R News - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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R News

-- R --
RABB, Harvey - elopes but already married (Kineer)

RANDOLPH, Harry - 1894 ? Elect.

RANDOLPH, Henry - 63rd crop  

RATCLIFF - quiet title (W.M.; Clifford; Denver; Harry; Nora and Hollie Bullock)

RATCLIFF, Thomas - 1894? Elect.

RATCLIFFE, Tom - arrested in NY  

RAWLES, David  - sinking fund lands

REMSTER, Frederick - shooting rampage - kills one; wounds/drives one insane

RENAKER - family reunion  

REPUBLICAN - tickets

Rice-Stephens Family Reunion 1903    This is courtesy of Fred Smith, whose direct relative is Mary Rice Clore, Jonathan B. Rice's daughter.  Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!

RICHARDSON, Frank - lost eye  

RIDER, William - sells big hardware to Jacob Hesler

RISTINE, H. G. - Notary Public and General-Collecting-Agent  


ROBERTS, Billy - military deserter arrested

ROBERTS, Charley - confesses to murder  

ROBINSON, Chester - grocer/banker gone astray

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