Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Friday, March 19, 1926
They have absolute smoothness of engine action
A new snap and elasticity throughout
Smart and stylish body lines
Complete vision from every angle of all-steel body
APEX Radios
Garage and General Repairs
Steam Vulcanizing
Ben C. Canine -- Free Crank Case Service, Free Battery Service, Free Air at Curb

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Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana, unknown day/month in 1926
Ben C. Canine - Apex dealer Apex (see above for replica) and Crossley Radios, radio batteries, tubes and equipment. Below are some of the Apex Owners: John Gilliland; Dr. H.H. Isaacs; J.M. Good; George Cowan; Fred Rice; John Oldshue; G.T. Dillman; Frank Ginn; Alex McClain; Fred McNutt; Will White; D.A. Lough; George Good; Tom Durham; B.S. Kritz; Jay Kirshman; Ira Plank; Jesse Burnside; Elmer Crooks; Claude Durham; O.G. Moser; Tom Garland; H.N. Devitt; H.C. Devitt; Dave Wilhite, and of course, Ben C. Canine. Free Crank Case Service Free Battery Service Free Air at Curb -- kbz
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana July 17, 1931
Ben CANINE has bought the old DIETRICH block, last owned by John SHARP and occupied by him for many years as a blacksmith and wood working shop. Before that John Dietrich and later, Elmer Dietrich carried on the same business. Uncle John loaded many thousands of shells in the time when shooting at clay birds was a popular sport. There were very few who could equal Uncle John's score with a shotgun. Ben says he bought it to look at, but he may make an assembling plant for Chevvies-wrecked ones-but for the present Ott Kolling and Charles Brooks will continue to occupy the building. -- kbz
Source: Waveland Independent, Oct 23, 1931
Ben Canine was called to Greencastle, Monday night to look after a wreck. When he got there he found that he had sold one of the cars to Frank Bridges of Bainbridge and the other one to Landy Clodfelter of Fincastle. So it was just like meeting a party of friends. Moreover, one of the cars was the Pyle Car and that was smashed up at Milligan, rebuilt by Ben and sold to Landy who smashed it up once before. The third time ought to be the charm but it looks more like a hodoo. (sic) -- kbz
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Friday, March 27, 1931
Ben CANINE sold a Chevrolet car to Paul CLARK of Indianapolis on Sunday. It will be remembered that in company with Miss Mary LOUGH, he was held up by bandits who took his car and they were compelled to walk back to Indianapolis. The car was recovered in Muncie. Its associations have been so bad that he wanted to get rid of it. -- kbz
Source: Waveland Independent, Dec. 6, 1929
The most spectacular fire in Waveland since the Airdeme burned started about half past seven on Sunday evening when a gasoline torch exploded and started a blaze that totally wiped out the old brick livery barn building on Green Street, together with all of Ben C. Canine's garage equipment, ten cars and fifteen radios. Canine was using the torch in the parts room in the rear of his office to solder some wires in a small motor when it exploded. One of his arms and hands was severely burned, but the main force of the explosion went up and ignited some tires. It happened that there were several in the office listening to Harry Lauder sing. A fire extinguisher checked the flames so that Canine was gotten out, but the fire was hopeless from the start. A number of cars stored in the garage were removed, but 8 used cars belonging to the garage and cars belonging to Will Moore and Bert Decker were burned. The fire engine was attached to the cistern across the street and did fine service in protecting the adjoining buildings until the water gave out. It was then moved over on cross street. Pumpers came from New Ross and Russellville and gave badly needed assistance. A barrel of alcohol and two barrels of lubricating oil exploded. It is said that there was only 6" of alcohol in the barrel. Judging by what that did that end of town would have been wrecked if it had been full. It is estimated that the ball of flame, which looked like a small balloon, went up a 150 feet. It sounded like the time the powder mills went up at Fontanet. The two barrels of oil didnd't make so much noise but made a display like a thousand sky rockets. By 10 o'clock danger to the adjoining buildings was over, but the fire was still burning fiercely and the brick walls were a menance. There was 1000 gals. of gasoline stored in the underground tanks in front and to the side of the building, but this did not ignite. By 8 o'clock practically the entire country side was in Waveland. The danger seemed so imminent that the furniture was carried out of Garrie Dillman's and George Sherfey's residences. The fire siren was a frost as people living within 3 squares didn't hear. Services were in progress at the Christian Church, but the minister in charge assured the congregation and most of them stayed until the close of the services. The building was erected by John C. Canine and Charles A. Canine in 1889 and was known far and wide as the "Brick livery barn." The brick was made locally and labor was not $1.25 per hour. Messsers Dillman estimated the direct loss at about $5,000, exclusive of the dame to the building on the E. which will have to have a new3 roof, and possibly a new W. wall as it was built against the side of the brick and the wall will probably have to come down. They have $3,000 insurance. it is hard to estimate Mr. Canine's loss, but it probably will reach $8000 with $4600 insurance. A policy for $2000 had been renewed only a few days before the fire. He of course looses his garage business entire. His new cars were stored in the ware room on Cross St and so escaped. He will continue the business as Chevrolet dealer and Crossley radio and will have a service department in the rear of his wareroom. Harry Gardner will do the work and tell the funnys tories. Ben hasn't cheered up enough to whistle yet, but he says it is lots better to be burned out than burned up. Parke Lough had his hands severely burned helping Ben out. -- "Still in business" - I desire to express my appreciation to the firemen and neighbors for their efforts in my behalf in the fire on SUnday night and of the many expressions of sympathy at my loss. I will continue in business, both automobiles, radios and battery charging, at my ware room on Cross St. and will have my repair department in operation in a few days. Ben C. Canine. -- kbz
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana March 31, 1922
Ben C. Canine has a delivery truck that even a blind man could see. It is painted a delicate canary color with yellow trimmings. He will deliver tires and batteries on short notice to long distance. -- kbz
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana March 21, 1924
Ben Canine put his wrecking crew to a new use last week. The bell in the Baptist Church here has been given to the Freedom Church, and Ben was called in with his tackle to take it down from the tower. Ben will try anything once. Some of the furniture was also given to the Freedom Church. -- kbz
Source: Waveland Independent Nov 21, 1924
Ben C. Canine went down to Terre Haute Saturday and brought back four of the Red Top tires which were stolen from his store a few months ago. The police had recovered them. The boys who were concerned in the robbery are doing time for another job and have not been tried for their exploit here. -- kbz
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana July 8, 1921
Ben Canine, formerly of Russellville has added another chapter to his eventful history. He was working in a garage at Lebanon and following his usual method he wrote some checks on banks where he had no money. He was arrested in Indianapolis, but just about that time developed appendicitis and was taken to Lebanon Hospital instead of jail. Ben scored again by getting a free operation. He is now in jail at Lebanon. -- kbz
Source: Waveland Independent Nov 23, 1917
Ben Canine is temporarily running RR #2 while Raymond Bowers is soldiering. Joe Conner has taken Ben's place at McNutt's drug store. -- kbz
File Created: 16 November 2010