COWAN - friends, school mates, service buddies

From Arnett Owen: Camp Pike, Ark Sept 18, 1918
My Friend, Merl,
Your letter recieved today. I had heard thru Ruth that you were in Texas. I spent about one year there or rather at Eagle Pass, Texas and San Antonio. It will be a very good place to soldier during the winter months, but of course, it is very warm in the summer. I saw it rise to a hundred and eighteen there some over a year ago. This place is no better, and in many respectes much worse than Texas, it gets just as hot here and the nights are not as comfortable as they were on the border. The administration of this camp is rotten, the camp itself is not so bad. I am very anxious to get out of here, and stand a pretty good chance to take my company over in this September Automatic Replacement Draft it will go over I judge, in a few weeks in the longest.
No doubt you had some time while you were at home it has been about eighteen months since I have been home and it almost seems like it might be that much longer before I will get to go again. I have had some job here since I got this Company, I have been alone with an un-experienced clerk the only Officer in the Company and the only one that can run a type writter (sic) and I am not very good myself. The Clerk that I have is a very intelligent fellow and perfectly willing to learn and try anything, he is getting now so I can leave some things to him. Yesterday I got a new Lieutenant from the fourth Camp, so I feel some what relieved even if the fellow isn't any good, heretofore I have had to be on hand all the time, or at least in Camp close enough that the clerk could find me in case anything came up, now I can leave the new Lieutenant in charge of the Company and at least get a few feet away from the Company. I have been in Camp over two months and have been in town only once, and that was not during a week end. Some of my older Lieutenants are comeing back to the Company tomorrow. They have been on special duty with another Company that will help me out considerable.
Ruth wrote me about meeting you at Indianapolis and spending a very pleasant hour or so with you. I would enjoy spending a few hours with her myself, and expect to before very long.
Goosie Quillen is here with me now not in my Company but we are close together and eat at the same mess. Goosie does not seem to have changed very much, just the same Kid that he always was. We have not gone in town together yet, although we have talked it over and come to the understanding that that is the thing for us to do. He also just came from home and reported a very fine time, but he has not fully recuperated from the trip and sleep lost (and probably a few other things) yet. Some times I think I am crazy to get home but since I came to Camp Pike I have hardly had time to even put in for a leave, even if there were any chance to get it. The leave proposition has been quite out of the question here since I have been here, however the chances probably have increased considerable now that the new officers have reported. So I think I will begin hunting some excuse to go home.
I think you will find that in the long run you are pretty well fixed where you are. I have been with all classes of the human race since I have been in the service from nearly all college men to what I have now or possibly even worse if that is possible. However these fellows make or pretty good soldiers and my Company in a pick bunch from the entire 162 Depot Brigade, to train as non-commissioned Officers for a new Division.
I have another letter to write to another member of your family tonight, so I had better get busy on it.
Hope to hear form you again soon.
Sincerely, ARNETT H. OWEN
B. Hightower, 6934 Harrison ? Chicago, IL Sept 17, 1918 - Andrew M. Cowan, Crawfordsville, Indiana - postmarked Sept 20th to 4th Squandron, Camp Dick, Dallas, Texas but crossed out with C'ville address
Dear Merle, I didn't want to surprise you this time so waited a few days before answering I am always glad to hear from my old friends. Seems quite natural to receive letters from you. This time last year we were corresponding quite regularly were we not?
You spoke of writing to Nioma. Don't you think I ever get jealous. Ha Ha, let's laugh. I think, in fact know, Nioma would be very glad to hear from you. I believe she would answer right away quick. The great War Exposition started here Lab or Day and continued until last Sunday from 2nd to 15th. Really I can't commence to express in words how wonderful the whole thing was. There were all kinds of trophies, such as wrecked aeroplanes, machine guns and everything. Then a Sham Battle twice daily. I saw it twice. Saw the Tank in action. It creeped over Trenches just like a worm. The Battle certainly did open eyes in regard to what the Boys Over THere have to face. It was so exciting to see the Americans go Over the Top and right into the German Trenches. The only thing I didn't like was the noise. It frightened me most to death. Did you take part in the races Labor Day. You said you thot maybe you would If so, which did you drive a Donkey or a Ford. One is just as bad as the other. Say do you remember the night you had the accident when coming in. You know the time you knocked the mow down by the Bridge. I often think of that and how excited you were. Also the time Nioma and us went out to that Party. That was terrible wasn't it? I don't want to go there anymore.
I think you will receive a box of snow in the near future as it is so dreadfully cold up here and has been for some time. Wearing heavy winter coats already and feel real comfy in them. How does it happen that you think you will be stationed in the South so long. Don't you think you will have to go across until Spring. Here's hoping you won't. I do hate for anyone to have to go across. Of course I suppose the sooner they go the sooner they will all come back. I realize it is warm down there but had no idea it was so bad as you say. I think you are "Zosperation." If it was so hot as you say, you would done be baked, long time ago. I am pretty well acquainted with the Texas weather as I lived next door to the state for about 8 years in Oklahoma. I agree you can tell just as big ones as ever. Though come to think about it you didn't tell so many untruths. You were always pretty good in that respect and every other one as far as that's concerned. Just a plain every day good scout.
