New RIchmond Shoes - Clem Heaton - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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New RIchmond Shoes - Clem Heaton

Source: New Richmond Record 22 Oct 1914 p 1

New Richmond has another stock of shoes, Mr. Clem Heaton of Michigantown is our new merchant and man of business. He arrived Monday afternoon with his wife and little son, and is now hard at work arranging his new stock of ladies’, gents’ and children’s shoes, all new. For the present only this new shoe store will be located in Moulder’s dry goods store. Mr. Heaton will give an opening of his new store on Saturday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Heaton have rented the Alexander property in the east part of town, lately vacated by M. A. West and family, and will move here immediately after the election.- kbz

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