Basstardy Cases - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Basstardy Cases

George W. BRITTON - Isophene MILLER

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Saturday, 19 December 1874
The bastardy complaint of the State on the relation of Isophene Miller against Geo. W. Britton was brought before Esquire Russell yesterday on a change of venue from Esquire Canine. The complaint was dismissed under a plea of form adjudication and settlement.

Albert HAMILTON - Mary E. RUSK

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review Saturday, 12 September 1874
Bastardy—Dr. Albert W. Hamilton, of Waynetown, was arrested last Thursday and examined before Esquire Canine on a charge of bastardy preferred by Mary E. Rusk. The plaintiff is a good looking girl apparently about 18 years old, and lives with her mother at Waynetown. Esquire Canine considering the evidence against Hamilton sufficient to bound him over to the circuit court in the sum of $500 to answer to a complaint of bastardy. W. R. Works, of Waynetown, and Ira Cadwallader, of this city, went on the bond. Hamilton studied medicine with Dr. McClelland in this city and has been practicing in Waynetown for about five years. He has been very successful and has made a good reputation as a physician and surgeon.


Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Thursday, 29 January 1874
The examination of John W. Hogsett before Esquire Pursel on a charge of bastardy brought by Sarah E. Maltbie, commenced last Saturday, was concluded on Tuesday. The defendant was required to give bonds for his appearance at the next term of the Circuit Court to answer to the charge. The case has already created considerable excitement in the vicinity of Mace, where Hogsett lives and has a lucrative practice as a physician. The plaintiff is not so well known. She is poor and homeless and will have to be sent to the poor house to await the result of the trial in the Circuit Court. The attorneys are Britton & Bruner for the prosecution and Cowan & White for the defense.


Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Saturday, 5 December 1874
Mord Richardson was brought before Esquire Canine last Monday morning to answer to a charge of bastard preferred against him by Miss Flora Kelley. After a short examination he was bound over in the sum of $800 to appear at the next term of circuit court. The scandal which is thus made public has been whispered about for two or three months, during which time efforts have been made by friends of both parties to have it compromised by marriage. It is to be hoped a compromise may yet be effected before the case gets into the courts.


MILLER, Isophene - George W. BRITTON

RICHARDSON, Mord - see Flora Kelley

RUSK, Mary E - see Albert HAMILTON

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