Pursel - books, etc
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 15 Feb 1855 p 3
HP Pursel & Bro – have removed to the brick, corner of Main and Green Streets in the room formerly occupied by A. Ramey where we will be happy to see all of our old customers and as many new ones as possible, as we assure them it will be to their advantage to buy of us anything connected in our line as we have a large stock of School, Miscellaneous, Theological and Standard BOOKS. Also all the school books in use. Arithmetics, Grammars, Geographies and Atlases; also a heavy stock of full and half bound Black Books and 40 kinds of note and letter paper by the ream, very cheap and every thing connected with the stationery line. Out stocks of STEEL PENS is large, over 40 different manufacturers; Gillott’s No 303 by the gross. Also our stock of Notions is full and complete, over 3,000 varieties. Pistols and Guns and over 50 different kinds of whips, from the finest Whale bone down to the cheapest quality. We cannot be undersold in Whips. Also 40 different kinds of cigars. Our stock of Gold Jewelry is full and complete. Over 1,000 Gold rings and 160 different kinds of ear rings and pins for which we warrant Gold or the money returned and the largest assortment of Musical Instruments – Violins; guitars; flutanoes; accordeons; banjoes; tamberines; flutes; fifes; harps – musical boxes & c and the lowest possible prices and as one of the firm plays on all the above instruments you will have a fair trial of the instrument you’re buying before purchasing as no man is a juge of an instrument if he can’t play on it. Our stock of Gloves and Hosier is large – Gold and Silver Watches always on hand. We have, also a large lot of Hats & Clothing very cheap for cash or horses. Our terms are cash or trade. No person will buy anything in our line without giving us a call before purchasing if they wish to make it to their interest. H Pursel and Bro.