KROUT, Thomas - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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KROUT, Thomas

Source: Weekly Argus News, Oct 22, 1898 p 5

At Yeddo in Fountain County last Friday night Thomas Krout and Henry
McKenzie engaged in a bloody duel.  One used a knife and the other an ax
and so furious was the fray that both men were almost slashed and
chopped to pieces. They are brothers-in-law and Krout boards with
McKenzie. They began quarreling when McKenzie knocked Krout down and
began beating him.  Krout drew a knife and cut McKenzie. McKenzie's wife
then interfered and succeeded in taking her husband off of her brother.  
Krout ran and McKenzie started after him, grabbing an ax, and,
overtaking Krout, struck him a terrible blow with the ax, again felling
him to the ground when a terrible struggle began, one using the ax and
the other the knife. The wife began screaming and attracted the
neighborhood.  A physician, who lives next door, was first to arrive.  
When he reached the scene McKenzie fell over in his arms from loss of
blood. The doctor began investigation and discovered that both men were
cut all over.  McKenzie's lung was pierced and he received other serious
cuts. Krout's skull is fractured in two places and he had been cut five
times with the ax.  Both men are in a serious condition and may not

Source: Weekly Argus news 22 Oct 1898 p 6

Henry McKinzie of Yeddo one of the men thought to be fatally injured in the fight at that place Friday has so far recovered that he was removed to the county jail at Covington Sunday.  Tom Krout, whom McKinsie hit over the head with an ax is still in a dangerous condition and McKinzie will be held to await the result of Krout’s injuries – Attica Ledger

Source: Jackson County Banner 20 Oct 1898 p 6

Veedersburg, Ind oct 17 – At Yeddo, Thomas Krout and Henry McKenzie, brother-in-laws fought with an ax and knife and both will die.  McKenzie’s lungs were pierced and Krout’s skull fractured.  

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