H News
-- H --
HALL, Gus - released from prison
HAMILTON, John - arrested
HARDY, James G. - Covington = Mercantile
HARPER, Earl - Irene McCarthy marriage
HARPER, Joseph - cost of inquest
HARTER, C. N., dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes.
HAYS (Dr) Family - poisoned - known as Hillsboro Poisoning
HEATH, A.B. - 1894? Election
HEFFNER, David - 1894 ? Election
HELMS, James - 1894? Election
HENDERSON, A. - Mechanic's Institute, Covington, Indiana,
HENDERSON, Lewis - suspended basketball player
HERSHBARGER, David - Portland Post Master
HESLER, Jacob - buys big hardware from William Rider
HESS, Mrs. Cora - Suit
HESS, Mrs. Grace - Suit
HESS, Mr. Lewis - Suit
HIBBS, Jacob - cuts off fingers
HIGHLAND, son of Rich - 7-years-old-badly hurt
HILDEBRAND, Francis - 1894? Election
HILLSBORO ELEVATOR - fire - 1994 - thanks Jeff B
HILLSBORO POST OFFICE - robbed - almost - see also Thomas McPherrin
HILLSBORO TELEPHONE Company - see Lewis Starnes
HIVELY - child adopted from Poor Farm (1902)
HOPEWELL Baptist Church - history
HORN, James - 1894? Election
HUEY, Robert - Alexander cuffed together
HUTTS - slander case