B - NEWS - Putnam

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BOHANNON, Wilbur - rape charge
BOLING, Mary age 10 - loses leg
BOOHER, M/M Walter - 50th Anniversary
BOONE, Cora - see Geo. Hoskins - bastardy   
BOOZE RUNNERS - arrested  
BOWMAN, Doris - scarlet fever
BOYD, John - home built
BOYD, T.S. - buys Williams blacksmith shop
BOYD, Philip  
BOYLE, Dennis - liquor license
BRADY, Clara - insane asylum
BRANHAM, Barry - Vandalia accident
BRANHAM, Wm & Eliza - 62nd anniv  
BRANNEMAN, Charley - insane  
BRATTIN, AR - jeweler - offers prizes
Brick Chapel Telephone Company - 1947 Directory  
BRIDGES - apples
BRIDGES, Mr and Mrs. Frank have twin daughters
BRIDGES - family reunion
BRIDGES, John Will
BURLEIGH, Alfred - $60,000 Omaha land
BURROW, Green - injury case
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