Ralph Sayler Implement Co. "New Idea" New Market
RAMSEY, Mary - Sale (Alva Ford, Auctioneer)
Red & White Food Store Steve & Jerrys Waynetown & New Richmond
The Redwood Inn Crawfordsville
REYNOLDS, LW - Browns Valley
RICE, John - blacksmith partner with Simon Withem
Richardson's Hardware & Variety Waynetown
Source: Crawfordsville Review 18 November 1854 p 1RISTINE HOUSE by C. VanZandt, in assuming the management of this favorite Hotel, formerly kept by Henry Moury, the proprietor assures his friends and the public that it shall be so conducted, as to retain its standing as one of the best Hotels in the country, and no pains will be spared to make it a home for the traveler. His stabling is commodious and he will have a careful hostler to attend to it.
ROMINGER, Al - auctioneer -- (April 1887 C'ville Star newspaper)
Ross & Robertson
- Sale of bicycles 1898,
- Includes a letter to his wife written in 1891
- Indictment for having a Lottery in 1890, Posted in the Indianapolis Journal. His name is spelled wrong!
- Notice of enclosing a new house posted in the "Review, Crawfordsville 7 November 1896"