My niece, Dorothy, and I are keeping house all alone by ourselves. Blanche and the little boy have gone down home for a month, the other boy is staying with his aunt. Charlie's sister, and Chas. sleeps here during the day but that's all. He takes his meals out cause by the time he gets hom ein the moorning we are gone and by the time we get home in the evening he is gone so we never see him from Sunday night or rather Monday morning until Saturday afternoon. I worked over time tonight, didn't get hom euntil 9:00 p.m. Dorothy had gone out to a show. She just came in and bawled me out for not getting home earlier. Can't be helped. I went down town after work and had a sandwich with one of the girls before coming home and she had supper ready for me. Well supper is over dishes washed and my face & hands, too. 11:00 p.m. Time to hop off to bed. All w ehave a chance to do is eat work & sleep, not much of the latter. The fellow you mentioned is in France now. Sailed August 16th. I want to know why I must address you as "Andrew" I like "Merle" better. I don't know you as Andrew. Well, Merle, I must ring off. Lots of good luck to you. Be careful. As ever, Betty
Hello Merle, How do you like the army life. FIne I suppose but your in it now you have to like it. Write me a letter some time. Dot
From Red Crawford == Co B, Camp Dick Sept 17, 1918
Dear Andy: Things are going pretty well now but last week was a corker. We were confined all week because of noise in the mess hall, lack of military courtesy down town etc. The worst of it was we had a formal inspection of guns & lockers every evening at 7:00 p.m. On the 12th the whole corps of cadets paraded downtown. Last Sat we all had to march about four miles to a ball game. They have let up on us this week.
Cadets have been going out remarkably fast. All the Pilots down to Aug 10th have been taken, a bunch of Pilots will probably go out of your squadron this week. All in 50 who signed for Field Artillery have gone. They left last night. I am back on the Pilot list. At the present rate my name ought to be pretty well towards the top pretty soon. You would probably go out this week if you were here. They will probably stop taking pilots soon and no more will go out for a long time.
There is a new organization in effect here now. All special duty men are in our company. They number A,B,C etc now.
I sure would like to help you eat one of your watermelons.
My application for a farm furlough has been sent in here but I haven't heard from it. I am not anxious to leave any way. Am taking a course in French out at the YMCA I am hoping to go before a great while as a Pilot but it may not be till spring.
As ever your friend "Red" Crawford
From Virgil C. Merritt - Andrew M. Cowan, Flying Detachment, Squandron 3, Kelly field 2, San Antonio Texas - from VC Meritt, Crawfordsville, Ind Nov 7 1918
Dear Merle;
At last I received a letter, so glad to hear you had at last got to leave "old mother earth," for if you had not pretty soon you would be so diappointed you would have felt like your time had been wasted. I dare believe you will hardly get to go to France now if the reports we got today are so.
They were blowing the whistle and ringing the bells all over the country to day when the heard peace time had been signed. Even in Elmdale.
I was in the cornfield when they begun to jollify. I got upon the wagon to shout out I thought will nobody will hear me so I just as well keep quiet.
We have been having some time getting our huskers. Jesse Pierce cam eto hunt, for Scott stayed a day and ahalf and "goodbye" I have got to go to town
I had Glen ... well I have forgot the rest of it any way he did not come.
I put an add in the Review and heard from a fellow by the name of Lewellen. Went in this morning after him and took him back at night. He got 43 bu. He said he could not stand it. Then I got Charley Fletcher that dependable fellow. He came this morning said he would be back in the morning. So maby I will have help tomorrow.
No we have not got our cattle yet. I think I will order mine just as soon as I get some stalles ?
Scott bought some more heifers ten, all white faces. They ar enice ones.
This week he bought 100 head ewes at Sadleys sale. Scott said they (Tailors) sold $8000 of hogs there that day in about 30 mins.
Will just drive over and I will sure take a ride with you. I seen one go over today. He was going so nice I wished I was with him.
Who did your first washing after you made your first trip? Ha.Ha.
Will be careful and watch for ruts. I must ? and go to bed. I am yours as ever, Virgil
From Virgil Merritt, Crawfordsville, Ind Dec 17, 1918 5 p.m.
Cadet Andrew Cowan, Flying Detachment - Kelly FIeld #2 San Antonio, Tex
Dec 15 - 18 -- Dear Friend Well we have been having our hands full of Flu here lately. It sure has been something bad the number it has taken and the class it seems to effect most.
We were all nocked crazey (sic) about Carry died not think she was so dangerously sick.
Walter is sure lost he does not know what to do. Scott said he talked some of farming next summer but of course he does not know whate he will do yet.
Scott & Blanche & Byron are much better to night. They have all been pretty sick. Hubert & I are doing the work.
I will have to open the Silo tomorrow for Scott. His heifers are doing fine. He got twenty white faced heifer from Haywoods they are ready to go any time.
We got done with the corn to-day but it has been a job down - down stand on your head all day.
