BROWN, T.D. (Groceries, etc)
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 26 April 1860
If you want Groceries of any kind, you cannot do better than to call on our friend TD Brown in Crawford's brick, Main Street where you will find every thing in that line, as well as an extensive stock of Drugs and fancy articles. The boys are accommodating and gentlemanly to customers. Give them a call
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 15 Feb 1855 p 3
Dissolution – the partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned in the Drug business under the style of TD Brown & Co is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The accounts and all business of the late firm will be in the hands of TD Brown who will settle and attend to the same – RT Brown; RK Krout; TD Brown. NB – the business will hereafter be conducted by the undersigned at the old stand one door east of the Eagle Hotel where he will be happy to see his friends and customers. TD Brown
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 15 Feb 1855 p 3
Note TD Brown was after each of these items
GOING IT ALONE – new stock just received – the undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to the former patrons of TD Brown & Co that having purchased the entire stock and having recently made large additions thereto he is now prepared to accommodate those wishing any articles in this line at as low rates and they can be purchased at any house west of Philadelphia. Our stock will be found to compromise every article usually found in a Drug Store which we warrant as to quality. We are prepared to sell to physicians any article which they may need in the practice practice and earnestly solicit them to call and examine our splendid stock of select powders and chemicals, which we say without fear of contradiction CANNOT BE EXCELLED in the State.
The ladies are requested to call and examine our superb assortment of Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, brushes, flavoring extracts & c which we pledge to sell at Philadelphia prices. Thankful to the many customers of the former firm, I hope by strict attention to business and care in the selection and compounding of remedies to merit a liberal share of public patronage. Call at the sign of the Yellow Column, one door east of the Eagle Hotel – TD Brown
Japanned Tin of various sizes for signs – a nice article inst received by TD Brown
A cord of Pierce’s celebrated percussion matches at …
Pens, Pencils, Paper and Premium Ink at …
Light! – Star Candles and Lard Oil at …
Two Gross Lyon’s Kathairon just opened at TD Brown’s
Cider Vinegar kept constantly on hand
Superior Tobacco and choice cigars at …
Cinnamon, cloves, mace, nutmegs, giner and pepper ..
Window glass of all sizes from 20 by 30 to 7 x 9 ..
Tracobaphe an instantaneous hair dye sold at
Bazin’s Depilatory for removing superfluous hair …
Trusses and abdominal supports for sale …
Genuine Evans’ lancets, American do; abcess do; spring do;; at TD Brown’s
Paints and oils of all kinds – sounds like a wall mart.
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 15 Feb 1855 p 3
Toilet articles – cologne, bay water, handkerchief extracts, powder puffs, Meen Fun ?; Lilly White; Chalk balls; Alabaster Tablets; Toilet Soaps of every variety for sale one door east of the Eagle Hotel, nearly opposite Campbell’s Store by TD Brown & Co.