-- H -- Miscellaneous News Index
HALL, Elias W - received a guardian (EJ Sutton)
HALL, Thomas -- receives help
HAVERCAMP, Helen Louise - adopted by Frank & Minnie BRACKETT
HAYS, Mahala vs Julius Cox - support for child
HAZLETT, Sam - orchard --
Source: Greencastle Daily Sun April 19 1890 p 3
Sam Hazlett, who lives south of town has planted an orchard of 50 acres – apple, pear and other trees!
Sam Hazlett, who lives south of town has planted an orchard of 50 acres – apple, pear and other trees!
HENDRICKS, Luetta - insanity -- Source: Crawfordsville Review 23 Feb 1895 p 6
On Saturday evening Deputy Sheriff John Brothers took Mrs. Luetta Hendricks to the insane asylum. This is Mrs. Hendrick’s second confinement in the asylum, having been released from there about eight years ago.
HERRON, Charles -- Source: Indianapolis Journal Monday March 25, 1895 p 2
Charles Herron, of Crawfordsville has been named as a cadet to West Point and is to report there June 15.
HOLLOWAY, John - Christmas tree - purchases land -- robbed (see John Brown)
HULLINGS, Nellie - adopted by Wm & Margaret Mitchell - see Mitchell