How muich longer will it take for you to finish. You mujst come home while the school teachers are there. Their fair. The one from town got sick the other night. I had to take them home. If you had been there Oh, my.
Leland had some bad luck again. He was playing ball and got his leg broken. We heard to ? just broke one bone the large one but that is bad enought.
Grover Hash came home today to see his new boy born last week what do you think of that.
Corn is $1.37 now, been jumping up a little every day.
I got your picture yesterday they are just fine. I wished I would have had a coat like that last winter when it was so cold.
I would sure go up with you if you can come home in a machine. I think I will remodle my "lizzie' and see if I can get her to leave old mother earth with me.
I will pujt it out for the time be good. Let me hear from you looner (?) Virgil
From Lena Potter 3001 Lydia Ave, Kansas City MO (on stationary of the Punton Sanitariums - A private Home for Nervous People, 30th Street and the Paseo Office Suite 937 Rialto Building Dr. G Wilse Robinson (Lena probably works for him) Oct 28, 1918 at 10 a.m.
Cadet Andrew M. Cowan Flying Detachment, Squadron 3 Kelly Field 2. San Antonio, Texas
Dear Flying Andy
Your letter came today was very good to get it. "really tickled," as I am a lonely old lady these days. Mr. Potter is far far away France now and I havent heard from him yet but am expecting one every day altho he hasn't had time yet as he sailed the first of the month.
Am pretty busy most of the time as I have six patients 3 bed patients and pretty bad off.
I get very lonely from the evening of the I am off duty and get for then I get the "jimmies". Page 2 - Say! Andy dear have you a picture of yourself that you want to give to me? Believe you promised me one any way, now didn't you? So please send by the next boat for I want it.
KC is a pretty dull place now, and I hardly know what to do with myself as every ? closed and the "flu" is so bad. I am staying in pretty close.
I feel pretty much at home here at the Santitarium as I had nursed here "five" times before. Cant realise that it has been two years since I left and say! at the changes there has been for my young life from those two years. Do you hear from your little jf (JY ?) friend? I think I shall write him soon.
Well! I must stop and get busy, I hope you wont have as much trouble reading my letter as my mother does. She has to want till I come home and get me to read them for her. Says no one but this one who writes them could read them, and I'll admit it must be a feat, for some times I try to read one of them I have finished and give it up with disgust.
If you have any luck with it, let me know and I'll write again.
Your friend
Lena M. Potter
From Betty Hightower, Crawfordsville, Ind Nov 12, 1918 (Andrew M. Cowan, Flying Detachment, Squadron 3, Kelly Field #2, San Antonio, Texas
Dear Merle,
Yes, I received two letters before I answered but then I had so many things to do and too I have been in style and had the "flu." Was in bed a whole week. Can you imagine that? I don't know what you think I would be peeved about. Please be assured that I am in a perfectly good humor toward you. About the picture I haven't sent it because I left them, two of em up at Blanches and when I wrote for them she said she had given one to my girl friend and was going to keep the other one as I hadn't given her any. Now you will have to wait again until I have some more made but I surely will send one just as soon as they are finished am very sorry this happened as I intended to send one to you. I left half of my belongings up there. I don't suppose I shall ever see them again until I go back next summer.
Well, what do you think of the War being over. Listen mighty good, doesnt it. Now no more fellows will have to go across. You will get to come home soon I imagine. Us girls won't know how to act when the real fellows come back. We never see anyone now but old men and youngsters. There are quite a number of fellows in Wabash but they are all so young all under 21 years and you know I beyond that now. Yes I am getting up in years, goodness. Just think next July I will be twenty-two years old. I wonder what is on your mind. You seem to doubt my word about something. I dont know why you should.
How did you get along with your solo. Do hope you got back on the ground safely. I wouldn't mind the going up, but goodness how I would hate to come down. I think I would just stay up all the time. Quite a big time of rejoining yesterday when the news came. Yesterday afternoon everything closed and had a big parade. Even the band played. Wasn't that nice? You should have been here. I do hope you will forgive me for not writing. I won't do it again. I like to get letters from my old friends. Grace & Fred are fine. Fred Jr. was a month old the 11th (yesterday). He is red-headed weighs 10 1/2 lbs. Some boy. WRite soon - As ever, Betty
From Nurse Lena Potter -- To: Mr. Andrew M. Cowan Flying Detachment Squadron 3, Kelly Field 2, San Antonio, Texas
Postmarked 9:30 p.m. Jan 8, 1919 Kansas City MO - Puton San Jan 9th
My Dear Mr. Cowan -
Have been terribly busy for the reason I haven't written to you.
Havent time to get one fond breath around this joint. Sometimes I think I'll quit.
But just when I am thinking about it the hardest every thing turn sout lovely so I ? for my mind and stay ? (same word as other ?). I want to thank you for your photograph . It is just great and I thank you so much for it.
Certainly was lovely of you to send it and please believe me I'll send you one of myself. First as soon as I have them made. And having a few made now and am hoping they will be good.
I believe I cant expect them to be good looking. I had a very good Xmas. Much better than I expected. Of course I could have been much happier had I been with my hubby instead of a lot of sick people. I been home wither but both were impossible. So I had to make the best of it. I hope everything turned out alright for you and that you enjoyed the day. You were far from home and your sweetheart.
