FANCY LIVERY - D.F. Britton = Advertisement on Music Hall Program
FARMERs CO-op (1930? City directory)
FARMER's MUTUAL INSURANCE (1930? City directory)
FAUST, J.W. - plumbing = Advertisement on Music Hall Program
FINK's MEAT (? City Directory)
FINK, PH. MEATS Daily News-Review March 22, 1901
FINLEY Bakery (1930? Crawfordsville City Directory)
First National Bank (1919) -- First National Bank Pocket Book Cover = below and a List of Assets and Officiers- thanks to the Birch family members

Fischer, Lew -- property at death - downtown C'v
FISHER BUGGIES Daily News-Review March 22, 1901
Source: Crawfordsville Review 3 December 1870 p 2The Florence Restaurant is the great favorite of the traveling public as well as of our ow citizens. Sumptuous fare and the best accommodations can always be had at this old establishment.
FOOTE, L.A. - see Corner Book Store
FRENCH TEA ROOM - Oct 1916 - Crawfordsville Weekly Review
FRICK, J.A. - see City Mill
FRY, Cash (JC) - Sunday Star 9-25-1884
FRY, J. C. GROCERY Daily News-Review March 22, 1901
FRY, W. H. = Source: 1908 Breaks School Yearbook Ad
FULLENWIDER & TAYLOR Grocery - may have been in Browns Valley - Source: Waveland Independent newspaper October 1905