Bonnell Roe & wife meet again - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Bonnell Roe & wife meet again

Source: Crawfordsville Review 29 August 1891 p 1

A gentleman from Waynetown related the following interesting romance to the RKVIKW this week: About live years ago Roe Bonnell, son of Squire Bonnell. of Waynetown. and Miss Riddle, the daughter of John P. Riddle, were happily married. In due time two bright children were born to them. Shortly after the birth of the second child a little domestic trouble arose and the young couple separated, the young bride with their children returning to her father's home. This separation continued until last Saturday when a happy but unexpected termination to their difficulties occurred. Reing a little out of sorts the husband had occasion to visit the office of Dr. Hamilton. Entering the apartments he saw not the doctor, but his wife and child, who had also called, seeking relief from some primary ailments. They looked at each other for a moment. Not a word was spoken. It wasn't necessary. Their eyes spoke volumes and told of the love buried in each others heart, and in another moment they were clasped in each others arms and each wept for joy. The reconciliation was complete and we drop the curtain on the happy set in on the happy scene.

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