Holt & Dog fight - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Holt & Dog fight

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Saturday, 24 December 1892

On Thursday Joseph Holt, of Whitesville, had an experience which he will not forget, for he narrowly escaped death. He will henceforth be very much attached to his dog which saved his life. He was looking for stray chickens and happened to get in a pig pen on Grant Ward’s place, occupied by a sow and her fresh litter of pigs. The animal resented the intrusion and fiercely attacked Mr. Holt. He was unable to escape and was forced to fight. The sow would jump against him and by her great weight throw him to the ground or against the side of the pen. Finally he succeeded in getting his gun and broke it over her head, but without in the least hurting her. Without weapons, weak and tired, Mr. Holt indeed thought that his time had come. His antagonist made another lunge, pinned him up against the bars and was proceeding to chew him up when his dog happened to come up. The dog grabbed the sow by the hind leg and diverted her attention from his master. Mr. Holt then escaped but was badly hurt internally. He is able to be out today and has bought that dog a fifty cent collar. He also wants to notify the boys not to shoot at his dog any more. - s

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