B_Business - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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BAILEY, J.S. - Auctioneer
Source: Weekly Review, Dec 22, 1910 p 7
AUCTIONEER - Any one needing the services of an auctioneer will do well to see J.S. Bailey, Crawfordsville, Ind. Bell phone 1247.

Baldwin, D.H. - piano trade  Plus an advertisement

--T.S. Banta - member of the Watchmaker's Association of Indiana. (shows a Gruen watch with bold numbers in a roman style) -- Watch, clock, jewelry & spectacle repairing - all work guaranteed. "When Banta Can't Repair them they can't be repaired!" Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Friday July 26, 1935
Note: He was my grandparent's next door neighbor and a fine, fine man. They were pretty poor and he'd often not take money - he'd just tell me to tell Carl (gpa'), "Hey, you just let Carl know I'll get some tomatoes out of his garden and we'll be even!" - kbz

Barnhill - Dave - Undertaking business begins

Barnhill - Templeton - 1st ambulance/hearse in county

BARNHILL, Hornaday, Pickett -  Brief History and two advertisements

Basket Store - Frank Kritz - Waveland

Source: Saturday Evening Journal 17 April 1886 p 1
When Dr. ML Bass died, his pill department became the property of Lew Fisher and Wm. Sanders. Marion Small was acting as agent and continued to manufacture pills on his own account. Suit was instituted to enjoing Small from making these pills and the court has decided that he must desist therefrom. How the jury decided that the pills were an infringement on the Bass patent is not known. They must have tried 'em

BAYLESS, Bige - transfer line = Advertisement on Music Hall Program

BENEFIEL, George W - Vet Surgeon/Dentist (one of my all-time fav ads :)
plus a ad in the Music Hall Program

Ben Hur Lunch -- Source: Lafayette Journal and Review 1 June 1920 Tue p 11
Wanted – good cook. Apply Ben Hur dairy Lunch, Crawfordsville

Ben-HUR Garage
(George Tribbett - Maxwell Car - Oct 17, 1916 C'ville Review & C'ville Review 1-9-1917)

Bennett, Carrie
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 15 April 1893 p 5
Mrs. Carrie Bennett wife of George Bennett formerly of Pleasant Hill has graduated in medicine, surgery and dentistry and intends to travel and practice.
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 12-17-1918
Forked Coal -- Yes, we fork our coal if you ask us to when leaving your order. For some use a little fine coal is no objection, but if your heating device requires clean coal just say, "Please fork coal" when leaving your order.
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 15 Jan 1897 p 5
Yountsville news item - Mr. Birch, the competent foundryman of Crawfordsville has been superintending the improvement made in the boiler department of the woolen mills. JP Hanley, the new superintendent has just recently placed upon the market a fine line of stylish cashmere for spring suitings. Prospects were never better for a large output.

Birch & Birch 1917-18 Calendar -- Calendar front battery (thanks to Birch family - it's a bit crooked but you'll get the idea :)

Source: Daily Argus News 1-4-1900
- It pays to trade at the Big Store, complete line of Yountsville Flannels, blankets, skirts and yarns. Louis Bischof, sole Agency for the New Idea Paper Patters (sic) all patterns 20 cents, no more/no less).

Bischof, Louis -- 1913 Ladoga Ad - 1-3-1907 (Weekly Review) Underwear Sale (what a hoot) - see also Culver Union Hospital
BISCHOF, LOUIS  "PART 1"  "PART 2"   Daily news-review March 22, 1901

BOLING, G. C.  - Automobile and Accident Insurance (ad from the 1918 Ladoga High School Yearbook)

BOLT'S Milling Company, Inc    Waynetown - BOLDT's Milling - same place - just spelling is off and pretty sure this one is correct

Bonnell - Ice - see Laymon ...

BOOE, Manley - Wire fence artist ? Fair show

BOSWELL & Beeson Arthitects - whoops, failed to get the source -

Brainard, Bill - see Snyder-Petro

BRIGHT FUNERAL HOME    Crawfordsville

BRITTON, D.F -- livery = Music Hall Program Ad
Advertisement 2  Daily News_Review March 22, 1901

Britton - Milinery Store
Source: Crawfordsville Star, March 24, 1893 p 1
Mrs. Dock Britton is opening a millinery store in the room vacated by Levinson, first door east of Elston Bank.

Source: "Waveland Independent Newspaper, Dec 31, 1926 -
Joe Bryant - Bakery - Buy "Mother's Bread": The Home Bakery - Proprietor - Joe Bryant

BUCK, M.Y. - JP & Collector = Advertisement on Music Hall Program  

Burbridge & Grimes - see below - Grimes & Burbridge

Burbridge & Hauser
Source: C'ville Star Feb 16, 1875 p3
Spring TGrade - This hardware, house-furnishing, stove and agricultural implement house, in Commercial Block, on Geen Street is setting its stakes for a greatly increased trade the coming spring. Farmers will do well to interview Burbridge & Hauser before buying anything in their line.

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