Miscellaneous_B - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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-- B -- Miscellaneous News Index

BARKER, (Rev. GH) - preaches -- Source: Veedersburg News 11-10-1916 -- The Endeavor meeting Monday evening was well attended it being changed from Tuesday to Monday so our former president Forrest Reed would be with us. And at the close of the meeting the Endeavors had a surprise for Forrest – refreshments were served and all enjoyed a good social evening. Also Rev. Barker and family were with us. -- New Century News – Rev. Barker filled his regular appointments here Sunday morning and evening and made arrangements to begin a revival meeting here next Monday evening Nov 13.
Source: Veedersburg News 11-03-1916 -- Centennial news – Brother Barker preached a fine discourse at this place last Sunday from the chapter of Galatians.  Brother Barker and family dined with Melvin Light and wife last Sunday.

BASTARDY CASES (Kelley-Richardson)

BERRY, Dr. J. - see James BALL

BERRYMAN, Dr. - lawsuit or not -- Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 21 June 1890 p 3
Dr. Berryman, of Montgomery County recently secured a judgment of $200 against the county on account of a pond which was the result of an improper working of the roads. This pond seemed to be the cause of sickness in his family. Then his wife brought suit for $5,000 for injury of her health but the jury returned a verdict against her – Indianapolis Journal.
With the exception that Dr. Berryman did not bring suit against Montgomery County and did not secure a judgment for $200 or for any other sum and that his wife did not sue Montgomery County for $5,000 or any other sum, the above item is true … except the Doctor does not live near a pond.  

BINFORD, Moses, Peter, Martha & Wallace heirs of Caleb & Emily - see Asher WERT  

BLACK, Ed adopted Lawson child - Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 24 January 1896
Mr. and Mrs. Ed S. Black Wednesday adopted the infant daughter of Evaline Lawson.

BLANKENSHIP, Hattie - almost parishes in fire (James Blankenship fire)

BLIZZARD - 1-26-1978 - photos in Journal Review during that week

BOOHER, Flavius - Theodore Hankins receive patent on grave vault

BRACKETT, Frank & Minnie - adopt Helen Louise HAVERCAMP (see Havercamp for short article)

BRADEN, Alba - "Old Man Skater"

BROWN, John - (and others) robbed

BROWN Children 1897 - committed to Orphan's Home

BUSENBARK, Dan - admitted to asylum --Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Friday, 22 June 1894
Papers have been received admitting Daniel Busenbark, of near New Market, to the insane asylum. He had an idea that he was going to be killed in some manner so his friends could get his property.

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