VALLEY Mills - OK Flour = 1908 Breaks School Yearbook Ad
VanCAMP (Ed) & Co - Source: Dec 1887 Crawfordsville Weekly Star
VanCleave, Lester - At Indy Star
VanCleave, Lowell - radio
VanCleave, MM
Source: Crawfordsville Review 18 November 1854 p 1Cabinet & Chair Factory – MM Vancleave Having procured additional machinery, I am prepared to manufacture furniture together with all kinds of turned work, which will be constantly kept on hand for sale either by wholesale or retail, consisting of Bureaus, Tables, Stands, Safes, Lounges, Bedsteads with screw rail, iron rod bottom or square rail and tenant finished or unfinished, chairs finished or unfinished, Bedposts of every kind, Table legs, Bedpins, Wagon and Buggy Hubs, Neck yokes and Broom handles; all of which will be sold cheap for cash lumber or country produce at my Factory which is situated east of the Depot and near the Woolen Factory in Crawfordsville.
Vancleave - Hurley -- law firm new 9-28-2023 

VANDALIA Line - J.C. Hutchinson agent = Advertisement on Music Hall Program
Vanderbilt, Dr. - Dental Surgeon Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 12 January 1854
VanSickle, Jeweler
Source: Crawfordsville, Indiana, Star newspaper Dec 9, 1873 p 3Vansickle, the Jeweler, and dealer in all goods properly belonging to his line of trade is sparing no pains to make his store one of the attractive points of the city during the coming holidays. When the stock is all in, there will be but little wanting to enable him to meet the wants of all, “both great and small.
Veach & Pinkerton (farm supply)
VEASEY & Co. -stocks/bonds.. = Advertisement on Music Hall Program
VORIS, Samuel Edgar - runs for House - 1918.
Voris & Cox - (Source: Weekly Review 1-3-1907)