Brown Township

Alumni - Schools & Such
Historic Schools Information Below
Brown Township
School Photos, Records and such!
(If you have any photos or records to add, please send them to me as an attachment Karen Zach)
Note: It is obvious some of these came from a book, but I have no clue what / where - I'm sorry :( Of course, it's not a complete listing of everyone who went to school in Montgomery County, but it's a wow index nonetheless and has lots of goodies for ya'!). Thanks to all who have contributed information, pictures, identification help and locations!!!!!
For the Historic Township Schools, Please CLICK the links below!
Note: New Market School is located in Union Township, but draws its student base from Brown, Scott
and Union Townships. In this project we will view it as a seperate school enity.
Brown Township - Waveland School
Clark Township - Ladoga School
Ripley Township - Alamo School
Walnut Township - New Ross School
Brown Township
Brown Township School Board These school Board members were listed for a few years in Dr. Arvin's book. We think they were a Township based school board. Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
EARLY COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS Thanks to the collected works of Dr. Charles L. Arvin on the Monrgomery County Schools

About 1850 Brown Township near current Pine Hills on what is now State Road 234
Source: Waveland Independent March 26, 1909 -- William R. Canine died at his home near Freedom Church on Wednesday morning ... what schooling he had was at the Ben Smith School House near Pine Hills, where short subscription schools were held before the free school system was established. Thanks Karen
- Browns Valley School Students, circa 1895 Names Listed, not in order Source: Photo courtesy of Ralph Miller, "A Pictorial History of Crawfordsville and Montgomery County, Indiana", Published in 2002 by the Journal Review, 119 N Green Street, Crawfordsville, IN 47933, page 119
- Brown Township Public School Graduation posted in "The Weekly Argus News - June 5, 1897"
- Brown Township Commencement 1898 Program These are scans of photocopied images of the commencement program found in Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- Browns Valley School 1905-1906 Looks like older students, Names included, but not sure of the order. I scan this from Dr. Arvin's book which had the picture photo copied. Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- 1907 Brown Township Commencement Program Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- Browns Valley School 1912 Class taught by Nellie Galey Canine Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- Brown Twp. Graduates 1914
- BROWNS VALLEY SCHOOL (this is the real one -- 1895-1896) - thanks Suzie Zach Baldwin for this neat blog on the school and for Isobel Arvin:) All the students are named. How nifty!
- Browns Valley Grades 6-8, 1935-1936 Names Included! Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- Browns Valley SCHOOL Teachers 1901 thru 1939 (active earlier) Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000 No teacher assignments after ther 1938-1939 school year!
Although Byron is in Parke County it is right on the line and many rural Waveland kids went there in the early to mid-1900s so will include it since I just happened to have a pic of it (thanks to Charlie Arvin)

Iin Ocotber 1882, teacher was Annie Gaffe (Goff?) from C'ville Star 12 October addition - listing of Brown Twp teachers - thanks Jerry T.

- Dowden SCHOOL Teachers 1901 thru 1919 (maybe active earlier) Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000 No teacher assignments after ther 1918-1919 school year!
- Clyde Rogers, Teacher 1910 -- Source: Crawfordsville Star, October 12 - The following is the names and place of Brown Township Teachers. Hattie Edge, Old Hickory; SA Stilwell, Dawdens (Dowdens); HD Vancleave, Freedom; WQ Whittington, Greens; ANnie Gaffe, Canines; James Robinson, Moores; Arthur Klizier (sic - Kleiser), Brownsvalley; JH Eads, Walnut Grove; Wm. Reaves, Lydic (sic - Lydick); Willis Pichett, Gotts. No. 12, T.C. Canine, Institute next Saturday. - thanks Jerry Turner
- 1907 Year End Souvenir Bookmark gift from teacher Mrs. Lottie Robinson Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- Dowden School Class 1910-1911 Teacher Clyde Roger Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
See Dowden School Road listed in the Montgomery County "TOWNS". Click the link and scroll down the page!
- This school was in Brown Township and was also known as School #5. It existed from 1893 - 1919. Although we think the school goes back farther than 1901, the first recorded teacher was Daniel Murphy that year (Frank M. Johnson, Trustee), followed by George Leonard in 1904-05 (Charles Johnson, Trustee). Sadie Brown, the first female teacher at Durham was 1905-06 followed by Jessie Boyland (1906-07). J.J. Clements was Trustee both school seasons. Dollie Sutton 1907-08 followed by Stella Rice 1908-1909, Clements remaining as long-time Trustee, actually. Edith Gilkeson 1909-10, Otis Hall, Sup. In 1910-11, Clifford Coons was teacher with Irving Fullenwider, Trustee - no record is given for 1911-12 but Stella Rice had the helm of the 1-8 school in 1912-13. No other records exist so it is assumed this is one of the first of the small Brown Township schools to close after the 1912-13 year. Thanks to Scott B. for this great picture :) Photo 1918-1919 (A.J. Wolfe, Trustee) - this was the last year for the school, Ruth Servies, the last teacher.
- Durham SCHOOL Teachers 1901 thru 1919 (maybe active earlier) Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000 No teacher assignments after ther 1918-1919 school year!

