Howard - Frank insane - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Howard - Frank insane

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 4 January 1901
The following concerning Frank Howard, who is well known here and who was prosecuting attorney of this circuit when Montgomery and Parke Counties were together, is taken from the Rockville Tribune:

It is with profound regret that the Tribune announces that the protracted illness of Frank M. Howard has resulted in a stage of insanity which necessitated his confinement in the hospital for the insane at Indianapolis. For several weeks it has been feared that his brilliant mind had given way to the ravages of disease; but it was only last Thursday that his wife and mother realized the mental derangement was such that only treatment at the state institution could cure. Mr. Howard himself was at times aware of this, and it is a hopeful sign that he voluntarily went with his attendants to the asylum. The sympathy of a host of friends is extended to Mr. Howard’s family, and especially is this true of those who have known him from boyhood, and who have so often in the past enjoyed his cheerful companionship. -s

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