Ellis Grade School, 1906
Located about 3 1/2 miles southeast of Hillsboro - Section 30 SW corner of Carlson & Stockdale roads - building was there until later in the 1960s and the Carlson farm incorporated the school grounds
Sitting on ground, left to right - Evan Ellis, Jess Crane, Illie Crane, Glen Fine, Raymond Moore
Second row seated - Charles Collins, Harley Ellis, Mary Long, Grace Long, Ruby Collins, Cecil Fine, Fern Murphy, Vern Ellis, Hugh Ingersoll, Della Tyler, Gladys Ingersoll, Iva Conner
Third row - Josephine Long Cooper (teacher), Phoebe McElwee, James Hesler, Guy Hope, Herman Collins, Jess Collins, Forest Hesler, Floyd Conner, Nina Beck, Eva Mason, George Moffitt (teacher)
Fourth row - Charles Murphy, Clarence Bannon, Thurman Long, Grover Crowder, Ross Ellis, Paul Long, Effie Hope, Mayme Buckley, Gertrude Buckley
File Created: 13 Feb 2010