Wallace - Lew

Buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Crawfordsville, Indiana

The Tacoma, Wash News of January 2 contains the following interview with a former Indianian which will be read with interest by all Hoosierdom, especially the Crawfordsville Production. George Hazzard who grew up in Indiana noted: “Indiana is today one of the most enlightened, progressive and wealth States in the Union. The term Hoosier has grown to be a synonym for intelligence, thrift and enterprise (the interviewer laughed – Hazzard going on to prove his point). He told of all the great men in the state. Oliver Perry Morton, Thomas Andrew Hendricks … and Indiana has give a Senator to most of the Western States (California; Oregon; Kansas; ND; SD … “My name is George Hazzard, native of New Castle, Henry County. Proud of my name, proud of my nativity and justly so. Ind only state to furnish Lincoln 3 cabinet ministers. Most troops to the Union during the war… I could go on and on but let me call your attention to this town of Crawfordsville, in Montgomery County, 50 miles northwest of Indianapolis in the Wabash Valley.
Photo by: Seth Musselman via findagrave.com - could run out and take it myself but too lazy and too allergenic :( Cream-colored pic from CDPL image file)

Born: April 10, 1827 Father later became the governor of Indiana. 1st Lieutenant of the 1st Indiana in the Mexican War, but never saw combat. 1849: Admitted to the bar association. 1856: Elected to the State Senate. Appointed State Adjutant General upon the bombardment of Fort Sumter. April 25, 1861: Became Colonel of the 11th Indiana. September 3, 1861: Became Brigadier General of Volunteers. March 21, 1862: Became Major General (after taking part in the capture of Fort Donelson). April, 1862. Participated in the battle of Shiloh March 1864. Assigned by President Abraham Lincoln to command the Middle Department and 8th Army Corps in Baltimore, Maryland. July 9, 1864. Commanded Union troops at the Battle of Monocacy. Known as the "battle that saved Washington," Wallace and his troops slowed Early's advance on the Capital, thus gaining time for Federal troops to reinforce the city defense. 1865: Member of the military commission which tried Lincoln conspirators Later became president of the court martial which tried and condemned Henry Wirz (commandant at Andersonville). Wrote Ben Hur: A Tale of the Christ Became U.S. minister to Turkey. Became governor of the New Mexico territory. Died: February 15, 1905. Buried in Oak Hill Cemetery in Crawfordsville, Indiana.
Source: History of Montgomery County, Indiana. Indianapolis: AW Bowen, 1913 (Indianapolis: AW Bowen, 1913) p 561
Gen. Lew Wallace - There could be no more comprehensive history of a state than that which deals with the life-work of those who by their own endeavors and accomplishments have helped to give that state an eminent position among its sister commonwealths. It is a far cry from the humble rank held by Indiana in the field of literature in the days of "The Hoosier Schoolmaster" to the present proud position held by the Hoosier state as the literary center of America. Her masters of literature have included names which have become familiar in every town and hamlet of this country, and are not unknown in foreign countries. Edward Eggleston, David Biddle, Charles Major, Sarah Miller, Booth Tarkington, Meredith Nicholson, George Ade, James Whitcomb Riley and Lew Wallace comprise a galaxy of writers whose productions, in prose and verse, have reflected the highest honors on their state. Of these, none has contributed as much of a permanent character and acknowledged value as Gen. Lew Wallace, to the record of whose notable career the following lines are devoted. American history offers few examples of public men who have become really eminent in so many distinct fields of endeavor as General Wallace. Lawyer, soldier, tactician, diplomat and author - in each of these spheres of effort he exhibited qualities of the highest order and his deeds were those of definite accomplishment. He was a conqueror with both sword and pen, his achievements as a soldier, eminent as they were, being of no higher order than his attainment in literature. Not only his beloved Indiana, but the whole nation, reveres his name, which has been, by universal consent, placed high in the temple of fame.
Lew Wallace was the second in the order of birth of the four sons born to Governor David and Esther French ( TEST ) Wallace, his birth having occurred at Brookville, Franklin County, Indiana, on April 10, 1827. His paternal grandfather, Andrew Wallace, was from Fayette County, Pennsylvania, from which place he moved his family to Cincinnati, Ohio, and thence to Brookville, Indiana, where he kept a hotel and became a man of influence.
