CALLIS, Overton has theft - Granville Albright - arrested by Lafe Connerly
CAMPBELL, Herschel - loses part of finger CLODFELTER, Clarence - birthday
CLORE, ElijahCOATS, William - sheriff sale
COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS (too many in G'castle)
CONNERLY, Lafe arrests Granville Albright for stealing from Overton Callis
COUNTS, William - murdered - by Chas Gray; Wm. Gayner
CORWINE, Juliet - repeat fire
COX Reunion (thanks MLH)
COX, Walter - pres Insurance Agents
CRAIG, Wm. & Julia - 50th anniv
CRANNELS, Nannie - estate
CRAWLEY, Ernest - leg broken - Vandalia
CROW, George -wagon accident
CROW, William - sale of real estate
CROY, John - builds store in Roachdale