MISC-SHOWERS/ENGAGE-PART - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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NOTE: All are from a collection of clippings having belonged to JoAn Oppy, a New Richmond life-long resident - love that lady. None had dates but seem to be in the 1910-30s range

Mrs. Edgar Walts was hostess at a miscellaneous shower at her home on Saturday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Monroe Mason (Jennie Terrill?). The hours were from 2 til 5 and 22 of the members of the King's Daughters and girl friends of the bride were present. A cupid's dart and heart and "can" word contest were a part of the afternoon's pleasures, mingled with music and a jolly good time. A two-course luncheon was served. Mrs. Maxon received many pretty and useful gifts to add in the decoration of her cozy new home. Note: IF Jennie Terrill married 4 Jan 1912

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bonnenburg gave a six o'clock dinner Saturday evening, November 11 at their home for Miss Alethea Pierce and Mr. McKinley R. Murdock of Wingate, whose marriage will occur this month. The appointments were in red and white. The center decoration for the table was a glass basket filled with white chrysanthemums and red shaded candles in crystal candle sticks. Garlands of foliage were entwined about the covers and the individual candles at each place. A bounteous dinner was served and the salads were very appropriate in their decoration of red pimenio hearts. The guests were the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Pierce and daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson of Crawfordsville, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wilson of Lafayette and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wilson of Whitesville. -- Note: This couple was married 27 Nov 1916

New Richmond, Oct 8 -- Miss Fern Mason entertained at her home Thursday evening in honor of her guest, Miss Grooman of Indianapolis. During the course of the evening a large paper sack was brought before the assembled guests which on being loosened contained the family cat on which was tied the announcement of the engagement of Miss Mason and Mr. Morton L. Davison. Miss Mason is the daughter of Trustee O.W. Mason and Mr. Davison is the son of W.C. Davison (Davisson) and resides on the Davison place north of this place. Note: This couple married 20 October 1916

Mrs. Thomas W. Devault entertained at a miscellaneous shower for Miss Natalie Fern Mason Saturday afternoon from 2 til 5, in the K of P reception hall. Miss Mason is a bride-to-be-of-the-month. She and Mrs. Morton L. Davisson will be wedded Saturday of this week. There were a good number present at the shower which proved to be one of the good social events of the season. Refreshments were served of ice cream and cake. The hall was decorated in cut flowers. Miss Mason received many beautiful and useful presents. The ladies present were: Mesdames W.C. Davisson; O.W. Mason; Thomas W. Devault; Claude Nesbitt; Charles Haywood; A.C. McMillin; John N. Morris; A.L. Henderson; David B> Holmes; Edgar Walts; B.C. Rayborn; Levi Thomas; A.D. Long; Oscar Lowrey; Evan J. Weyles; Dayton Westfall; Moses McFall; Frank Oppy; James T. Parlon; Fred E. Bible; Charles Zuck; J.E. Bailey and Emory R. Tribby; E.G. Davisson; of Chicago; Ed. M. Mason of Crawfordsville; the Misses Anna Davisson; Anna Meharry; Moxie Turvey; Fern Mason; Avenelle Carter and Elizabeth Gerhard; Alma Gruman and Ethel Stelhorn of Indianapolis. Mrs. Devault was assisted in serving by James McFall; Russell Wayles and Jesse Devault.

Dining Room Shower -- Mrs. Frederic E. Bible entertained at a dining room shower for Miss Fern Mason on Wednesday afternoon last week at which there were about 30 persons present to enjoy this social event. The Bible home was very pretty in its decorations of yellow and white, with a profusion of yellow crysanthemums. The hostess served refreshments of orange ice and white cake. At an appointed place in the afternoon's program, Little Miss Kathleen Bible and Master Robert Davisson came from an adjoining room, pulling a child's express wagon loaded with the presents to the coming bride of the week. While Miss Mason was opening all of the packages Miss GLenethel Stelhorn gave a program of songs to the delight of the audience. The guests include the Misses Fern Mason; Anna Davisson; Anne Smith; Margie Bible; Bess Lehman; Louie Livingston; Rose Atkinson and Mabel Morris; Glenethel Stelhorn and Alma Gruman of Indianapolis; Mrs. O.W. Mason; Mrs. Mary Bible; Mrs. John Malsbury; Mrs. Faye Hamilton; Mrs. Claud Nesbitt; Mrs. Herman Nesbitt; Mrs. Alfred Henderson; Mrs. Frank Oppy; Mrs. Thomas Devault; Mrs. C.W> Graves; Mrs. Levert Binns; Mrs. Lewis Clarkson; Mrs. Earl Bonwell; Mrs. W.C. Wright; Mrs. A.C. McMillin; Mrs. E.W. Meachan; Mrs. Francis Brown and Mrs. E.G. Davisson of Chicago.