David Wallace, father of the subject, went from this state as a cadet to West Point Military Academy, where in due time he was graduated and entered the regular army, where he served three years. He then studied law and, upon being admitted to the bar, began the active practice of that profession at Brookville, Indiana. He was well grounded in the principles of law and was a brilliant attorney. He was recognized as a man of unusual ability and was called into public life, serving successively as a member of the Legislature, twice as Lieutenant Governor, as Governor in 1837, and as a member of Congress from 1841 to 1845, two terms. After his retirement from Congress he served as judge of the court of common pleas with eminent ability. His death occurred in 1859, at the age of sixty years. Governor Wallace was twice married, his first wife, whose maiden name was Esther French Test, being a sister of the late Judge Charles Test and the daughter of Hon. John Test, a pioneer of Indiana and congressional representative from his state. Lew Wallace was a child of this marriage, being but six years old when his mother died. Two years later the father married Zeralda G. Sanders, of Millersburg, Kentucky. [added note: Zarelda's sister Jemima Sanders was 2nd wife to Richard Jordan Gatling, the inventor of the Gatling gun, steam powered tractor, and several tools for agriculture] To her wise counsel, loving care and strong will can be attributed much of her son's success in after life. She became his model of a loving, tender, helpful mother. Upon his first visit to her, after the publication of the book "Ben-Hur", he said, "Mother, what do you think of my book?" "Oh, it is a grand book, my son" said Mrs. Wallace. "Where did you get that beautiful character of the mother of Ben-Hur?" He answered, "Why, my dear mother, I thought of you every line while wrote it."
Lew Wallace's maternal grandfather, John Test, was a native of Salem, New Jersey. He was a man of great ability, a Hicksite Quaker, and he and another Hicksite Quaker, Butler, were pioneers of Brookville, Indiana, in 1805. He was regarded as the best lawyer and scholar in the state, and he was foremost in progress in every line. He brought the first carding machinery to Franklin County and was instrumental in introducing other improvements for the benefit of the community. He was admitted to practice in 1811, and was the first congressman from Indiana. Scarcely a vestige remains of the old Test mansion, the home of a family which furnished as much good brain and ability to the making of the early history of Indiana as any other family of the state. John Test was the grandson of John Test, who came over in the good ship "Welcome" with William Penn, and whom Penn regarded as the bravest and best man in his colony, having him appointed high sheriff. Thus it is seen that from ancestral lines Lew Wallace inherited qualities of the highest order.
Lew Wallace was largely self-educated, though he attended the common schools and became a student at Wabash College, but did not graduate. In his youth he began the study of law in his father's office, but the Mexican war disturbed his plans for a legal career and he left Covington as the second lieutenant of an Indiana company. He was promoted to first lieutenant and served through the war with great credit. At the conclusion of hostilities he returned home, resumed his studies and in due time was admitted to the bar. He entered upon the active practice of his profession in Covington, but in 1852 he removed to Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, where he maintained his home during the remainder of his life. He was elected a member of the state Senate, and served four years there to the entire satisfaction of his constituents, but he did not take kindly to a political life and had no further ambitions in that direction.
At the breaking out of the great Southern rebellion Mr. Wallace was appointed adjutant general of the state of Indiana and entered actively upon the discharge of his duties, which at that time were unusually responsible. But to one of his active temperament and ardent patriotism such an office was not suited, and he determined to enter the active military service. He was commissioned colonel of the Eleventh Indiana Volunteer Infantry, with which command he served in West Virginia, participating in the capture of Romney and the ejection of the enemy from Harper's Ferry. On September 3, 1861, he was promoted to the rank of brigadier-general, commanded a division at Fort Donelson, and on March 21, 1862, he became a major-general. He was in command of a division at Shiloh and participated conspicuously in the events of that fated field. In 1863 General Wallace assisted in the defense of Cincinnati and saved that city from capture by the Confederate raider, Gen. Kirby Smith. Later he commanded the middle division of the Eight Army Corps, with headquarters at Baltimore, Maryland. With five thousand eight hundred men, he marched to the banks of the Monocacy and there offered battle to the overwhelming forces of Gen. Jubal A. Early, who, with twenty-eight thousand men, was marching triumphantly upon the national capital. On the afternoon of July 9th, near the railroad bridge that spans the Monocacy river near Frederic, Maryland, was fought one of the bloodiest engagements of the war, in proportion to the number of combatants. General Wallace was entrenched behind stone fences that stretched along the heights near the bridge and at right angles with the river. McCausland's cavalry, which led the vanguard of Early's army, crossed the stream and made a vigorous assault upon Wallace's lines, but, after a very spirited and bloody engagement, they were forced to retreat, taking up and holding a position in the rear. Soon thereafter a long line of infantry, famous as the "Stonewall Brigade", formerly made immortal by Jackson, now consolidated with other seasoned veterans into a division commanded by Gen. John C. Breckenridge, advanced on Wallace's main position and carried it. Though defeated, Wallace and his gallant troops had accomplished the important duty of delaying Early until reinforcements could reach Washington, thus saving the national capital.
