Babbitt - Geo - hearing returns 5 years - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Babbitt - Geo - hearing returns 5 years

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Wednesday, 27 December 1893

The Waveland Independent gives the following account of a case which came under the treatment of Dr. Reece Kelso:
“Five years ago in September George Babbitt was employed in a car shop at Indianapolis, when a heavy shaft fell on him, crushing his skull, braking one leg and one arm and mashing two fingers off. He was treated by eminent surgeons of Indianapolis and Cincinnati; they removed the crushed bones of the skull and substituted a silver plate, and in time discharged him, but he was never afterward able to speak or to hear any sound. About three months ago Babbitt came into this neighborhood, a “tramp,” and was given employment by John Heslar, who lives on the John Reddish farm, west of town. One night last week he was taken sick. Dr. R. D. Kelso was sent for and when he arrived, found the man in terrible agony from pains which started in the back of his head and ran to the region of his heart. The doctor worked with him nearly all night before his sufferings were relieved, when the sense of hearing was suddenly restored. By morning he was overjoyed to find that the power of speech had also returned. At first he was only able to speak in a hoarse whisper, but day by day his voice gained in strength, and is now almost as clear and strong as on the day when he was so terribly injured, five years ago. - kz

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