Zuck Poultry - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Zuck Poultry

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 14 Aug 1896 p 6

From the poultry house of JN Zuck, here in Crawfordsville are shipped annually in the mont of February from 500 to 1,000 capons. For these Mr. Zuck pays the farmers who raise them 8 c per pound. The average weight is about 8 #.  It is easy for the farmer to figure the value of such a produce. Mr. Zuck is anxious to ship twice as many capons as now. To the farmer who will undertake the proper care of poultry this is a source of large income. The larger breeds, The Plymouth Rocks, Brahmas, Langshans, Cochins and Wyandottes make the best capons. Farmers should not be slow to realize this source of profit. The Western Indiana Poultry Association show in December will be an object lesson of what can be done with poultry along the line of caponizing. There will be exhibits of capons, live and dressed in the peculiar style demanded by Eastern markets. The Association especially invites the farmers to be present and to come prepared to ask questions. We are anxious to interest you in poultry for market, thoroughbred poultry and the crossing of poultry for best results in eggs and weight. If you never saw an inculator hatching chickens artificially you will see it there. Everything pertaining to successful poultry culture will be shown and explained. Why not begin now and be an exhibitor yourself?

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