Perhaps everything will be better for both you and I next Xmas here is hoping as anyway.
I had two good letters from Mr. Potter today and feel pretty good about it. They were the first I have had for two months and I had begun to feel pretty blue and lonesome about it.
They were written the 6th of Dec. 3 weeks and at what time he expected to be home by the first of fam ? Out I guess the poor fellow has another ? ? as he .. here get.I feel tho that he will be home soon. I am hoping so wisth all my might. for I am getting lonesome. TERRIABLEY LONESOME. Well! Old Kansas CIty is just about the worst place on earth right now. Blamed old St. Car Stinks ? been going on here for and its cold as can be and it certainly is hard to get any peace they are trying no __ card *cars>( abd are gavubg kits if triybke,'
Well! I just stop. Thought Id get to write a good letter but the Dr is up to see my patient so must stop. Write to me soon and tell me about your training and every thing With best wishes for your success I remain your friend the Nurse. Lena M. P.
TO Mr. Andrew M. Cowan. Flying Detachment, Squandron 3 - Kelley Field, 2 San Antonio, Texas Jan 28, 1919 - Kansas City Mo - Puntan San

Dear Birdie:
"Sunday is the day most people put away to write letters on." So you see it you have any luck ... trying to write one.
It usually is our busy day as we have more visitors and more work to do. And six folks are more nervous and restless on Sunday. Some get home sick and get the "funnies" if have had them quite often myself lately so yes rather hard for me to try to spread the sunshine when I cant feel it myself.
Some times I almost get my goat for doing this kind of work one has a lot to cordered ? with and just have "oodles of nerves".
Just you see we have a very bad line of mental and extreney and nervous patients. and its my luck to have the worst and the most and when bed times rolls around I do not need any one to coax me to tumble in for I am always tired but even at that I am getting larger every day. SInce I came home from the South I have gained 20 pounds so you see the hard work really agrees with me. I am usually good in gaining for I have always wanted to be much larger (but not stout). I look much better than I did "when you saw me last."
Well! I think I told you in my last letter from Mr. Potter did I not? Or two letters I should say. They both came the same day so it was a double joy. He doesn't get my letters but I just keep on writing. Maby he will some day get them all together as he did when I was writing to him in camp. Poor boy is so lonesome I know. Well! Old (seats?) I am sending you a terrible little old picture. If you will accept it you promise to send another one later as I am going to try the 3rd time and perhaps you get one yet that I like. I had some larger ones made but they were even worse than this time. Really Mr. Cowan I am going to send one that is better so please remember that.
This St. car strike is getting to be a disgrace to Kansas City. Every night there is a bigt explosion on most all the lines for the city and has been several bad accidents.
I don't care much to be out at night as so many things have happened it keeps me worried to death. For you may get home and you may not. So little bird you had a pretty bad shake up didn't you?
\Would I take care of you? Indeed I would and Id be just danged good to you. I think you are wonderfully brave and your work is great.
I have a great desire to fly myself and hope that some day I may get a little spin thro the heavens I think it would be wonderful. Of course I dont suppose I ever shall but who knows?
Do you ever read the KC Post? Am sending a part of the Sunday paper which I think you might enjoy. If you havent already seen it.
Must stop duty calls and I must go (Lunch time). GOod bye - Write me write soon. Best wishes. Lena M. Potter
Cadet Andrew M. Cowan, Flying Detachment, Kelley Field #2 San Antonio, Texas
From Lean M. Potter Zool Leydia Kansas City, Mo ?
Dec 9, 1918
Hello. Very glad to get your letter. Have been trying to write to you for more than a week, but have been so busy was unable to finish anything worth sending.
Several of the Nurses are sick and the work ? are balled up and about as much as we can do. I was up all night and am on duty today and feel pretty rotten. Am going to take some "Virginia Dare" as a stimmeant? pretty soon. So if this letter begins to get "rattley" you will know the spirits have taken affect.
Am for the mood to take enough to make me Very rattled, too.
I don't think its a bit bad to do this, either now do you?
For if we give me lotsof "pep" and Ambish and that's what we must have around on? (fort? ?) like this.
Well, I don't suppose there was a happier girl than I when peace was declared. I went up town and had quite a time old A.C. fairly went wild with joy. I never saw a wilder caugher (?) Celebrations every body was pretty good natured tho and everything ended well.
I really dont expect Mr. Potter home for some time as he was one of the last ones to be sent over from town (?) but I feel happy to know that he will come home and be alright. I know that you are. Some thot you didn't get to go for its a wonderful experience.
I may get a chance to do a little worth while work yet as we have filled out questionaires ect and may be called for war work. I hope so any way and Andy, old Chap if you ? fare and hjurt your hed (beam? just wine ? and feel be only two grad ? to take care of you and am sure we would get along OK. What do you say?
Please send your photo wont you for I am going to have some more made just as soon as the Xmas rush is over.
Had some made but they are rotten I look old enough to be my own grandma so cant send you one of them.
