer

Class of 1961 Members: Michael Jon Ray and Jacqueline Peterson Thanks to Jeff Bossaer