Sick List
Baudy, George - see Mushrooms
BENNETT, Inf d/o JC - blind? -- Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 1 March 1895 p7
“Round Hill News” – The infant daughter of JC Bennett and wife it is feared will be blind. Dr. Greene, of Crawfordsville is treating her
BOGART - attempted suicide
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Monday, 1 October 1894
Mrs. Charles Bogart, nee Toney, swallowed a bottle of laudanum Saturday night with the avowed intention of shuffling off this mortal coil and getting herself to that undiscovered country. Dr. Ensminger’s timely arrival, however, prevented Mrs. Bogart from discovering, and he soon had her emptied out. She and the amiable Charles were honeying each other around in an hour after the tragedy and one would have supposed that the young lady had intentions for a prolonged sojourn in this vale of tears.
BUFFINGTON, Jule -- Source: Crawfordsville Review 18 Nov 1883 p1
Mrs. Jule Buffington is very sick with typhoid fever.
CAMPBELL, Gerald - polio
CHESTERSON, James - paralysis -- Source: Crawfordsville Review 2 Nov 1911
Darlington Oct 28 – James Chesterson was suddenly stricken with paralysis this (Saturday) morning while at work at the Malsbarry & Cox Elevator where he was employed. He felt queer suddenly and started for a chair but fell in a heap on a pile of sawdust. His whole left side was affected by the stroke, but he was conscious and able to talk when taken to his home. He is a son of the late Louisa Chesterson who died recently. He has a son, Walter and a daughter, Mrs. John Mcclure. Mr. Chesterson is about 70 years old.
CLODFELTER, Marion - fever
COTTRELL, Estella (I think) - operation-- Source: Crawfordsville Review 12 Oct 1911 p 1
Mrs. Frank Cottrell of Wingate underwent an operation at Culver Union Hospital a few days ago. Mrs. Cottrell gave birth to a girl baby and it was found necessary to pursue the Caesarian method of delivery. The mother stood the operation well and both she and her baby are doing nicely. Dr. PJ Barcus performed the operation assisted by Dr. Allhands and Dr. Olin in the presence of several physicians and nurses. This is the third Caesarian operation performed by Dr. Barcus and because of its rarity is believed the local physician holds a record in that particular line of surgery.
Cronin, Mrs.
Source: Crawfordsville Star Jan 20, 1898Mrs. Cronin, recently adjudged insane, was taken in charge by the authorities. She had 4420 sewed up in her clothing.
CROUCH, Jack - family has typhoid
HALLETT, EP - insane
HICKS, Carrie (I think) -- Source: Crawfordsville Review 7 Oct 1899 p 7
New market news – Mrs. Lewis Hicks is thought to be out of danger now. She has been very ill of typhoid fever.
HOWARD, Frank -- Insane -- Source: Crawfordsville Daily News-Review 3 Jan 1901 p 1
Frank M. Howard, the well known Rockville attorney who was at one time prosecuting attorney for Montgomery and Parke judicial district has been taken to the Indianapolis Insane Hospital for treatment. Mr. Howard has had a protracted illness and the ravages of disease effected his mind. There are hopefully symptoms for his recovery and many friends in Crawfordsville will cherish the wish that they may be speedily realized.
HULVEY, Hazel - appendectomy -- Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier Thu 5 Feb 1931 p 8
Darlington – Miss Hazel Hulvey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floren Hulvey was rushed to Culver Hospital where she underwent an emergency operation for appendicitis.
HULVEY, Laura -- Escapes Death -- Source: Kempton Indiana Courier 18 July 1913 Fri p 1
Mrs. Floren Hulvey of near Darlington narrowly escaped death or serious injury Monday when a shotgun in the hands of her 10-year-old son exploded. The lad was in the kitchen of the home and his mother seated at a table in an adjoining room. Finding a loaded shotgun behind the kitchen door the child laid it across his knees and pulled the trigger. A number of the shot from the heavily loaded gun passed into the thigh of Mrs. Hulvey. A physician succeeded in picking most of the shot and after dressing the wound stated the injury would not prove serious. Mrs. Hulvey is reported as faring nicely but the little child has not recovered from the fright he experienced when the gun exploded and his mother was injured. A report received from the Hulvey home stated the lad was unable to speak yet, so badly had he been frightened.
Influenza - see also 1918 flu list
McGILLARD, Jack - epileptic on street
MARKEY, Josiah - Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Thursday 16 October 1873
Josiah Markey whom we spoke of a few weeks since as being reported crazy, we learn has been wandering around and on Friday last was found a few miles from home. Arrangements, we learn, are being made to take him to the asylum
MAY, Jacob - Michael - see MUSHROOMS
MOORE, Francis (Mrs)
Source: Waynetown Hornet, Dec 26, 1887 -- (in overview of year) -- April 30th -Mrs. Francis Moore goes crazy and tries to kill herself.
Source: Crawfordsville Review 13 September 1890John Peffley, a brick mason, fell from the roof of John Kneff's residence at Ladoga last Saturday and sustained a broken leg and some internal injuries.
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 30 June 1899The item in regard to Mrs. Srader being taken to the asylum in Monday's paper was a mistake as to the name. It should have read Miss Dora Srader, daughter of Mrs. James Srader
STUMP, Albert (lengthy article about his mother finding him in the county poor house after 16 years apart)
THOMPSON, Alma (Alexander)
TILNEY - leg amputated -- Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Wednesday, 30 March 1892
This morning Dr. Henry Long, of Indianapolis, Dr. W. F. Curryer, of Thorntown, and Dr. J. T. Marsh, of Brownsburg, all of the Eclectic College of Physicians, arrived in the city to amputate the leg of Arthur Centennial Tilney, the son of Dr. DeCaux Tilney. The operation was eminently successful and the leg was amputated between the thigh and the knee, and the dissection of the member afterwards showed that the bones were all rotten. The lad was bitten by a snake some time ago while running in the creek bottoms. The strange part of the case is that the snake bite was on the foot of the other leg instead of the one which shriveled and decayed.
WHITE, Sylvia - attempts suicide - sick from worry - Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 4 Jan 1895 p9
Mrs. Sylvia White, the unfortunate bride of Daniel White, who is now in the Boone County jail for theft, attempted to commit suicide at her father’s Allen Davis, by swallowing nearly an ounce of chloroform on New Years morning but Medical aid was summoned in time to save her life. She is young and brooding over the conduct of her husband, she became despondent and committed the rash act.
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana Friday, Aug 9, 1895"Number 13" news item Henry, the 17-year-old son of John Wilson is very low with consumption [tuberculosis].
WOOD, Aaron (Rev) - very ill at home in Yountsville -- Source: Indianapolis Journal Fri 29 July 1887 p2
Rev. Aaron Wood, DD, the oldest Methodist minister in the Northwestern Indiana Conference is very ill at his home in Yountsville, Montgomery County.
ZIMMERMAN, Merrill -- Source: Greencastle Herald 10 June 1913 -p1
Ladoga, June 9 – “Where am I?” were the first words spoken by Miss Merrill Zimmerman, the high school girl to her mother when she came out of a trance yesterday which had lasted since last Tuesday morning. The girl is still so weak that she can not leave her bed. During the entire time she was in the trance, Miss Zimmerman showed no animation, except when she turned over on her side. Overwork is supposed to have been the cause of the nervous trance. … Ladoga June 7 – Miss Zimmerman, the young high school graduate who fell asleep last Tuesday morning is still in a state of coma. She has taken no nourishment or water since she passed into unconsciousness. Once she opened her eyes but apparently saw none of her relatives at the bedside and made no effort to speak.