General Wallace was the second member of the court that tried the assassins of President Lincoln, and was president of the court-martial that tried Henry Wirz, commander of the notorious Confederate prison at Andersonville, Georgia. At the close of the Civil war he was mustered out of the service with every official mark of honor. Later he represented the secret service branch of the United States, with the rank of brigadier-general, in the Mexican army. From 1878 to 1881 General Wallace served as territorial governor of New Mexico and from the latter date until 1885 he served as United States minister to Turkey. Upon returning home, he retired to Crawfordsville and engaged in literary work up to the time of his death, which occurred on February 15, 1905.
Of all the honors achieved by General Wallace, his greatest fame will rest on the productions of his pen, the most enduring of which is the book "Ben-Hur, a tale of the Christ," which has been translated into every civilized tongue and has had the greatest circulation of any book in the English language, save "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and Macaulay's "History of England," having been read on the banks of the Mississippi, as well as on the banks of the Thames and Nile, and doubtless will be read by all peoples of all lands to the end of time. The spiritual power of "Ben-Hur" goes unchallenged, and it is significant that many have been won to the Christian life by the reading of "Ben-Hur." It was accepted into the homes of the luxurious, indifferent and self-satisfied; men following the paths of pleasure and immersed in business; women, wearied with social successes, read the book and wept over it, and, as insensibly and certainly as the author, yielded to the story of the Christ.
General Wallace's first literary production, "The Fair God," appeared in 1873; "Ben-Hur" in 1880; "Life of General Benjamin Harrison" in 1888; "Boyhood Christ" in 1889; "Prince of India" in 1893; "The Wooing of Malkatoon" and, later, his "Autobiography," in two volumes. Few people can understand the great amount of study, research and careful analysis of historical facts required for the production of these great historical novels. The late Bishop Newman, LL.D., of the Methodist Episcopal Church, paid Mr. Wallace a great compliment when he said the General, in his wonderful description of the crucifixion of our Saviour {sic}, gave the impression that he must have been an eye-witness. In writing his "The Fair God," he was obliged to learn the Spanish and Mexican languages, and his "Prince of India" as by far the most difficult of all.
In 1852 General Wallace was united in marriage with Susan Arnold ELSTON, a native of Crawfordsville, a writer of marked ability and a gentlewoman in the highest sense of the word. Though his busy life brought General Wallace in close touch with many great and prominent men, he enjoyed most the quiet of his home life, where, with his wife of his youth, who was so much to him in his labors and ambitions, he passed his declining years. Her death occurred on October 1, 1907, more than two years after the passing of her distinguished husband. One child was born to them, Henry Lane Wallace, now a resident of Indianapolis. General Wallace was an appreciative member of McPherson Post No. 7, Grand Army of the Republic, at Crawfordsville.
Source: Crawfordsville Review Monday (sic should be Saturday) Feb 26, 1917 -- sic- should be 1916)
A valuable addition has been made to the many valuable keepsakes and relics in the Wallace museum, Noble Wallace, grandson of Lew Wallace has sent his equipment used in the service in France during the past year to the custodian of the Wallace estate, Mr. Walter E. Elliott, who has placed the things in the museum. The equipment consists of the coate, bearing the Red Cross, a helmet of thick steel, a hand sword and the canteen, and other things necessary for living. There is an extra helmet, apparently a German helmet of iron, several kinds of hand grenades and a number of the larger size shells used, together with machine gun cartridges. Several large French posters were also brought home. One of these shows work being done in the hospital work, another a soldier throwing grenades and a third, the French soldiers filling up the ranks, which have been depleted by German fire. Mr. Wallace took several pictures of the fightling line, himself. One of these on exhibit, shows him in his American Red Cross ambulance, another bringing a wounded French soldier in and a third a pile of used shells, after a bombardment. The pile is higher than a man's head and runs in a long oline for many hundred yards. There have been hundreds at the Wallace museum in the last year. The last 9 months show 5,000. At one time, 485 went through the museum and registered.. Sevearl governors, ex-governors and many senators congressmen and others have registered in the book at the museum. The place is kept in excellent condition and is shown and described graphically by Mr. Elliott, the custodian.
