G_Business - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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GALEY BROS - Dentists - Rm 1, over 34 East. Main St, C'ville - source: 1878 City Directory.  - also MH GALEY

GALEY Billiards (1930 city directory)   

GALEY Liqauor "Skid's Place"  Daily News-Review March 22, 1901

Garfield Elevator (Nov 1913)

GILKEY & Webb (Wingate)

Gill - Hardware - Source: Ladoga 1913 Pocket Directory - thanks BB

GLOVER & CLOUSE - New Market

Golden Rule Station and Garage in Ladoga  pre WW II,  Thanks to Bill Boone

GOULD'S FLOWERS    Crawfordsville

GOULD, OLIVER & MARTIN Hardware  Daily News-Review March 22, 1901

GOULD, Grant Machinery  Daily News-Review March 22, 1901

Graham's Department Store - thanks to Jerry T - this is awesome - shows pictures of the heads of the departments :)
Another - 10-16-1897 = Advertisement on Music Hall Program

Graham's Busy Store (same as above but an article about price wars with Warner/Peck's)

GRAND SHOE STORE -- Nov 5, 1896 Star    
GRAND, the  SHOES  Daily News-Review March 22, 1901

Graham & Brothers Boston Store   thanks to the Crawfordsville Journal 18 Oct 1855

Graham's Department Store  Thank you to Indiana Album

GRAVES, E.M. -- New Ross

Gregg-Kelly Electric ad (1919 or 1930 Crawfordsville City Directory - sorry I'm not sure)

GREGORY & HANNA - 1836 ad (also mentioned - Burbridge & Miller; JW Powers; J.W. Powers

Grover, Leonidas - meteorites

Guntle & Guntle Grocery - Darlington  Notice of change in ownership (Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 10 February 1899), Photo of the outside of store and another inside of the store.  Thanks to Jeanie Waldon, Darlington HS Facebook Page.

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