T_Business - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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above (Source: C'ville Weekly Star 12-29-1887 - after Christmas - funny :)

TEVEBAUGH Candy -- (THINK - sorry, from the Jan 2, 1897 C'ville Review but not sure - seems like I laughed as it was after the holidays so think that's the correct date ? If not and you find it somewhere let meknow - kbz)

TEVEBAUGH & Son Ice Cream - Daily News Review 10-29-1900

THEATERS - Mater & Barcus & others soon I hope :)

Thomas Grocery - Linden
Source: Crawfordsville Indiana (Montgomery County) Star, Dec 21, 1875
O.D. Thomas the grocer of Linden keeps a full line of family groceries, and is selling low for cash. The people in that vicinity should bear this in mind and be governed accordingly.

TINSLEY, H.R. & CO. HARDWARE & MACHINERY Daily News-Review March 22, 1901

Toll Roads - see Turnpike companies

TOWNSLEY & BROWN - grocers = Advertisement on Music Hall Program

TRADE PALACE - see Graham, Geo W

Transmissions   Crawfordsville

TRAVIS -- see White & Travis

Source: Crawfordsville Review 11 May 1889 p 5
Darlington – John Tribbey, our broom maker, has made himself an incubator which works to perfection. He put in 96 eggs and hatched 85 chickens. Mr. Tribbey is making arrangements to raise 1,000 chickens.

TRIBBETT, George - See Ben-Hur Garage

Source: Weekly Argus News 13 Jan 1900 p 7
Sol Truitt has leased the room in the opera house block, and will open up on or about Jan 20th, a new grocery.

TRUITT & Dickerson - see Dickerson (on top of pg - grocers?) = Advertisement on Music Hall Program

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