Broadlick - married but elopes - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Broadlick - married but elopes

Source: Crawfordsville Review 19 Oct 1920 p 1

Ladoga, Oct 18 – CF Broadlick, Ladoga baker, whose sudden departure from here with Miss Grace Gibson on Sept 28 caused a big stir, returned last night, went to his home, enjoyed a good supper and then called Mrs. Broadlick who was at the baker and informed her of his return and asked that she come to the house.  His wife told him she was busy and could not leave the bakery.  Broadlick arrived at the bakery a few minutes later and was arrested by Marshal Gill.  He will be turned over to federal authorities, Marshal Gill said.  Miss Gibsn who is 18 years old, arrived at her home here last Friday. She was found in the interurban station at Indianapolis by Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rose.  According to the girl’s story she was looking for her two brothers, John and Hobert, who live in Indianapolis.  It was stated here tonight that the girl and her mother were in Indianapolis during the day today and consulted federal officers on the case. It is understood that Miss Gibson has furnished them with information regarding her alleged escapade with Broadlick.  The baker apparently unconcerned abou the seriousness of the case, talked freely regarding the affair. The details as related by the man run as follows: Leaving here on Sept 28, the couple went to Greencastle, then to Bloomington and arrived in Louisville Ky on the night of the above date. Leaving the latter city they visited points in Tennessee, were in Atlanta, Ga and continued the trip into Florida. Somewhere in Florida, Broadlick is declared to have received a copy of the Crawfordsville Review, mailed to him by a friend whose name has not been learned. In the paper he read of a search for him that was being instituted by federal authorities. Then he had a change of heart.  It was following this according to the girl’s story that he started her for home.  Miss Gibson is credited with having said that Broadlick told her to go direct to Indianapolis, find her brothers, secure a job and remain in that city.  He cautioned her it is said not to tell anything concerning their trip. Shortly afterward Broadlick headed for Ladoga.  He made a stop at Bowling Green, Ky on the return trip.  From this point, it is said, he wrote a letter to Mrs. Broadlick in which he is declared to have asked that his regards be conveyed to Miss Gibson and the baker’s older daughter, who is a close personal friend of the Gibson girl.  He has made no statement about the report that the Auburn car which he used on his “southern voyage” not belonging to him.  No action was taken tonight bearing on his alleged theft of a Ford machine at the Tippecanoe County Fair at Lafayette.  Sheriff Weinhardt and “Billy” Scherer, superintendent of Lafayette police wer ein Ladoga a few days ago to recover the car which Broadlick is alledge to have stolen.  Mrs. Broadlick has made no statement regarding the actions of her husband.  

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