You know how vain we females are want to look pretty and yourself even tho we are old and skinny we want to look like a 16 year old ad for the artist cant touch us up. Some ads do all. We think he shoed. We don't like them. See? but am going to have some made in about 3 weeks and I promise we send the very best one to my flying friend.
Can you take my word for it and send yours now? Would like so much to get it before Xmas. Please do! And say! If you ever come thru Kansas CIty and can make a stop will be very good to have the opportunity to show you our city. So don't forget. Must stop. My patients (sic) calling good. Try and good luc. Lena MC
From: Avalon Cal. Dec 18-1918 3 p.m. Cadet Andrew Cowan - Barracks 54 Kelly Field #2 So. San Antonio, Texas
Odd Christmas card - Christmas Greetings from California (a triangle - wishing you a delightful Christmas and A Happy New Year - you can see just part of the Happy New Year - on flip side - Hellow Andrew: What a wonderful place this state is to spend the winter. Had a couple balloon trips at Arcadia with Jno. Pleuger of 521 OSU. No sensations but the scenery worth the trips. Harry Flasher - write me 2114-45 Ave SW Seattle, Wash --
Christmas card - nothing written in it from Lena Potter of Kansas City
Wish I could Hold Your Hand in Crawfordsville, Ind postcard -- on back - This is from Margret - she is some talker now just as good help as ever. Everybody O.K. we may go to the band concert at Waynetown tonite. - Mr. Andrew M. Cowan Pilots 56 USSof A Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio. 6-19-1918
See pic at top of this page
From Mrs. Quick -- Sunday June 2, 1918
Dear Merle ((Ohio State)
Received your card last Tuesday and and was glad you remembered our contract.
Things are going along at about the same old pace here. Went to Sun. S. this a.m. We had one hundred and twenty in attendance with five dollars and seventy five cts col. Walter and Carrie were there. They went past here a few minutes ago to take some pictures of the new church building. Sodded the yard last week so it looks pretty good now. Will dedicate the said building on the fifth Sun. in June. We will have a big dinner in the basement - free to every one who will come and partake. The said dinner presided over by some colored celebreties from Crawfordsville. So you see "us women folk" are going to be able to enjoy the day along with the male congregation." Come down and we will sure give you all you can eat.
Received two letters from Charles last mon. One dated April 30th and the other May 5th. Said he was perfectly well. Gave a description of a little animal that bites and scratches. Said everybody had them. Said the casulties were about one million a week and still they had them. So you see Merle what you can expect. Had gotten his rubber boots, and they were large enough for him even if his feet had spread out some.
Was very glad to hear that you had gotten in with a bunch of college boys. Your surroundings and associates will mean so much to you. While I feel about you, as I do about Chafles (and am sure your mother does too) that your home training has been such, and your ideas of life and its obligations are of the best and highest qualities, that you will never think of doing anything but what will count for the most, and be the most benefit to those around you.
Still good associates helps Merle. I feel that this terrible war is taking the cream of our nation, but still we would not want our nation represented only for the best we have.
Am all alone today so am writing letters.
Let me hear from you when you have time to write. Be a good boy and take care of yourself.
Your true friend Mrs Quick
Note: Walter is Merle's brother and his wife, Carrie Sumner died of flu later this year (28 November)
From E. Hightower, Prospect St, Crawfordsville, Ind (mailed Jan 18, 1919 12:30 p.m. - to Andrew M. Cowan, Flying Detachment, Kelley Field #2, San Antonio, Texas
Dear Merle,
Your second letter rec'd today. Now I wish you wouldn't feel like I don't want to write to you. It isn't that all. (sic). I guess you would call it just plain old neglect. I just love to receive letters but I hate to write. Then for the past two weeks I have been dreadfully busy up at the office. You see, Mr. Ames, the Pres. of the Company is down South with his family on a vacation so I have quite a bit of extra work to do. I tho't when hw ent away I would have a snap as I only do his work. But since he is gone I find I have to do as I have to look after all his mail that comes in and tell everyone where to find everything, that is everything that has any connection with his work. So I find myself busier than if he were here, then this last week the Bookkeeping Dept. is way behind so I have helped them quite a bit. Just finished closing about eight or nine hundred ledger accounts for the year just passed. Now don't you think I have been busy?
Mother told me you called I was over to Zella's Sunday evening and their phone was out of order. Mother knew your voice. Now, I have not changed my mind one bit towards you. Nothing that person could say would make me change toward you. You certainly were always a gentleman around me. I never pay any attention to what she says anymore. If everyone listened to her I don't know what would happen. I know this much that as far as I know I am still living a blessed single life. If I am married I don't know it. Don't you ever believe I am married, not until you see an account in the paper or I tell you myself. I still have several years before I tie myself down.
I imagine it would be hard to go back to camp after being home awhile. You won't havemuch longer there. Then you will be back all the time. You shouldn't mind staying a month or so longer. Just think how long you will get to stay when you get back this time.
I wouldn't advise you to put Civilian Clothes on until Spring. You might take cold.