Miss Fern Mason gave a party to a number of her friends at her home last Thursday evening and at which there were present 20 guests. The evening had been previously arranged in a program of entertainment in which there was not left an idle moment. Contests with plenty of fun and everyone present had a jolly good time, they tell us. The hostess served refreshments of cream and cake. Following the refreshments, ones of the ladies came into the room carrying a huge paper sack. This she set in the middle of the floor and from it walked a pretty maltese cat with a big ribbon about its neck and a card bearing the names : "Natalie Fern Mason - Morton L. Davisson, October 21, 1916." This was a clever way of letting the cat out of the bag. Miss Mason's guests for the evening were Miss Alma Gruman of Indianapolis; the Misses Helen Meredith; Avanelle Carter; Mariette Fischer; Anne Smith; Rose Atkinson; Anna Davisson; Estella Creahan; Mabel Morris; Louie LIvingston and Bess Lehman; Mesdames Francis F. Brown; A.L. Henderson; David B. Holmes; A.C. McMillin; Fred E. Bible; Emory R. Tribby; W.C. Wright; Claude Nesbitt and Thomas W. Devault.

Emory R. Tribby and his bride were treated to a genuine old fashioned chirivari Monday evening. The newlyweds were expected such visitors and watched the army of noise makers in their advance. The party broke in trhough a window and had taken possession of the home when the bride and groom came from their hiding and and treated their guests to cigars for the gentlemen and candy for the ladies. Now, the newlyweds are duly married.

Mrs. Monroe Mason at her pretty home in the south part of town entertained in a miscellaneous shower for Miss Mary Tribby, a coming bride, on Friday afternoon, the hours being from 2 till 4. Her 17 guests enjoyed a p leasant afternoon, in contests and writing the fortune of the bride-to-be. A cleverly arranged wigwam in miniature concealed the shower gifts, which was set before the company at the appointed moment and from which the guest of honor took the packages and displayed their contents. Miss Tribby was made the recipient of a lot of pretty linens, chinaware, aluminum ware and other useful household articles. Mrs. Mason served a two course luncheon of beaten-biscuit sandwiches, and coffee, grape juice and cake. Her guests besides Miss Tribby were the Misses Nettie Hanawalt, Ruby Dick, Mabel Morris, Louise Livingston, Mary Crowder, Leila Hollin, Stella Nesbitt, Nell Davison and Mary Seaman, Mesdames Anson Thomas, Alfred Henderson, John R. Alexander, James M. Alexander, John McCrea, M. Terrill and Edgar Walts. -- Note: This couple (Mary Tribby and James Lester Pierce) married in December of 1912.

Waynetown, Feb 8 -- Miss Opal Cruea, east of town, entertained a number of lady friends at a miscellaneous shower Saturday afternoon, in honor of her sister, Miss Josie Cruea, who is to be married to Robert Holman, Sunday. 20 were present and the afternoon passed with games and contests. The bride-to-be was the recipient of a number of fancy and useful articles. Refreshments were served. The wedding will take place at the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Cruea.

The home of Mrs. Edgar Walts was the scene of a happy gatherine on Saturday evening and a very pretty pre-nuptial party when Misses Bess Lehman and Elizabeth Gerhard entertained in a "shower" for Miss Louie Livingston whose wedding to Mr. Walter Harriman is expected soon. There were about 30 ladies present, and the number of beautiful and useful presents received by Miss Livingston numbered several more than the count of guests, several not being able to be present in person. It was an evening pleasantly spent by all present. The earlier part of the evening's entertainment consisted of contest following which came a mock wedding and then the shower, the presents being brought into the presence of the company in a mammoth sized wheelbarrow, wheeled by Miss Livingston and the fittingly decorated wheelbarrow was well loaded, too. Then Miss Livingston opened her gifts in the presence of the company.

