HAMILTON, (Dr) Albert - bastardy case (hmmm not good for business :( )
HAMILTON, Heck - Auctioneer - Source: October 1916 C'ville Weekly Review - (sorry, tad blurry)
HARD, Dr. - Physician (I can't peg who this guy is - kbz - anyone know, PLEASE let ME know : = Advertisement on Music Hall Program
HARDING & MILLER Music Co. Daily News-Review March 22, 1901
HARRIMAN, Glenn - manager Crystal Theater (New Richmond)
HARSHBARGER (Ladoga) Cement -- (believe the 1930 Crawfordsville Directory but might be 1919 directory
HARVEY, O.W. - see Home Bakery
HAVEN Brothers - Ladoga
HAYS, Amos M. - runs for County Treasurer
Source: 6 March 1916 (Crawfordsville Review)
HERRON, Joseph C. - Groceries Daily News-Review March 22, 1901
HOLMES, T. - LIQUOR Daily News-Review March 22, 1901Source: Crawfordsville Record newspaper 22 Feb1834For Sale in Crawfordsville, LaMotte's Celebrated Cough Drops Price: One Dollar for Large and Fifty cents for small bottles** See a lengthier, more detailed one here
Home Oil Co. Station Located in the 200 Block of east Pike Street, on the north side next to the alley. Note the back of the Strand Theater. The house on the left has been a number of different restaurants in the last 40 years. Photo posted to the "Crawfordsville Memory Lane" Facebook page.
HOOVER, F.W. - poultry (other produce)... = Advertisement on Music Hall Program
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 28 Dec 1894 p 1Hotel Peterson at Darlington will be formally opened on New Year's Day. The affair will be a swell one in the history of the place and the host WD Harlow, is making great preparations.
HOUELEHAN, Thomas - MERCANTILE Daily News-Review March 22, 1901
HOWARD & PARRENT Household Goods Daily News-Review March 22, 1901
HOWELL - Goodwin Printing - ad
HUDSON, Guy - grocery store
HUNT Funeral Home - Oct 1916 ===