Antioch School - 1890's East of Attica
Back Row: Eva Lewaderss, Anna Dunkin, Pearl Lewis, Margaret Fay, Jim Lewaderss, Arthur Points, Att Shell, Ed Morgan and Harry Hawkins-Teacher.
Middle Row: Lela Fay, Julie Dunkin, Lucy Laxton, Ethel Dunkin, Clara Wisma, Edd Perkins, Charley Morse, John Lewaderss, George O'Dell.
Front Row: Artie Cobb, Grace Dunkin, Clarica Cobb, Pearl Pearson, Amy Farrell and Nellie Morgan.
Photo Courtesy of Mrs. Ray (Artie Cobb) Talbott
From a collection of photographs from "Attica of Yesteryear" consisting of pictures that were collected by the Attica Sesquicentennial History Committee and Jeff Bossaer. Thanks Jeff!
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier Friday 16 March 1934 p 9
Attica, March 15 – Miss Mary Peacock, 76 teacher in the local schools for 33 years died at 7:45 o’clock Wednesday night in the Evansville state hospital. She had been a patient there since Sept 1929 and news of her death reached here this afternoon. Born in Attica on Dec 3, 18857 she was the daughter of Joseph and Rebecca (Martin) Peacock. She started teaching in the Antioch School east of here coming to Attica again in 1881. With the exception of 11 years between 1889 and 1900 she had taught continuously since that time retiring in 1925. She was a member of the ME Church and the Monday Afternoon club. No near relatives survive. The body was returned here to the Coffing & Robinson Funeral Home. Funeral services in charge of the Rev. WG Warriner will be conducted from the local ME Church Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock with burial in Riverside Cemetery.
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier Fri Sept 21, 1906 p 10
“Roberts Items” – Miss Gladys Baker who teaches the Antioch School gave a very commendable recital at her home, assisted by her pupils in music. The terms closed Friday.
Source: Lafayette Weekly Courier Friday 30 Aug 1912 p 6
Miss Alma Swank attended teachers’ institute at Covington last week and will teach the Antioch school in Davis Township, Fountain County.
Source: Lafayette Journal Fri 6 Oct 1911 p 16
The Antioch school will give an ice cream and box supper at the Antioch school house Friday night. Everybody is invited to come and bring a box. Proceeds for school library.
Antioch School Davis Twp 1916-1917
The above picture was taken during the school year 1916-17 at the Antioch School which was located about five miles northeast of Attica, out Bethel Road, in Davis Township, Fountain County.
Front Row: Helen Connor, Florence Verhey, Dorothy Oswalt, Carl larson, Edgar Riggin, Clinton Carlson, Clifford Morgan, Johnny Larson, Floyd Britt, Myron Oliver.
Back Row: Unknown, Lucille Oswalt, unknown, Edith Larson, Dorothy Haniford, Essie Haniford, Frank Verhey, Edgar Larson, Joseph Paints, Alfred Reeves, Darwin Shamp.
Absent when the picture was taken, Naomi Grammer, and hidden from view, Miss Keefer, the teacher, who is now Mrs. Doan Helms of Attica.
Information for the picture is from a collection of photographs from "Attica of Yesteryear" consisting of pictures that were collected by the Attica Sesquicentennial History Committee and Jeff Bossaer. Thanks Jeff!
Below is another photo of a different class. At his time we do not have the year. The students are numbered and a listing of names follows.
Then below that is another view without students perported to be before the school burned, year unknown.
These are Thanks so much to Jeffrey Bossaer