Source: The People's Friend, Covington, Fountain County, Indiana 1 October 1862
Union Hotel, situated on the Canal on the road leading to the River Bridge, Covington, Indiana. Wm. Hegle, informs his friends that he has opened the above house to the traveling public and is prepared to furnish as good cheer as can be found at any house in the West. Attached to the House is a large and well filled barn and a good stable yard, where plenty of room can at all times be found, and careful and attentive ostlers to attend to horses and other stock. There is also attached to the house a fine grocery establishment, where may be found all the staple articles usually kept in that line, consisting in part as follows: Coffee, Sugar, Spices, Tobaccos Liquors & c. & c. -- Covington, Ind Nov 21st 1861 - 11 tf