HIBBS, Jacob - cuts off fingers
Source: Covington People’s Friend 10 Sept 1862 p 2
One Jacob Hibbs living in Cain Twp this county we are credibly informed cut off the two forefingers of his right hand a few days since to avoid the draft. Mr. H our informant says could not sleep until he had accomplished the cowardly deed since which time slumber seeks his eye-lids easily, shame on the dastardly poltroon who would thus mutilate himself to avoid the necessity of serving his country. He ought to be impressed into the service and place in the front ranks to shield some honest patriot from the whistling ball or whizzing shell. Thank God there is but few such abortions of humanity in the country. External shame on you Hibbs the ghosts of the martyrs of this war will haunt you to your grave.
NOTE: We are acquainted with Mr. Hibbs and know from himself and his neighbors that the loss of his fingers was purely accidental and the ly6ing, slanderous and cowardly puppy who gave the Ledger its information had better not make himself known to Mr. Hibbs. The man who can slander his neighbor in this way deserves the condemnation of all men who have any regard for truth.
All we have to say to the above is that the informer of the Ledger did not know the facts of the case or else he willfully misrepresented them. Mr. Hibbs’ fingers were cut off by his son a boy about 12 years of age it was done accidentally, the accident falls heavily on Mr. H and then for some malicious wretch to publish such a defamatory article as the above is too much to be borne. It has been done by some political enemy that dare not call Mr. H. a coward to his face. Mr. H. is a loyal man, has always paid his taxes without default: he has a family of small children and did not like to leave them to go to war he said so, hence the above slanderous report. The newly fledged editor of the Ledger should be careful in publishing reports on the citizens of the county – JOHN W. NEWLIN