NEW RICHMOND ME Church Articles - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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NEW RICHMOND ME Church Articles

NEW RICHMOND ME Church Articles

Source: New Richmond Record - Feb 4, 1910 --
Mrs. Elmer Henthorne entertained the Truth Seekers Circle, class No. 10 of the ME Sunday School last Friday afternoon, the occasion being in the nature of a farewell reception in honor of Mrs. J.E. Burris. There were aboaut 25 ladies present and they enjoyed a pleasant afternoon. Refreshments consisted of fruit salad and whipped cream, cake and chocolate. A Washington Birthday contest resulted in Mrs. Edgar Walts as the winner and in a profile contest Mrs. Will Bell won the honors. The departing guests bade Mrs. Burris goodbye with best wishes for her and her family in their new home in Rocky Ford.

Source: New Richmond Record Sept 5, 1916 --
Mrs. John R. Alexander and Mrs. Clem E. Heaton were the hostesses of the ME Ladies Aid Society at the home of Mrs. Alexander Tuesday afternoon. There were about 25 or 30 of the ladies present, all of whom found these ladies great hostesses. Following the business hour there was a social hour in which the company indulged in contests and the like. Refreshments were served.

Source: New Richmond Record Oct 10, 1920 --
At the last session of the official board of the church before conference a committee consisting of W.Q McBeth, Charles Kirkpatrick and Mrs. C.M. Wray, was named to arrange for a homecoming service on the first Sunday of the new year. That they were mighty successful in their plans, the many who attended the exercises last Sunday can testify. Assisted by the other committees which they named, favored by as beautiful an Autumn day as ever was seen, and aided by the members of the congregation by their ... rest gone, sorry

Source: Unknown newspaper - unknown date --
Mrs. A.D. Snyder was treated to a geniune surprise on Friday evening of last week by her Sunday School class of the Methodist Church. Her class consists of about 17 young men and it was they alone who planned the surprise. They furnished a plentiful supply of ice cream and cakes, and each of them invited a young lady to enjoy the event and make it complete. In the absence of Mrs. Snyder the company took possession of her home and when she returned she was met by the happy crowd. Refreshments were served and more than 30 young people were present and enjoyed the happy occasion.

Source: Unknown newspaper - unknown date --
Rev. R.H. Johnston of Royal Center opened the revival at Robert's Chapel last evening. He intends to spend the entire week in the work at that church. He will be assisted by Nelson House, chorus leader and soloist and the pastor of the church, Rev. J.L. Jones

Source: Unknown newspaper, unknown date --
The M.E. Ladies Aid Society met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Carl Flaugher, Mrs. Flaugher and Mrs. Kite being the hostesses of the afternoon. A goodly number of the ladies were present. It was the event of their election of officers, the newly elected officers being: Mrs. Nettie Alexander, President; Mrs. Emma Zuck, VP; Mrs. Lenna Hollin, Sec; Mrs. Susan Alexander, assistant sec; Mrs. Ina Alexander. Several important items of business were taken up and disposed of by the society.

Source: Unknown newspaper, unknown date. --
The Truth Seeker Circle, class No. 10 of the ME Sunday School met with Mrs. Geo. B. Jones at the parsonage Friday afternoon of last week. After the regular business the following officers were elected for the coming year: Pres, Mrs. Florence Tribby; First VP, Mrs. Frances Rayborn; Second VP, Mrs. Nell Bell; Third VP, Mrs. Cora Bell; Fourth VP, Mrs. Mattie Jones; Fifth VP, Mrs. Addie Kirkpatrick; Sixth VP, Mrs. Tena Dewey; 7th VP, ELizabeth Seaman; Organist, Mrs. H. Raub,; Assistant Organist, Mrs. Gertrude Wray. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Nell Bell on the third Friday in January.

Source: Unknown newspaper (probably New Richmond Record), unknown date
At the fourth quarterly conference of the New Richmond Circuit of the ME Church held last Saturday afternoon, Rev. T.B. Wilber, the pastor for the past year, gave out the announcement that he would not return to this charge another year. There had been no intimation that he had contemplated a change to another conference and his final decision that he would go to Florida was made on receipt that morning of a telegram of acceptance after numerous letters between him and the officials of the SE Church and the announcement came as a great surprise and the source of much regret among his many admirers here.

St. Petersburg, Florida, where he goes is an up-to-date southern city of about 2500 permanent population and swelling to several times that number during tourist season. It had good school facilities and excellent social envornments. His church there is one of the best in the St. John's River Conference of the ME Church which includes the whole of the state of Florida is centrally located and seats about 600. It carries with it too a considerable advance in salary above what he gets here.

The parsonage at St. Petersburg is a six room house with bath upstairs and down; and furniture throughout and all that Rev. Wilbers will need to take with them besides their personal belongings will be their table linen and bed clothes. Both the church and parsonage are practically new, the parsonage having been remodeled last year at a cost of $2500.

Rev. Wilber finishes his work on the New Richmond circuit on Sunday Aug 29 and with his family will leave for St. Petersburg as soon as possible after conference adjourns at Attica.

It is with great regret that the people here see Rev. Wilber and his good family leave us, as it was a settled fact that he was to be returned hre for another year at least to complete his good work so well begun. He is loved and honored by a large circle of friends both in and out of the church, but from the first our people have foreseen that his qualities and purposes as both preacher and minister were of too great value to long be held by a small paying station as the small towns and rural churches. An admirer of Rev. Wilber, but who is not a member of any church, pays him the highest compliment of his work here when he said that "Rev. Wilber goes away from New Richmond with the most good will of the people outside of the church of any preacher that has ever been here." Rev. Wilber is now taking into the church membership a class of almost 100 which is probably the largest ever added to the New Richmond congregation in a single class. And his good work here is only well begun!

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