The PARTY SHOP Crawfordsville
PAUL'S D-X SERVICE Crawfordsville
P.F. STUMP = Source: Ad from Breaks School 1908 Yearbook
Patton & Goslin -- see Red Front Grocery
PEAVEY (Royce & Peave House Furnishings)
(The) People's Market - T.E. Weil, Proprietor = Advertisement on Music Hall Program
Perry Lewis Co., Inc Ford Dealership Thanks to Danny Marshall
Phillips 66 Station at intersection of Washington St & S. Boulevard - owned by Noel Andrew (white shirt) Grandstaff affectionately referred to as "Ham". Photo from his grandson, Tony Sessions. Also a key chain given out at the store!
Plastene Corporation - 15th Annivsary Open House June 1961 Source: Full Page Advertisement from the Crawfordsville Journal and Review, Monday June 12, 1961, page 8
PROFFITT Funeral Home Crawfordsville
Pursel - books, and much more