A & W Drive in Restaurant A exert from the February 1969 A & W News Disoenser, Thanks to Jim Zach.
Adkins' Milliner (Mrs. Bion Adkins in New Ross)
Advertisers (businesses) giving away prizes for an 1890 horse show
ALLEN, G.W. - general store -- Sept 6, 1883 C'ville Star - The Month of August - has been crowned with success. I have had the largest August in years and the rush still continues. The Cheap Counter has been loaded down time and again with goods at such prices they have only remained one day at a time. I Will only continue this great sacrifice a few days longer - GW Allen
American Express horse, Old Jim, retires
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 15 Nov 1893 p 3Old Jim, the veteran horse of the American Express Company has been retired after a service of 13 years. A large black mare has arrived to take his place at the wagon.

ANDERSON, G.W. - sheet music = Advertisement on a "Music Hall Program", along with others
Arc Theater - March 1918
(Elevator; Lumber Yard; Grain, Seeds, Hay, Feed... - 1913 Ladoga Vest Pocket Directory - thanks BB
Austin, John M - store (1850s)