Harveysburg School 1901
Teacher: William Dowden.
Front row,left to right - Harry Kennedy, Ottie Askern, Ratcliff boy, Harley Harmon, Russell O'Donnell, Ratcliff boy, Conley Kennedy, Ratcliff boy, Clifford Shell, Forrest Kennedy, Waneta Durman, Ada Dotson, May Cory, Nora Harmon, Ruth Askern
Second row - Paul Myers, Clarence Carter, Herman Bly, Ernest (Dutch) Bly, Seth Harmon, Tracy Brown, Harry Myers (teacher), Vern Thomas, Ben Durman, Ben Harmon, Leona Brown, Vera Shell, Dora Woodrow, Alta O'Donnell, Mary Hamman
Back row - Roy Lindley, Charley Keller, Eston Cory, George Stoup, Ray Myers, Leeman Wilkins, Bert Hamman, George Mann, Kate Durman, Mell Stears, Mary Marshall, Clyde Durman, Edna Lindley, Carrie Smith, Estel Lindley, Celia Wilkins, Dora Mann, May Harmon, Mary Askern, Lilly Stoup, Dot Woodrow, Lucy Brown, Hollis Myers
File Created: 13 Feb 2010

1906 Teacher Souvenir
Teacher ~ Beulah Hadley
Source of this pamphlet is Cynthia Fisher Smith, who is the granddaughter of John Hartman Fisher a member of the fourth grade class.
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