Music and such - News

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 9 Jan 1873The Alamo Silver Band gave a concert in Academy Hall last Saturday night which was said by those present to be a very pleasant and entertaining affair.
BaldwinSource: Crawfordsville Daily Argus 13 March 1883 D.H.Baldwin & Co. want to trade a piano or organ for two good driving horses, suitable for driving to a light wagon.Source: Crawfordsville Star 4-19-1883The DH Baldwin Music House is no more. It had an uphill business in attempting to compete with the old reliable house of Townsley & Co and gave up the unequal struggle by closing out all its pianos, organs and music to Townsley & Co and then retiring from the field. This leads us to remark that for fair dealing, honest and genuine business enterprise the reliable music firm of Townsley & Co has a reputation that it may well be proud of. Not only does it control the trade of Crawfordsville and Montgomery County but also does a large business in Fountain, Parke, Boone, Tippecanoe, Clinton and surrounding counties. Go where you may you will find the Emerson piano and Chase organ and the owners pleased to speak a good word for Townsley & Co.
Source: Waveland Independent, Friday, 7 July 1899The annual musical festival under the management of Professor Manley Booe, the wire fence artist will be held at the Shades on July 23rd.
Source: Crawfordsville Daily News-Review July 19, 1900The Big Store Band will play at the Local Union Social.
Source: Cville Daily N-R July 27. 1900The Big Store band will give another of its popular concerts on next Sunday afternoon at the fair grounds, assisted by the New Richmond band. Lee Harter, the clarinetist of Covington band will play a solo as will also Master Lewlie Spence of the same organization. Young Spense is only 14 years old but is a saxaphone player of great ability. He will render a solo entitled, The Holy City. Everyone should lend their presence to the concert and show their appreciation of the city band, which is a credit to our city.
Source: Waveland Independent, Feb 25, 1927A Los Angeles California paper, speaking about a recent meeting of the Lions Club in that city says: R.S. Bowers, talented singer, rendered two selections that delighted the members." That's our Brainy!"
Hollingsworth's - see Various Music Venues
Source: Crawfordsville Star, May 16, 1878 p 1Harry Mitchell, the practical piano tuner, can always be found at Townsley & Gilbert's Music Store. Prompt attention to all calls.
Music Hall
Source: Argus News 1-1-1900Music Hall Wednesday night, NY World's Latest Musical Comedy Farce - Kelly's Kids 35 & 50 cents
New Richmond Band
Source: Crawfordsville Review 6 Jan 1894 p 4
“New Richmond” – Al Champion, the Crawfordsville photographer, came out this week and photographed the New Richmond band. They then took the train for Linden to assist in the IOOF installation.
Opera House - see Various Music Venues
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Argus 13 March 1883 Opera House - on Tuesday Feb 6 -- Original Nashville Students in their plantation melodies and popular songs. The Nashville Students Have Few if Any Equals. Reserved Seats at Hollingsworth's.Source: Daily Argus, Thursday Feb 8, 1883 - Elliott Barnes' Great Amerian Play - Only a Farmer's Daughter - played 150 nights in NY. Acknowledged by the entire world as the handsomest woman on stage with a great cast including Lillian Gerard, J.F. Brien, Emma Frank and La Petite Gilroy, the greatest living child actress. Reserved Seats at Hollingsworth's.
Source: Argus News, Thursday, Feb 22, 1883 --Rescue Fire Co. Grand Ball for the benefit of the company. Music by the Rutledge Orchestra. Floor Tickets $1. Gallery Tickets 25 cents.Source: Crawfordsville Daily Argus 13 March 1883 p 1The Rescue Fire Company will give a fireman's dance and banquet on February 22. All the necessary arrangements are being made to insure a pleasnat time to all who attend. The boys deserve to be well patronized by all the city for the objective is to get money to replenish their treasurery, which is to meet any necessary expenses that may occur. There is always expenses attached to be defrayed by members and people should see that the company is helped.