Source: Indianapolis News Sat 12 Nov 1921 p 20
(picture bad – too dark – not any detail – shucks) – Crawfordsville, Ind Nov 12 – Franklin V. Oliver, a farmer who lives southeast of Crawfordsville, owns the historic French Victoria which General Lew Wallace had made to order in France and which the general used for many years when he lived in Crawfordsville. A quarter of a century ago the Victoria, drawn by the general’s splendid team of horses was seen almost daily on the citys streets. General Wallace bought the Victoria nearly two score years ago from a prominent carriagemaker in Paris paying $1,000 for it. It costs an additional $200 to bring it from France to Crawfordsville. In later years following the general’s death his sister-in-law, Mrs. Henry S. Lane frequently rode in the Victoria in her drives about the city. The victoria is constructed of the best material. The top is of leather with a rain apron. The wheels have brass boxings and staggart spokes. The Victoria is so constructed that either a pole or a shaft can be used, thus making it possible to have it drawn by one horse or two horses. The front wheels can also be detached from the body, thus converting the Victoria into a two-wheeled cart. Mr. Oliver bought the Victoria from Henry L. Wallace, the general’s son five years ago for the use of his mother, Mrs. Emily Oliver who for many years preceding her death was an invalid. Mrs. Oliver died in May of this year at the age of 81.
Source: CDJ 10 Jan 1890 p 4 (note shortened for mainly Montgomery info – there were other Indiana people done)
The Tacoma, Wash News of January 2 contains the following interview with a former Indianian which will be read with interest by all Hoosierdom, especially the Crawfordsville Production. George Hazzard who grew up in Indiana noted: “Indiana is today one of the most enlightened, progressive and wealth States in the Union. The term Hoosier has grown to be a synonym for intelligence, thrift and enterprise (the interviewer laughed – Hazzard going on to prove his point). He told of all the great men in the state. Oliver Perry Morton, Thomas Andrew Hendricks … and Indiana has give a Senator to most of the Western States (California; Oregon; Kansas; ND; SD … “My name is George Hazzard, native of New Castle, Henry County. Proud of my name, proud of my nativity and justly so. Ind only state to furnish Lincoln 3 cabinet ministers. Most troops to the Union during the war… I could go on and on but let me call your attention to this town of Crawfordsville, in Montgomery County, 50 miles northwest of Indianapolis in the Wabash Valley.
Linier Co., was founded by an Indianian named J. F. D. Lanier, and this man 'listed' the first railroad bonds ever listed' by the New York Stock Exchange, and they were issued by the Indianapolis and Madison Railroad Company. "Three men of the same name represented different States in the Union* They were people from Indiana, and all served in the legislature of that State and all went to the Mexican war from it.
Their names were Henry Lane, Indiana, Joseph Lane, Oregon, James H. Lane, Kansas. Thus I could go on ad infinitum. You come down to my house some night and I'll make you feel sorry you was not born in "Hoosierdom." "Now," said Hazzard,- "I want to call your particular attention to this town of Crawfordsville, in Montgomery county, 50 miles northwest of Indianapolis, in the Wabash Valley." "Well, what of it," asked the reporter. "It is, or has been the home of more prominent people than the ordinary State can point to. Here are some of them:
'Henry S. Lane, president of the Republican national convention held in Philadelphia in 1850, Govornor of the State and then United States Senator.
"Lew Wallace, major-general in the late war, Governor of New Mexico, minister to Turkey, and author of 'Ben Hur.'
"Mahlon D. Manson major-general in the late war, member of Congress, Auditor of State, and then Lieutenant governor.
"Mahlon D. Manson major-general in the late war, member of Congress, Auditor of State, and then Lieutenant governor.
John B. Allen, one of our present United States Senators.
"John L. Wilson, our present member of congress. "Alfred Dickey, present lieutenant governor of North Dakota.
"John L. Wilson, our present member of congress. "Alfred Dickey, present lieutenant governor of North Dakota.
John L. Campbell, professor in Wabash college at Crawfordsville, and the man who originated the idea of the centennial exposition held at Philadelphia in 1896, also secretary of the commission.
"Gen. E. R. S. Canby, one of the distinguished Generals of the war, and was afterwards massacred by the Modocs. "R. B. F. Peirce, member of congress and present general solicitor of the Indianapolis, Decatur & Springfield railroad. "James Wilson, member of congress and father of our own John L. "Joseph E. McDonald, attorney general of Indiana, then member of congress and later United States senator.
"Gen. E. R. S. Canby, one of the distinguished Generals of the war, and was afterwards massacred by the Modocs. "R. B. F. Peirce, member of congress and present general solicitor of the Indianapolis, Decatur & Springfield railroad. "James Wilson, member of congress and father of our own John L. "Joseph E. McDonald, attorney general of Indiana, then member of congress and later United States senator.
"Daniel W. Voorhees, of world-wide fame and father of our own Charles S. Voorhees.
"Voorhees Brookshire, present member of Congress.
"Henry B. Carringtin, colonel U. S. A. (retired).
"Voorhees Brookshire, present member of Congress.
"Henry B. Carringtin, colonel U. S. A. (retired).
