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Who's Who

in Montgomery County
(Karen's Version anyway:)
Note: Picture above, Maurice Thompson with his bow
photo compliments of : Crawfordsville District Public Library's photo collection -
a great help for anything where pictures of our county is needed - THANKS!!

2-2-2016 - Thanks to Darrel W - this is a nifty site featuring a few C'ville folks
-- A --

ALLEN, John Beard - soldier; attorney

Physician, Veteran, Humanitarian

-- B --

BRATTON, William - on Lewis & Clark Expedition -- my grandson LOVES this guy because he has WB initials, too :)
This one is for you Daner B
** Source 2 for William Bratton -  ""
** Source 3 for William Bratton - "Discovery Paths"
** Source 5 for William Bratton - dedication 2002

This link is very nifty, too sent to me from John Cowan - thanks so much, buddy !
Seaside Salt Works  National Park Service a Lewis and Clark Site

BURROFF, William McKinley -- invented a seeder which was patented and made by the Bainly-Hardy Company of Loiusville, KY

-- C --

CHASE, Theodora Larsh -- A world-reknowned artist, born in Crawfordsville where she graduated from HS, lived in Indianapolis where she received much artistic training, lived abroad studying, on to Chicago and finally to New York City where she had one sweet office and a rich husband whom she was in a 50-50 marriage with, quite a new-fangled idea at that time frame (1920s)

CLARK, Fred & Ina -- - I'm so sorry, no picutre or anything but this wonderful couple Ina Miller (died April 1964) and her husband, Fred Clark (died Feb 1956) left $500,000 entrusted for scholarship money for deserving Montgomery County Students - this is the Clark Scholarship that has aided so many students (a C average or above and a full-time student was the main requirement )- these two deserve a BIG Who's Who Award -- click on their names for their obits -- thanks to Ginny for Ina's and I found Fred's - hopefully, some day I can find more !!

CLINE, Pat -- Author -- Pat gave me my first stab at authorship and was beneficial in nurturing my writing career :) Loved the lady - kz

CLODFELTER, Noah J. - entrepreneur etc.  - interesting fellow - such drive but he just fell apart :(  

CRAWFORDSVILLE Monster - you can guess what he was famous for

-- D --
DePARIS, Sidney - jazz trumpet player

DePARIS, Wilbur - trombone jazz player

-- E --

ELLIS, William Russell -- politician (US House of Rep)' mayor; attorney

ELSTON, Isaac -- Philanthropist -- one of the most influential of all Montgomery Countians, he had the Midas Touch. His fame went throughout the state of not the nation.

-- F --

-- G --

GILL, Warren Darst - pro baseball player (well, for a month :) -- photo from Wikipedia - not too good but gives a general idea :)

-- H --

HARBERT, Elizabaeth Boynton -- suffragist; author; much more

HARRIS, Barnett -- Photographer -- famous photographer, scientist, inventor; painter ...invented the rocket bullet to tranquillise big game for transportation --Time Magazine article -- biographical information I've collected about this interesting man.

-- I --

-- J --

JOHNSON, John P. "Hale" - lawyer, politician, high member of Prohibitionist party

-- K --

KRITZ, Henry Seymour -- Professor/ Educator

-- L --

LANE, Henry Smith -- Orator, Lawyer, Senator; Shortest-termed Indiana Governor; friend of 'ol Abe ...

LARRABEE, William Henry - teacher, doctor ...

-- M --

MAHORNEY, John Calvin -- Dr. in the Ladoga area


MANSON, Mahlon Dickerson -- one of Montgomery County's Five (I say six but that's another story :) Civil War Generals -- also a druggist


MISNER, Benjamin - early Sheriff

MOORE, Bertha Petro -- amazing corn husker -- after her husband's death, she ran two Grain Elevators. She and her son then expanded beyond belief.

-- N --

-- O --

-- P --

-- Q --

-- R --

REMLEY, Merle -- Crawfordsville Police Chief; Montgomery County Sheriff; Indiana State Police

-- S --

SCHLEMMER, Fritz -- local artist - Wabash College's first Artist in Residence


SPRUHAN, Guy - "Pinky" -- high school; college sports figure plus Coach extraordinaire -- Salem Educational System - won state championships - Guy was from my hometown of Waveland, Indiana so he's kind of special :)


STEELE, T.C. -- one of the most famous Wavelandites, taught at the local Academy for tuition after his father passed away; studied abroad; was renowned for his landscapes and painted several prominent people. Wikipedia article -- Indiana Historical Society bio -- T.C. Steele Homepage (they buy/sell his paintings) -- Indiana State Museum site


STONEBRAKER, Homer - Stoney -- member of 1913 Wingate State Basketball Champs; All-American @ Wabash College; played for the Chicago Bruins

-- T --

older image from Wekipedia

-- U --

-- V --

VAUGHAN, Robert "Pete" -- C'ville 4-sport athlete; Notre Dame star (played with Knute Rockne); Wabash & Purdue coach ...

Postmaster; businessman; Rep; Shriner ...

-- W --

WALLACE, Lew - Author; Orator; General; Lawyer; Statesman ...
** Reference 2 for Lew  Biography information this site
** Please search the web as Lew IS very Who's Whoey


WARD, Phil -- Iwo Jima ORIGINAL flag raiser
Reference 1  Story from the "LA Times"


WHITLOCK, Ambrose - long-time Land Office recorder; entreprenuer; benefactor; Major ..


WILCOX, Harold "Howdy" -- Race Car Driver -- Won Indy 500 in 1919 - Note: Although I'm not a major fan (being an English teacher) of Wikipedia I love the chart showing his racing career
***Source 2 for Howdy Wilcox - findagrave   ""

-- X --

-- Y --

Some might not put DK Young in their Who's Who but this man absolutely fascinates me. He was a brakeman on the funeral train for President Lincoln that came through our area. A farmer for many years in the Colfax-Darlington area and a grocery man. Always a smile on his face, he was well loved by all. Read his bio by clicking his name and check-out his
obituary here :)
Note: there are many variations of his first name, another item that fascinates me about this man :) kz

-- Z --

NOTE: I and many others have spent 20 plus years (from its inception) on this project --
CREDITPLEASE GIVE if you use our work! I've found hundreds of obituaries FROM THIS SITE on findagrave and many personal genealogy sites - I know the obituaries etc. came from here but I don't see any credit. PLEASE GIVE CREDIT!!!! Here is the citation you should use & thanks so much in advance :)

Citation: The Indiana (INGenWeb Project), Copyright ©1996-2019 (and beyond), Montgomery County GenWeb site - thanks soooo much - Karen Bazzani Zach

My name is Karen Bazzani Zach and I am your Coordinator for Montgomery County.    My hubby is constantly helping me as well - thanks, Jim Z :) . Your Indiana State Coordinator is Lena Harper .

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