Must get to bed or I won't be able to work in the morning. Write soon. As ever Betty
From E. Hightower, Prospect St, Crawfordsville, Ind (mailed Feb 13,, 1919 12:30 p.m. - to Andrew M. Cowan, Flying Detachment, Kelley Field #2, San Antonio, Texas
Received your picture a few days ago. It certainly is fine. Thank you so much. I like the Aviation outfit. Although you don't look quite natural. So you have not been flying much since getting back. You surely will get your 15 rides in by the Fourth of July. I may be here then and I may not be. I am planning to go Chi(cago) in about two or three weeks just for a short time though. I am not going to stay up there that is unless I change my mind after I get up there which I dont think is very likely.
I wonder how you would spend a Sunday evening if you were back here in Indiana. I expect you would read one of the latest novels or write to one of your Texas friends.
There has been quite a lot of excitement in C'ville this week. Halton Powell Stock Company played a three night stand. To night is the last night. I went Monday and Tuesday nights. Decided I had better stay home tonight and write to my old friend. Then I was out quite late as Zella & I went up to the Eagle Lodge to a dance after the show, was rather late when I got in, cause I always stay just as long as possible when I go anywhere that is if I am enjoying myself.
For the past week I have been loafing on my job I have absolutelynothing to do when the Boss is gone. I mean the main oOss or President of the Company. You see I do his work and for the last two months he has been gone biggest part of the time, so I have had nothing to do but sit around and talk. It is almost as bad as being in the Army. I am really beginning to get the fever called laziness. Can you imagine that?
Grace & Fred Jr. stayed out here the last two nights. You know it is Fred's weed (?) to work nights to Grace came out home. Seemed natural for her to be here yet seemed strange for the youngster with her. I have never kept him since that night. Not because he was naughty but just never had to keep him. She brings him out here on her mother-in-law keeps him. He was four months old yesterday.
Well, Merle, not Andy, I am going to retire for the evening will say good-nite. Write soon - as ever, Betty (Hightower)
P.W. Spence, 422 West Okinwlgee St, Muskogee, Okla - April 17, 1919 - to Andrew M. Cowan, Crawfordsville, Indiana
Spencer Undertaking Co. - Ambulance Service - Muskogee, Oklahoma April 16, 1919
Dear Andy: How is the little boy? You can see by my beginning I was out of the army. It is a grand and glorious feeling to be out. I got out the fourth of this month.
From San Antonio I went to Ft. Worth and Ranger to find a job in the oil fields but found thousands of men there looking for work so I took the first train north and landed here. I have a brother here. You can see by looking at the top of the page what he does. I just stoped off to visit but found me a good job here in a furniture store so have located here for the present.
Lawson and Pot got out ok and I have not hear from eather (sic) since. I'll be tthey both are enjoying them selves. I would have liked to have been with you in New Orleans. You ask about that order for back pay. You do not need that any more. Just write to the Director of Finance, 3202 Munitions Bldg, Washington DC asking for blanks and information and you will receive some papers to fill out and send in. I think Pat has the cop y of that order if you should happen to want it.
I just received your letter today as it was forwarded from camp to my home address and then here. Drop me a line every once in awhile. Your old friend. Percival W. Spence

Note: Not sure Merle sent it in as there was an unreturned renewal slip. Thought it'd be nice to include the YMCA stationary as others wrote on it to him.
Surveyor's Office, Richland County, Boyd Wierman, Surveyor, Mansfield, Ohio 4-17-1919 (Andrew Cowan 308 W. Market St, Crawfordsville, Indiana from Harry Flahser

Dear Andy: Your letter of the 9th came and I was glad to hear from you. Congratulations to your success in getting your commission. Isn't it awful the way they treat a Cadet. Well I would liked to have finished but I really am better off for I got to see the "West" which was quite a treat. I have forgotten all ranks, what is a RFC - I think I know but I will let you tell me first.
Glad to hear you had a very enjoyable trip after leaving the service. Don't study too hard but why tell a Cadet that he knows what study is.
Twas a shame to let that San Antonio girl down so hard but then there are many of them better at home & elsewhere. Let that girl in Kansas City alone if her hubby is living. Lots of singles & widows.
What line of work is Bingaman doing? Expect to take in the races on Decoration Day. Better meet me in Indianapolis & arrnage to come back to Mansfield & Shelby & give me a vist. Come before that time if you can as I will be glad to have you come any time. I can arrange for any kind of parties you desire. Don't forget to write & tell me of your whereabouts. Sincerely Harry T. Flasher
From CH Mielke, Midland Manufacturing, Danville, Illinois May 7, 1919
Dear Mr. Cowan:
Thru one of your professors, we were advised that you were looking for something profitable to do. We understand that you work during the school year and during vacations. I am personally going to be at the Crawford Hote, Crawfordsville, Thursday afternoon and Friday of this week and may stay over until Saturday afternoon if that seems necessary but would suggest that you call me on th ephone just as soon as you can on Thursday for an apponitment. If you have no access to phone, call and see me. Hoping that I may see you and that we can make arrangments with you on a basis that's profitable for employment. We are, yours very truly, Mildland Manufacturing Company by CH Mielke
From Bill Reeves - The Peerless Starter Sales Co. Distributors, 309 S. Akard Street, Dallas, Texas Juine 18, 1919 -- To Mr. A.M. Cowan, Crawfordsville, Ill.(sic)
Dear Andy:
As you will note by the clipping (Special to the News: San Antonio, Texas June 17 - Under orders issued by Major General Mencher, director of the US Air Service - all) and it reminded me that I owed you a reply, hence this letter.