Miss Susie Miller entertained at a thimble party at the Miller home, north of town last Friday afternoon. The thimble party was changed into an announcement party later in the afternoon. Refreshments served consisted of ice cream and cake. Served with plates were cards, turned upside down beneath the two kinds of cake. Turned over they read: "Ruth B. Miller - Herman B. Nesbitt, September, 1916." The guests of the afternoon were the Misses Nettie Hanawalt, Louie Livingston, Mae Coffman, Stella Nesbitt and Mrs. Claude Nesbitt. Note: Ruth and Herman were married on the 5th of September, 1916

Dated: 8-30-1916 -- Misses Mae Coffman, Bess Lehman, Nettie Hanawalt and Louie Livingston entertained at a miscellaneous shower on last THursday evening at the home of Miss Coffman, in honor of Miss Ruth Miller, a bride of September. It was a lawn party, the decorations being Japanese lanterns arranged artistically. The company numbered 33, and it was a jolly evening party. The clever contests and varied amusements were furnished and the hostesses were voted good entertainers, and in the opinion of one of the guests the even "from the issue of the invitations even to the very last, everything was just fine." Miss Miller received barrels and boxes and a full line of gifts, including many useful and beautiful articles. These she was required to unwrap in the presence of the company and amid much merriment. The hostesses served delicious refreshments of ice crema and cake. The favors were made up of tiny bags of rice and all of these were tendered the bride-to-be as a part of the "shower." The guests included Misses Ruth, Susie, Helen and Edith Miller; Fern Mason; Anna Davisson; Rose Atkinson; Estella Creahan; Stella Nesbitt; Ethel Dunn; Avanelle Carter of Wingate and Elizabeth Gerhard of Mellott; Mesdames W.P. Coffman; L.P. Brown; Maurice Coffman; M.A. West; Claude Nesbitt; Edgar Walts; James M. Alexander; Elsie Jones; Fred Bible; Leveret Olin; A.L. Henderson; John R. Alexander; EMory R. Tribby; A.C. McMillin; A. Hanawalt and W.Q. McBeth.

Miscellaneous Shower -- One of the prettiest partiest of the summer season was given yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Cecil Hudson when she and Miss Elizabeth Darnell of Waynetown entertained about 30 guests at a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Natalie QUICK, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. William Evans whose marriage to Daniel CONNER of Indianapolis will occur Friday morning. The home was a bower of pink ramble roses and daisies and after the guests were assembled, little Richard Hudson and FLorence Amelia Dunnington brought the gifts to Miss Quick in a little wagon prettily decorated with daisies. Each gift was opened by Miss Quick and after each present had been seen a delicious luncheon was served. Mrs. Darnell of Waynetown and Miss Natalie Fern Mason of New Richmond were the out of town guests.

Mrs. Harry Breaks and Mrs. W.J. Snyder gave a miscellaneous shower on Thursday afternoon in honor of Miss Elsie Bennett, who is soon to become the birde of Mr. (Bert) Dewey of Bronws Valley. The affair was in the nature of a well wishing party and was held at the home of Mrs. Snyder, which was beautifully decorated for the occasion. In an advertisement guessing contest Mrs. Eva Lofland won the prize and in dressing a clothes pin bride Mrs. Merle Hughes carried off the honors. An elegant two-course luncheon was served, after which the bridge to be unwrapped the gifts and amid much merriment read the verses which accompanied them. Miss Bennett is a popular young lady who will be missed in the community from which she goes, but her many friends unite in wishing her much happiness in life.

Mrs. H. K. Lee gave a thimble party last Thursday afternoon at her home in Colfax and which was one of the pretty social events of the season. About 60 invited guests were present and included friends from Colfax, Crawfordsville, New Richmond and Frankfort. The social event was in reality an announcement party. Cleverly folded with the napkins as refreshments were served were cards bearing the names - "Miss Mary Agnes Lee - Mr. Earl C. Overmyer." No date was given for the coming marriage, but the wedding is expected to occur soon. The home was prettily decorated in summer flowers distributed about the rooms. The guests were received by Mrs. Lee and Miss Lee in the living room. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jackson of Crawfordsville gave a well arranged program of music during the afternoon and during the hour of refreshments. Their program consisted of instrumental selections on the Italian (?) Harp and Violin and vocal selections by Mrs. Jackson. Mrs. Maurice E. Lee; Mrs. Glen Coyner; Mrs. Kate Briton and Misses Dorothy Briton and Aileen Owen assisted in the serving. It is understood that the marriage of Miss Lee and Mr. Overmyer is to take place real soon. They have a home in Chicago awaiting their coming. Mr. Overmyer holds a position with the R.G. Dan Rating Association.

Thursday morning at 10 o'clock at the home of Rev. Demetrus Tillotson, Miss Leona Barbara Tribby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.S. Deeter, became the bride of Denzel Reid Booher. Only the immediate relatives of the young people were present at the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Booher will be at home after March 15 at 1349 West Market.

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