S News - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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S News

-- S --

Everly SANGSTER & Company - Owners & Proprietors of Covington Canal Mill and Star Steam Mills, Covington, ind.

SANGSTER, W. A. - Dealer in Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Crockery. Hardware, Salt, Nails, Groceries

SCHERER, Calvin H - 1894? Elect  

SCHLOSSER, Henry - 1894 Election  

SEVER, Matthias - 1894? Elect.

SEWELL, Homer - Enlistment   

SHANKS, Clara - murdered or not?

SHELL, Francis - Blackmail Charge  

SHOTTS - School Hacks

SHULTZ-DODGE Elope - but ... he's married

SIMMERMAN, Mr. and Mrs. Bert - 50th Wedding Anniversary 1947     

SIMMS - Reunion

SLAYTON, Lucy DeBoy (Dubois?) Mickels - changes name 3 times one day

SMITH, Charles E & W. - 1894? Elect

SNYDER, George W. sells Veedersburg Reorter to Ed Nye

SOULES, Johnny - Enlistment  

SPAINHOWER, Jacob (Rev) - charged criminal libel

SPINNING, Charles - 1894? Elect.

STARNES, Henry I - burglarized 1935

STARNES, Lewis - Hillsboro Telephone Company

STEINBAUGH, C.L. (retires)  

STEMBAUGH, Ivan - made postmaster in Iowa

STEVENS - Bastardy Case

STEVENS, Delmar (honey dealer)

STONEBREAKER, Mattie -suit against her father-in-law  

STONECIPHER - family lineage, etc

STOUT, Dr. W. R.  - Grace McClamrock's death

STULL - shooting 1891

STUMP, Bert - desparado arrested  

SUTHERLIN, Scott - Accompliance in Crime   

SWEARINGEN, Charley - big fight with Hank McLEAN

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