John M. Butler, the eminent law partner of Joseph E. McDonald. "Marshall, the man who first found gold at the tail gate of the famous Sutter mill race, went from Crawfordsville to Mexico, and from there to California, "Major Elston, father-in-law to Senator Lane and General Wallace. This distinguished pioneer more than 50 years ago invested heavily in Indiana lands, with the idea that coal and natural gas would be discovered on them and so it was. Yet there is one town and county in Indiana that double discounts the above. "Name it." "Now Castle, Henry county."
"Hazzard, why did you over leave Indiana?" asked a bystander. "Simply because I wasn't up to the standard in point of intelligence—born too stupid for that air of advancement."
"Hazzard, why did you over leave Indiana?" asked a bystander. "Simply because I wasn't up to the standard in point of intelligence—born too stupid for that air of advancement."
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Friday, August 18, 1916
W.W. Elliott who farms the late General Lew Wallace's farm on the cooperative basis, retains a portion of the herd of Herefords that was originally started by General Wallace himself. The foundation of the Wallace herd consisted of six cows which were purchased in Iowa. At times the herd has contained as many as 30 head, but Mr. Elliott directs his energies principally to grain farming he now has but six head of cows. These cows all have calves at side. While Mr. Elliott does not class his heard as fancy stock cattle, they are nevertheless a nice lot, and he states that they are far ahead of any other cattle he has ever had, as beef producers. During the summer months he keeps them entirely on grass and thru the winter feeds them only roughness, yet they are always in good shape. Mr. Elliott considers that the cooperative method of farming is entirely practical and for the record is practically as good as owning the farm. He is also a believer in alfalfa and says that it has no equal for building up the land.
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Wveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Dec 2, 1898
Gen. Wallace is now busy writing his autobiography, and he is convinced that this work will be one of the most interesting of his literary productions, says the Crawfordsville Journal. He will not incorporate in the work a single speech or letter, but for all that the work will be voluminous. Gen. Wallace has had a varied career. He was a prominent leader in the civil war and was conspicuous in the days of reconstruction. He was on the commission that tried Lincoln's assassins, and also the chief of the court martial that tried the keepers of Andersonville prison. He was some years in the diplomatic service and as minister to Turkey attained quite a unique distinction. He was governor of New Mexico in her wildest days, and had some interesting experiences with some of the roughest frontier characters. His literary life has brought him many experiences worth chronicling. He states that in this work he will deal particularly with famous men and women he has met.
Source: (The Political Graveyard)
Lewis Wallace (1827-1905) -- also known as Lew Wallace -- Son of David Wallace; nephew of Charles H. Test, Benjamin Franklin Wallace and William Henson Wallace. Born in Brookville, Franklin County, Ind., April 10, 1827. Served in the U.S. Army during the Mexican War; member of Indiana state senate, 1857-59; general in the Union Army during the Civil War; candidate for U.S. Representative from Indiana, 1870; Governor of New Mexico Territory, 1878-81; U.S. Minister to Turkey, 1881-85; candidate for U.S. Senator from Indiana, 1897. Disciples of Christ. Member, Grand Army of the Republic; Freemasons. Author of Ben-Hur. Died of stomach cancer at Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Ind., February 15, 1905. Interment at Oak Hill Cemetery.
Source: Crawfordsville Saturday Journal 1-29-1887
The Milwaukee Sunday Telegraph of the 16th says: "Milwaukee has not for a number of years, perhaps never, turned out such an audience to a lecture, as was given to Gen Lew Wallace, at Immanuel Church Tuesday evening. The large church was filled by an attentive and interested audience. Gen Wallace's subject was 'Turkey and the Turks,' and he handled it in a masterly way, mostly from a personal standpoint. He understands his subject and the people well, and before he had finished speaking many had gained a higher idea of the Turks and their country."