- Freedom SCHOOL Teachers 1901 thru 1919 (maybe active earlier) Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000 No teacher assignments after ther 1918-1919 school year!
- Source: Crawfordsville Star, October 12 ? Year- The following is the names and place of Brown Township Teachers. Hattie Edge, Old Hickory; SA Stilwell, Dawdens (Dowdens); HD Vancleave, Freedom; WQ Whittington, Greens; Annie Gaffe, Canines; James Robinson, Moores; Arthur Klizier (sic - Kleiser), Brownsvalley; JH Eads, Walnut Grove; Wm. Reaves, Lydic (sic - Lydick); Willis Pichett, Gotts. No. 12, T.C. Canine, Institute next Saturday. - thanks Jerry Turner

Also known as School #9 and Swamp College -- See Swamp College. In October of 1882 (C'ville Star, 12 Oct), the teacher here was Willis Pichett (Pickett?).

Located in Section #11 in Brown Township about 1900, nothing else is known about the family or the school. The James Fisher (Fischer) family owned almost this whole section for decades.
--Source: Waveland Independent 21 October 1904 -- "25 Years Ago" (making it 1879) -- Four abandoned school houses in Brown Township were sold at the bank on Tuesday as follows: Walnut Grove to Isaac Davis $126; Penn to Aaron Graham, $100; Wasson to WH Brock $126; and Green to R.H. Hodgkin $45.

Also known as Brown Township - School 12, this was located in Section #36 (on current-day County Road 850 South)
Liberty SCHOOL Teachers 1919 thru 1927 (from 1919-1920 thru 1926-1927) Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000 No teacher assignments after ther 1926-1927 school year!

In October (Crawfordsville Star 12 Oct 1882) William Reaves is listed as the teacher for this Brown Township school - thanks Jerry T.

Teacher in October 1882 was James Robinson - this was probably a couple of miles north of Waveland on the Waveland Road - thanks Jerry Turner
Link is pictures of school
- -- 1882 - Teachers -- Source: Crawfordsville Star, October 12 - The following is the names and place of Brown Township Teachers. Hattie Edge, Old Hickory; SA Stilwell, Dawdens (Dowdens); HD Vancleave, Freedom; WQ Whittington, Greens; ANnie Gaffe, Canines; James Robinson, Moores; Arthur Klizier (sic - Kleiser), Brownsvalley; JH Eads, Walnut Grove; Wm. Reaves, Lydic (sic - Lydick); Willis Pichett, Gotts. No. 12, T.C. Canine, Institute next Saturday. - thanks Jerry Turner.
- Old Hickory SCHOOL Teachers 1901 thru 1919 (active earlier-SEE ABOVE) Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000 No teacher assignments after ther 1918-1919 school year!

Located in Brown Township, Section 7, named for the Penn family in this area. The Penns were large land owners and influential citizens in the community.
Source: Waveland Independent 21 October 1904 -- "25 Years Ago" (making it 1879) -- Four abandoned school houses in Brown Township were sold at the bank on Tuesday as follows: Walnut Grove to Isaac Davis $126; Penn to Aaron Graham, $100; Wasson to WH Brock $126; and Green to R.H. Hodgkin $45.
*** Added a photo of the school along with the locating map.
Located in Brown Township, - thanks to Dave Fullenwider for the pic from the old atlas (1878 Montgomery County). -- see also Brown Twp School # 5 (also known as Durham) and School # 8 - Brown Township. Dave Fullenwider, local historian, said that the Penobscot Station was where Lee Simpson's home was east of Browns Valley. He said it used to be much larger and had a hotel/store for people getting off the rain. Thought maybe it might have been named for Penobscot Indians but can’t find proof. I thought perhaps the Penobscot River out west but no proof. Also, here are some little diddies from the area - school/town related.

- This school was in section #1, Brown Township. it was also known as Fisher's . Sources indicate the land was donated by John M. Remley. Thanks Suzie
- School #1 Teachers 1901 thru 1909 (maybe active earlier) Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000 No teacher assignments after ther 1908-1909 school year!
Brown Township, Section 3, this school about the turn of the century to 1900, was also called Dowden School or Dowden Hill and was probably named for William Nathaniel Dowden who likely gave the property but could be named for just about any of his four sons. Thanks Suzie
- School #4 Teachers 1901-1902 (maybe active earlier) Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000 Only Teacher listed was for the 1901-1902 year ... Jessie Boyland. No information was available for the 1902-1903 and 1903-1904 years. No teachers listings for School #4 after that.
Located in Section #18 of Brown Township, the school was donated by the large Canine family. Thanks, Suzie. My Sue's are into this as Sue P. sends this note & picture of 1900-1902 --
Hi Karen: Attached is a photo of my grandmother's class at Freedom School. School year 1900-1901. From her description of where the school was, I believe it was also called Brown Twp School #6. I have an old 1878 Montgomery County Atlas and it shows where all of the schools (from that time) were located. According to the atlas School #6 was just west of Freedom Church/Cemetery on what is now Hwy 234. It was on the south side of 234 where S 650 W "T's" into 234. That is also the location of Freedom School as described by my grandmother. So maybe the locals just called it Freedom even though it was really #6. My grandmother went there through the 4th grade and then went to school in Waveland. Her sister attended Freedom for the first 8 grades, graduated from the "common school" (as they called it) and then went to high school in Waveland. My grandmother was in the 4th grade when this photo was taken, but I believe it was a "one room" school that covered 1-8th grade. It looks like there are some older students in the photo, so maybe it is of the entire school. My grandmother, Marguerite Glenn, is the girl in the plaid blouse on the far right end of the second row from the top. Unfortunately she didn't write the names of the other students on the back of the photo. Sue. More information: IN 1901-02, the teacher for Freedom school was John A. Johnson (Frank M. Johnson, Trustee). No record for 02-03 or 03-04 but 1904-05 a Charles Johnson is Trustee with Sadie Barton as the teacher.