As you will note by the clipping, Capt. Tobin of late is now a Major which makes me suspect that the Ace must have some big pull somewhere. I was surprised to learn that you had gone back to school, as I thought you were needed at home to run the farm. Say boy, don't tell me that Texas soil isn't rich for I've been all through the country on this job of mine and I never hope to see better wheat, oats and corn that the farmers are getting this year. One farmer told me that on his 165 acres that he would realise about $50,000.00 wheat.
You had better lay off that testing and racing game. You may not find a convenient penut (sic) field to land in every time, by the way how did that incident turn out?
Well old Kid let me hear from you soon and excuse this hurried letter as I am at the office now and must get to work.
Bunkmate Bill Reeves
The above letter is typed - he signed his name
Canada Post Card 4-3-1919 To: Lt. AM Cowan Crawfordsville, Indiana USA
From: Orion Bingaman, Corinne, Sask Canada
Dear friend, Did you get my wire? As you see I am in Canada. I wired you to come on up. I can use you. Come if you possibly can. he weather is fine now. Come at once. "Wire me when you are coming. Let me know at once so I will know. I will be at Corinne Sask, Canada. Did you finish Kelly Field ok. I just heaerd from Foster. Well be sure to come = Your friend Orion Bingaman
Indianaola, Iowa April 7 - 5 p.m. -- from DC Bingaman
Andrew M. Cowan Crawfordsville, Ind - Andrew M. Cowan - Crawfordsville, Ind.
Dear Sir: Your letter came after my son Orion left for Canada. He tried to get you by wire, but failed but left instructions that should you write him, that I should open and answer. Will say we are paying men sixty dollars per month and board. Will have at least eight months work should you decide to go I would suggest you come to Des Moines go to the Canadian Immigrant office to get a permit to go across the line. Two blocks worth of the Union Station, an fifth St you will find this office. Tell the man you are going to DC Binaman's Mileston Sask and he will give you this permit to axame ? you you wil not be turned back.
You will need in the way of clothes a good sweater good wearing apparel for jene ? fort ? as many springs it is wet and muddy. It is quite essential to keep your feet dry. Overalls waist and pants combined is a very practical garment. I will be leaving for Canada the last of this week, should you come along about that time we could go together.
Yours truly, DC Bingaaman
Get your ticket by the way of Portal and get it to Corrine, Sask
Lagrange, LA Apil 6, 1919
Dear Lietuenant Andy,
Edward has been telling me that you would probably come through Loranger again before going north - and here you are - a thousand thousand miles away before we knew it.
How does it seem to be home again - and eating "mother's eats?" I can hear your answer now. Things have been moving on much as usual. The Frehmen gave their class play Friday night - but outside of that nothing approaching the unusual has happened. Why, I haven't even played a game of "Fran Tan," and as for sitting up until 2 a.m. it's out of the question!;
I'll tell you something more shocking tho. I was so tired after the play and cleaining up Saturday etc. that I didn't get up until 2 p.m. today which is more horrifying? This is the coziest evening. It is just pouring and has been ever since four o'clock and inside it is so warm and dry and comfortable. It is such a satisfaction to have the wind shrieking outside and know that it cant touch you. Am ever Cookie (Eleanor)
(Next day) At school - noon - My Dear Lieutenant,
Well I'm still awake which is saying a whole loot! Just to tell you not to mind a few rain drops and be sure and expend the evening with us. I think the incorible Lewis and Bob won't be with us. Have you ever seen their equal? Do you like divinity? Yours fraternally, Cookie
To: Andrew McCowan, Crawfordsville, Ind.
From: International Harvester Company of America McCormick International Deering 319 S> Missouri St, Indianapolis
June 24, 1919
Dear Sir: We are in receipt of yours on the 23rd. Just at this time we have a strong force assembling binders, and in the event we need any additional help we certainly shall be glad to call upon your.
Yours very truly,
International Harvester Company of America
By: I.N. Worth, Branch Manager
Small card - typed - You are invited to attend a party to be given at the home of Mamie Dodge in honor of Miss Ruth Remely, on Friday July 25th at 8 p.m. (postmarked Jul 24)
From Ruth (not sure who she is) -- 9-7-1919 - Huntington Ind

12-24-1919 Hazleton, ND From Edwin C. Smith

From: Madeline Machan, Christmas Card

From: Bill Reeves (Brighton, Mass)

Happy New Year From RE Lawson

Friday, 1-16-20 -- Box 777 Richmond, VA - from Cepha, a Breaks School Friend - Dear Merle,
Your letter enjoyed very nmuch. After reading it, I became very retrospective and reviewed my old school days at Breaks. Those were surely delightful, carefree days. Tomorrow promises to be a big day and I'm fairly tingling with anticipation. Tomorrow may bring forth a future for me that will be the realization of my ambition.