Source: WALLACE MSS. The Wallace mss., 1865-1949, consist of letters and papers of Lewis Wallace, 1827-1905, lawyer, soldier, diplomat, and author, commonly known as Lew Wallace.Career: born at Brookville, Indiana, April 10, 1827; son of David Wallace, governor of Indiana, and Esther French (Test) Wallace; before he was sixteen he began to support himself by copying records in the county clerk's office; reported the proceedings of the Indiana House of Representatives for the Indianapolis Daily Journal, 1844- 1845; soon afterwards began study of law in his father's office; in Mexican war raised a company of which he became a second lieutenant and which was assigned to the 1st Indiana Infantry; admitted to the bar in 1849; began practice in Indianapolis; soon moved to Covington; in 1850 and 1852 elected prosecuting attorney there; in 1852 married Susan Arnold Elston, 1830-1907; moved to Crawfordsville, Indiana, 1853; elected to Indiana State Senate, 1856; after the firing on Fort Sumter, Governor Oliver P. Morton appointed him adjutant-general of Indiana; went to the front as a colonel of the 11th regiment; rose to the rank of major-general; following the war returned to law practice in Crawfordsville; governor of New Mexico, 1878-1881; minister to Turkey, 1881- 1885; died in Crawfordsville, February 15, 1905. Author of: The Fair God, 1873; Ben-Hur, 1880; The Life of Benjamin Harrison, 1888; The Boyhood of Christ, 1888; The Prince of India, 1893; The Wooing of Malkatoon, 1898; Commodus, [1876]; Lew Wallace, An Autobiography, 1906. Included in the collection are an illuminated manuscript of the Koran presented to Lew Wallace by Abdul Hamid II, Sultan of Turkey; a draft in Wallace's hand of that portion of The Fair God which appears in the published work as book 7, chapters XII and XIII and part of chapters XI and XIV; a copy of Wallace's inscription in the copy of Ben-Hur presented to Abdul Hamid II, Sultan of Turkey; correspondence of Lew Wallace, 1865-1904; correspondence and contracts relating to the film rights of Ben-Hur, 1899-1934; a photograph of Lew Wallace; and a printed copy of Nat Ward Fitzgerald's Ben-Hur: A Poem Written on the Play. Correspondents represented in the collection include George Brown, Daniel Butterfield, Jose M.J. Carvajal, Will I. Cunningham, Porfirio Diaz, Frederick Temple Hamilton-Temple Blackwood, marquis of Dufferin and Ava, Winfield Taylor Durbin, Charles Warren Fairbanks, Marcus Alonzo Hanna, William Henry Hurlbert, Samuel B. Lawrence, Benson John Lossing, Charles Major, Mavroyeni Bey, Weir Mitchell, A. Rocoffort, Prince Rudolph, William Tecumseh Sherman, Philippine von Struve and John Virtue. Collection size: 106 items
For more information about this collection and any related materials contact the Manuscripts Department, Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405 -- Telephone: (812) 855-2452.
Source: WALLACE MSS. II The Wallace mss. II, 1847-1938, are literary papers of Lewis Wallace, 1827-1905, lawyer, soldier, diplomat, and author.
They consist primarily of manuscripts of his writings, correspondence, and other papers. Included also are some letters and papers of his wife, Mrs. Susan Arnold (Elston) Wallace, 1830-1907, poet; their son, Henry Lane Wallace, 1853-1926; and their grandson, Lewis Wallace, 1891- 1949. The collection is divided into four sections: [1] Manuscripts of writings of Lewis Wallace, 1827-1905 and Mrs. Wallace. For Wallace these include his Autobiography, An American Duchess, Ben Hur, The Boyhood of Christ, Commodus, The Fair God, Our English Cousin, The Prince of India, The Wooing of Malkatoon, and five readings from Ben Hur; for Mrs. Wallace, To Bethlehem, and a notebook of her poems. See the Manuscripts Department catalog for further information on the writings of Wallace and Mrs. Wallace. [2] A chronological file of correspondence and other papers of Lewis Wallace, 1827-1905, Mrs. Wallace, Henry Lane Wallace, and Lewis Wallace, 1891-1949, being principally correspondence and papers of the elder Lewis Wallace. Most of this correspondence is with novelists, poets, dramatists, editors, journalists, lawyers, theatrical managers, politicians, and publishers. Among the correspondents represented in the collection are Henry Mills Alden, John Berry Alden, Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Lawrence Patrick Barrett, Rex Ellingwood Beach, Whitman Bennett, John Charles Black, James Gillespie Blaine, Clinton Tyler Brainard, Anne Marie Hampton Brewster, William Harlowe Briggs, Joseph Brooks, Nathan Burkan, Noble C. Butler, Walter C. Clark, Joseph Ignatius Constantine Clarke, Edmund Vance Cooke, Benjamin Crane, Crane & Anderson, Crane & Lockwood, Francis Marion Crawford, John Wallace Crawford, Samuel R. Crocker, Charles Bancroft Dillingham, William Dulles, Jr., Frederick Atherton Duneka, Bruce Edwards, William Henry Elder, Isaac Compton Elston, Abraham Lincoln Erlanger, Edward Huntington Fallows, David Gerber, Ira B. Goodrich, Ferris Greenslet, Edwin Augustus Grosvenor, Augustus T. Gurlitz, Benjamin Bowles Hampton, James Thorne Harper, Joseph Henry