- School #8 Teachers 1901-1902 (maybe active earlier) Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000 Only Teacher listed was for the 1901-1902 year ... Bertha Goff. No information was available for the 1902-1903 and 1903-1904 years. No teachers listings for School #8 after that.
- Located in Section 27 this school was acutally called by its number. "I go to school #10!" The nearby Foster family in Brown Township where the school was located gave the property for the building. Thanks, Suzie
- School #10 Teachers 1901-1902 (maybe active earlier) Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000 Only Teacher listed was for the 1901-1902 year ... Henry Robertson. No information was available for the 1902-1903 and 1903-1904 years. No teachers listings for School #10 after that.

- Another Brown Township School, #11 was located in Section 29 and was fixed on land given by the Moore family. Thanks, Suzie
- School #11 Teachers 1901-1902 (maybe active earlier) Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000 Only Teacher listed was for the 1901-1902 year ... Hettie Wheat. No information was available for the 1902-1903 and 1903-1904 years. No teachers listings for School #11 after that.
In 1882 (Source: 12 October 1882 Crawfordsville Star - thanks Jerry Turner) - T.C. Canine was listed as teacher for No. 12.

- Swamp College SCHOOL Teachers 1901 thru 1919 (maybe active earlier) Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000 No teacher assignments after ther 1918-1919 school year!
- Also called GOTT'S School) - my grandmother, Sarah Hazel Morgan Smith went to this school around 1905-10 - located in Section 36 of Brown Township, it was also called School #29
- Swamp College Class of 1910 -- Teacher Nellie Galey Canine Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000

This would have been around the Civil War era and definitely in Brown Township, near Browns Valley (mentioned in Lavinia Fullenwider Laughlin's obituary and she was born in 1855).

- Source: Waveland Independent 21 October 1904 -- "25 Years Ago" (making it 1879) -- Four abandoned school houses in Brown Township were sold at the bank on Tuesday as follows: Walnut Grove to Isaac Davis $126; Penn to Aaron Graham, $100; Wasson to WH Brock $126; and Green to R.H. Hodgkin $45.
- In October (Source: Crawfordsville Star 12 Oct 1882) J.H. Eads is listed as the teacher for this Brown Township school - thanks Jerry T.
- From Larry Sayler: The Walnut Grove School was on my Uncle Charles Sayler's farm.On west 900 south. It was used as a corn crib, tool shed as long as I could remember. The classroom was still visible, blackboard still on the wall. Tried to imagine how it was like to go to school there. Source: Crawfordsville and Montgomery County History Facebook Page.

Source: Waveland Independent 21 October 1904 -- "25 Years Ago" (making it 1879) -- Four abandoned school houses in Brown Township were sold at the bank on Tuesday as follows: Walnut Grove to Isaac Davis $126; Penn to Aaron Graham, $100; Wasson to WH Brock $126; and Green to R.H. Hodgkin $45.
Note that Waveland especially but some of the other schools as well will have more on the "Photos - places - name of town" **Karen is an ALUMNUS of Waveland High School - Go Hornets!!!

After 1971 High School graduation, Waveland became an Elementary School K thru 6 grades only. It remained open until 2013. We have the elementary teachers 1972 thru 2007 Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000.
Thanks to the efforts of Kathy Hesler, we now have a small collection of Waveland Elementary Memory Books (Yearbooks/annuals). Kathy has collected and scanned the foolowing years of "Memory Books":

- Waveland Academy -- these are the REAL academy buildings (clapboard) - 90% sure that the ones below (brick) are the first Waveland HS (built almost where the one we all knew/loved - slightly different place)
- Waveland Academy - #1 3 views, at different times from the same angle
- Waveland Collegiate Institute - article in 1860
- Waveland Collegiate Institute - 1868 graduation
- 1860 Article about the Institute
- 1870 Article about the Institute
- 1873 Article about the Institute
- 1911 Article on Academy Alumni Event Source: Crawfordsvile Review 9-21-1911 p 7