Will spend tonight in Washington. Return to Richmond Monday morning. THe midship men at Annapolis are known as the sorts of hosts so I presume I'm in line for a lovely visit. THis morning I've been busy writing letters of appreciation to the Va. Home & Industrial School for Girls, which is on the order of a girls reformatory (the people here, however, are broad, good and wise enough not to refer to it as such). In fact, Mere, to see it you would think you were at girls private school and as a consequence, they are able to reclainm 75% of their delinquent girls. Rather marvelous, is it not? Just the application of pure psychology on human nature. You'll remember that I told you of my psychologist friend, who was puttin gout a new idea on teaching English. He is now in NYC and it is very lonesome for me, as we have worked & played together for over eleven months. He goes to Camp Upon as psychologist next week, after seeng his publishers in NYC. This morning we had a very beautiful snowstorm. I know it would either rain or snow when I wore my new straw hat. Somewhat of a pessimist, eh?
Now, Merle, you aroused my curiosity a triple by the reference to NJ (that was). Truly. I didn't know you were sentiment ally inclined in that direction. I always thot Harvey b was the lady but you see woman's intuition can not always be depended on. As to flying better stay on earth. You see it is much safer to be a la terra firma (mixture of languges to be excused). I've no doubt but that some day in the near future I'll hear of Andrew M proceeding to Cville via Breaks in an aeroplane (Shades of Caesar). Perchance, you grow weary of this, if so, think of the purr of a Haviland motor and have a passing flight in the air. You're perfectly correct when you call it the greatest of sports and ere long we all be enjoying the delights of skimming thru the clouds until then -- with best wishes, I am
Sincerely, Cepha (Day)
March 16, 1920 - from Cepha -- typed on Robert Lecky, Jr. Insurance - Surety Bonds, 201 Mutual Building Richmond, VA
My dear Andrew: The days are swiftly flying by and only a little over two months and I will be in New York City. Have some very good propositions in view and on May the tenth a representative from one of the companies will be here to see me. You can well imagine my anxiety in regards to the outcome of this conference. Just now it seems to look very favorable. You lucky boy! another vacation. Why you just had one a short while ago. I'm going up (maybe) to the Naval Academy on the tenth for the Easter Hop and weekend. I've still a fond place in my heart for the uniform and just now it seems to have been allotted to the Navy blue.
You tell me that I should read the account of the ball game in the News; why, my dear friend, I haven't seen a News in ages. If you want me to read anything or think anything is worth while for my perusal, then please just clip it out and enclose in your next letter. I believe you'd enjoy dancing very much and nows the time for you to learn. Altho' I am not particulary crazy about dancing men I do enjoy being with one that can dance if the occasion arises for such procedure. Be careful on your dance thru life as you might trip. You'll recall I had planned on being in Cville during the summer but I've recovered my old pep and feel so much better that I've decided to stay east and perhaps BIlly will come with Harry and his wife Laura sometime during the summer. They have decided to make their sister a visit and you can be assured that we'll do the Gay White Way that is no longer- prohibition surely took the crooks out of it. Many a thrill still lingers on Broadway so they'll enjoy the trip. I believe I told you about the psyuchology who is now at Camp Upton instructing the illits. Prescott came down to spend the weekend and we had a perfectly wonderful time. Andrew, he would appeal very much to you - so serious and a very brilliant chap. Thru this chap I'm to meet several well known artists in New York. You see I'm contemplating on doing a little work in that line myself after the critics have finished with my work. Las week he had an examination thrown for my benefit and the papers were sent to me for psychoanalysis. In order to do this, they had to speak of me as CF Day (no Miss allowed to mix in the educational procedure of this camp) so here came a fat enveloped addressed to seriously CF Day, Box 777, Richmond, VA and tonight I must start the analysis.
I hastily went over Freud's Totem and Taboo and cam scarcely wait until I get to NY and interview Dr. Brill on the possibility of my work being worthwile. You see, I'm a complex sort - there being a frivolous Cepha and amighty serious Cepha within this shell called body. Had a most interesting letter from a ex-Beligan officer, who was with the Ordnance Dept. in Washington. This chap bores me but I try to be pleasant as he has a very good position with several magazines - one of them being 'Les pariiennes' and there are times when one needs a friend in such work, that is, i fyou, yourself, have ambitions. If it weren't for that, I'd put the kabosh on him.
I'm interested in the negotiations between you and the Curtiss people. Let me know your decision. Akron seems to be the Mecca of a great many boys. I think Merle, you're right in wnating to continue your school work. There's plenty of time for settling down to a position. Now is your psyuchological moment for the school work so keep it up. Almost time for lunch. I'm going to the dearest little Italian Palm Garden where maybe I'll eat 'sphaget.' I'll remember your promise. With very best wishes, I am ... Sincerely, Cepha
Christmas Card from Wm. Frederick Reeves 864 Strathrow Rd. Brighton, Mass