Harper, Harper, firm, publishers, Paul Hamilton Hayne, Edgar Eugene Hendee, Albert Tyler Houghton, Houghton Mifflin company, Henry Hoyns, Francis Janssens, Fred Bates Johnson, Robert Underwood Johnson, Charles Johnston, Edgar Stillman Kelley, Marc Klaw, Klaw & Erlanger, William James Lampton, Mrs. Joanna M. (Elston) Lane, John Larkin, Will H. Latta, Frederick W. Lawrence, Abraham Lincoln, John McCoy, Kenneth Macgowan, Elisabeth Marbury, Isaac Markens, William Alexander Miller, William Webster Mills, David Alexander Munro, Henry Thayer Niles, Henry Pettit, Gilbert Ashville Pierce, George Haven Putnam, Mrs. Harriet Denison (Butler) Read, Thomas Buchanan Read, Laura Ream, Paul Revere Reynolds, Joseph Hamblen Sears, Cuthbert Arundell Shoolbred, Lee Shubert, Howard H. Spellman, Oscar Solomon Straus, Maurice Strauss, Booth Tarkington, Mrs. Alice (Lee) Thompson, James Maurice Thompson, Benjamin H. Ticknor, Mrs. Julia (Abbott) Van Dyck, Frederick Warne & Co., and Thomas Bucklin Wells. Papers other than correspondence in the chronological file include royalty statements for Wallace's Autobiography, Ben Hur, The Boyhood of Christ, The Chariot Race, The Fair God, The First Christmas, The Prince of India, The Wooing of Malkatoon; and Mrs. Wallace's Storied Sea and Travel Sketches; royalty statements for the dramatization of Ben Hur, 1899-1917, and The Prince of India, 1906-1907; financial reports on Ben Hur in Tableaux and Pantomine, 1892, 1897; agreements for the publication and dramatization of Wallace's books, 1873-1904; papers on infringement of copyright, 1886- 1922; dramatizations of The Prince of India, 1904, Ben Hur, and The Fair God; a libretto for an opera modeled after The Fair God; and a typescript of a motion picture, Woman Whom God Forgot, based on The Fair God, 1918. [3] Box office statements, 1899-1917, for the motion picture Ben Hur, and 1906-1907, for the motion picture The Prince of India. [4] A thousand still photographs from the motion picture Ben Hur and a colored picture of Wallace's study in Crawfordsville, Indiana. Collection size: 3000 items For more information about this collection and any related materials contact the Manuscripts Department, Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405 -- Telephone: (812) 855-2452.
Source: The New York Times New York, New York Feb 19, 1905 Crawfordsville Indiana - Feb 18 -
The funeral service of Gen. Lew Wallace this afternoon were private in accordance with his wishes. Only the family and a few intimate friends attended. Until noon the body lay in the library building and was viewed by thousands. Business was suspended while the city did honor to the memory of the dead. The coffin was draped with a flag given Gen. Wallace by the women of Evansville at the beginning of the civil war. On the breast of the dead soldier was the order bestowed upon him by the Sultan of Turkey. Resting on the coffin was page No. 699 of Gen. Wallace's autobiography, the last page written by him. The services were simple Following the Lord's Prayer and Scriptural reading, the choir of the First Methodist Church sang, Jesus Lover of My soul, Dr. E.A. Schell read extracts from Ben Hur, showing Gen. Wallace's religious attitude. President Kane of Wabsh College offered prayer and the choir sang, Face to Face. The body was place in a temporary vault. The pall bearers included Judge A.B. Anderson of the US District Court and 7 prominent residents of the city.
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana Saturday June 13, 1891
"All Very True" Company I, of the State Militia of Indiana, organized at Crawfordsville is the finest drilled company in the state, and as a mark of special favor will be nicely uniformed in time for the 4th of July celebration in that place, the State paying the bill. Crawfordsville has always enjoyed the proud reputation of having the best drilled military companies and the prettiest girls in the state and we believe it is still entitled to this distinction. The gallant 11th Indiana with Gen. Lew Wallace as its commander, was the outgrowth to the old Montgomery Guards, a military organization second to none in the country in its time. Gen. Lew Wallace was its commander and from its ranks during the rebellion were recruited generals, colonels, majors, captains and lieutenants all of whom proved their loyalty to their country by gallent service. [Danville Ill Commercial]
Source: Argus News Monday 1-11-1886
Gen. Lew Wallace has the following to say in the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette concerning his literary work: "I am amusing myself with writing two books and two plays. I write awhile on one until I get tired and then I turn to the other. It would hardly be right to give you anything of the characters of the works. One of my books is a tale of the capture of Constantinople [Istanbul] by the Turks, and the other is wholly American. I may never finish either of them. One of my plays is an attempt at the classical, while the other is of America during the late war. I tell you I am having lots of fun in writing them, even if they should prove to be flat failures."
