AME -- I believe this stands for African Methodist Episcopal - here is a nifty bleep about it:
-- Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 11-19-1914
"Appeal to the Public " - The ladies of the AME Church on North Street will hold a fair in the interest of their church debt May 12, 13 and 14. The fair will open Thursday night with a chorus of 40 voices. Jubilee songs, solos, quartettes and duets will be the feature of the evening. Friday evening singing and a delsarte drill by nine young ladies. Solicitors are out canvassing. While it is embarrassing to call upon the public for help, as many have assisted ... rest gone - sorry -
Another article
- Source: 11-4-1914 CDJ - The Arnett Mite Missionarry Society will meet with Mrs. Frank Keene next Tuesday night, at 208 West North Street. Miss Blanche Patterson will have charge of the singing. Scripture