1834 - Notices in the Record - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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1834 - Notices in the Record

1834 - Notices in the Record
(Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana) newspaper

Source: 14 June 1934 p 3

All persons indebted to the estate of Charlas (sic) Stewart dec'd late of Montgomery County Ia (early abbreviation of Indiana) are requested to make immediate payment and all those having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement within one yea- the estate is insolvent ... Wm. Bratton, Adm'r

Source: 14 June 1934 p 3

An Indiana Poney (sic) - between 14 and 15 hands high, dapple grey, switch tail, roached man except the withers, and shod, left the subscriber this day and will probably go northward. Please stop him and give me notice of it, and you shall be paid for your trouble. Enos Lowe - Rockville, Ia. May 2.

Source: 14 June 1834 p 3

Dissolution of partnership - The co-partnership hereto existing under the firm of M'Connell, Hanna & Co. is this day dissolved, by mutual consent. - S & JS Hanna are authorized to settle the business of said firm. The books, noes and accounts, due said firm, are placed in the hands of PM Currey, Esq of this place, for settlement. Those who know themselves indebted, are requested to call and settle the same. Persons that contracted debts with an understanding that time would be given, will please to call and give their notes payable accordingly; those who have had accounts or notes due for some time, are notified to make payment on or before the 20th of May, or they may be under the necessity of paying some costs, which we hope may be avoided... Samuel Hanna, Joseph S. Hanna, A. McConnell. Crawfordsville, April 10, 1834 .. 6 - tf

Source: 14 June 1834 p 3

Hat Manufactory - John D. Strickland and Jonathan W. Powers, take this method of informing the Public that they have purchased of Resin V. Jones his HATTING ESTABLISHMENT and intend carrying on that business in all its various branches ... under the firm of Strickland & Powers. Their shop is one door west of William W. Nicholson's Tavern Stand where they will be glad to accomodate all those who may favor them with their custom. Their Hats will be of as good quality as any in the West, and sold on as reasonable terms ... for CASH or FURS. -- The highest prices will be given for Muskrat, Coon and Mink skins ... Crawfordsville, Ia June 14, 1834 ... 11 3m

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