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Review Feb 7, 1908 p 1
Henry L. Wallace has just presented to the John Herron Art Institute of Indianapolis, the portrait of his father, the late Gen. Lew Wallace that was painted by S. Seymour Thomas. This picture was painted in this city in 1904, while the artist, accompanied by his wife, was visiting here. Although General Wallace was in his latter days at the time and showed the wasting effect of illness, his manly and intellectual features are reproduced on the canvass with striking fidelity, it is said. The portrait is the only painting of general Wallace which has been preserved, with the exception of one made shortly after the Mexican war when he was a very young man. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 1 May 1862 p 1
Gen. Lewis Wallace is a native of Brookville, Franklin county, Ind., and a son of Gov. David Wallace, deceased. His father was educated at West Point, but never entered the active military service. Lewis from boyhood was imbued with a love of military life, and his boyhood associates of twenty years ago will recollect his connection with a juvenile military company. We believe he was always connected with some of our independent military organizations and in 1859 commanded the famous Montgomery Guards of Crawfordsville, a company that was thoroughly drilled in all the fancy Zouave movements before Ellsworth had acquired a reputation outside of Chicago. During the Mexican war he served as a 2nd lieutenant. About a year ago while attending Court in a neighboring county, he received a summons from Gov. Morton to attend at the Capitol and assume the duties of Adjutant-General, lie left business and all, and at once entered upon his duties, of the office. Previous to the fall of Sumter, however he had tendered a company for the war that his foresight Irad told him was inevitable. It was the first accepted. Resigning his commission of Adj’t-General he was appointed Col., and immediately took command of the famous 11th Indiana, which, during the three months' service, fought at Romney, and aided in the protection of the Upper Potomac. When Gen. Patterson's forces ignobly abandoned him because of the "expiration" of their terms of service, Col. Lew. Wallace marched his regiment up to headquarters and offered to go, with such others as might be sent, and attack Johnson, and thus prevent his reinforcing Beauregard at Manassas.
After the return of the three months' troops the gallant 11th was reorganized and placed in a brigade under command of Brig. Gen. Wallace. The part which they and their General took at Donelson is well known. After this battle Wallace was promoted to be a Maj. General, and commanded the division which did much toward saving our army from total defeat on Monday of last week. Gen. Lew. Wallace is now 34 years of age, and he is, perhaps, the youngest Major-Gen. in service. He is a lawyer by profession and has been an active politician of the anti-Lecompton and Douglas school, but has held no civil offices, we believe, save those of Prosecuting Attorney and State Senator. In civil life he was noted for his energy and promptness and as a military man he is a rigid disciplinarian, a fine tactician, and well versed in all that pertains to the art of war. His courage has never been questioned, and wo shall hear more of him before this war is ended.

Family Fact Sheet
Father later became the governor of Indiana.
1st Lieutenant of the 1st Indiana in the Mexican War, but never saw combat.
1849: Admitted to the bar association.
1856: Elected to the State Senate.
Appointed State Adjutant General upon the bombardment of Fort Sumter.
April 25, 1861: Became Colonel of the 11th Indiana.
September 3, 1861: Became Brigadier General of Volunteers.
March 21, 1862: Became Major General (after taking part in the capture of Fort Donelson).
April, 1862. Participated in the battle of Shiloh
March 1864. Assigned by President Abraham Lincoln to command the Middle Department and 8th Army Corps in Baltimore, Maryland.
July 9, 1864. Commanded Union troops at the Battle of Monocacy. Known as the "battle that saved Washington," Wallace and his troops slowed Early's advance on the Capital, thus gaining time for Federal troops to reinforce the city defense.
1865: Member of the military commission which tried Lincoln conspirators Later became president of the court martial which tried and condemned Henry Wirz (commandant at Andersonville).
Wrote Ben Hur: A Tale of the Christ Became U.S. minister to Turkey.
Became governor of the New Mexico territory.
Died: February 15, 1905. Buried in Oak Hill Cemetery in Crawfordsville, Indiana.
Lewis Wallace (1827-1905) -- also known as Lew Wallace -- Son of David Wallace; nephew of Charles H. Test, Benjamin Franklin Wallace and William Henson Wallace. Born in Brookville, Franklin County, Ind., April 10, 1827. Served in the U.S. Army during the Mexican War; member of Indiana state senate, 1857-59; general in the Union Army during the Civil War; candidate for U.S. Representative from Indiana, 1870; Governor of New Mexico Territory, 1878-81; U.S. Minister to Turkey, 1881-85; candidate for U.S. Senator from Indiana, 1897. Disciples of Christ. Member, Grand Army of the Republic; Freemasons. Author of Ben-Hur. Died of stomach cancer at Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Ind., February 15, 1905. Interment at Oak Hill Cemetery.