1875 Crawfordsville businesses - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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1875 Crawfordsville businesses

Some 1875 Crawfordsville businesses

Source: Saturday Mercury, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana 6 November 1875

Mr. Ira Cadwallader resumed business this week with the brightest prospects of success. His stock of boots and shoes are among the finest to be found in the city and he is selling the m at low prices. In fact the pruchaser will find that Ira can give better bargains than any other boot and shoe establishment in the state. The ladies in particular should not fail to call and examine his elegant assortment of goods embracing every quality and style of shoes.

Source: Saturday Mercury, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana 6 November 1875

Good news. Raymonds Furniture Palace is the place to buy fine sets. $500 went last week and today $1000 worth has been received. You may depend upon their going

Source: Saturday Mercury, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana 16 Oct 1875

Down they come - Bill Laymon is now in daily receipt of EB Mallory's and James E. Starsbury's celebrated cultivated bay oysters. These oysters are the finest in the World. By a favorable arrangement with the packers, he is enabled to sell them at the same prices others sell the common deep sea oysters. He will put them up to the trade, families and parties, by the can or case at the very lowest figures they an be afforded. Those who buy their oysters of him can rely upon getting exactly what is represented. He warrants all he sells. - kbz

Billy Layman's Restaurant is doing a larger business this fall than ever. The people appear to have found out where good eatin is to be had. Billy Layman gets his work in on cigars by selling a better cigar for the price than any body else Try them and see how it is yourself. - kbz

Source: Saturday Mercury, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana 16 Oct 1875

Allen & Bro. have now on exhibition a heavy lot of Government Clothing. A good opportunity is now offered to all of our old veterans who design attended the grand reunion at Indianapolis next month to don the blue. - kbz

Source: Saturday Mercury, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana 16 Oct 1875

JB Robb of the firm of Robb & Mahorney is now in the East selecting a full line of good cheap stoves. With his experience we may expect to find the best at this old reliable place - kbz

Source: Saturday Mercury, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana 16 Oct 1875

The Keller House has changed proprietors and is till running for the benefit of the traveling public. If you don't believe it call and see for yourself. Will O Hamilton Proprietor

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