Scott Township - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Scott Township

Alumni - Schools & Such
Historic Schools Information Below
Scott Township

School Photos, Records and such!

(If you have any photos or records to add, please send them to me as an attachment Karen Zach)
Note: It is obvious some of these came from a book, but I have no clue what / where - I'm sorry :(  Of course, it's not a complete listing of everyone who went to school in Montgomery County, but it's a wow index nonetheless and has lots of goodies for ya'!). Thanks to all who have contributed information, pictures, identification help and locations!!!!!

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For the Historic Township Schools, Please CLICK the links below!

Note: New Market School is located in Union Township, but draws its student base from Brown, Scott
and Union Townships.  In this project we will view it as a seperate school enity.
Brown Township - Waveland School
Clark Township - Ladoga School
Ripley Township - Alamo School
Walnut Township - New Ross School

SCOTT Township

SCOTT Township Trustees   Source: "SCOTT, BROWN & UNION TOWNSHIP", "NEW MARKET School" prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000

SCOTT Township Tidbits of information   Source: "SCOTT, BROWN & UNION TOWNSHIP", "NEW MARKET School" prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000

HISTORICAL INFORMATION about County the wide school system

EARLY COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS  Thanks to the collected works of Dr. Charles L. Arvin on the Monrgomery County Schools

  Byrd School - District School # 7 - Scott Township - Source: "SCOTT, BROWN & UNION TOWNSHIP", "NEW MARKET School" prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000

According to Bill Boone, "Clark Township school, Byrd School was two miles west on Haw Creek road. - thanks Bill Boone :)"  There could have been two schools with the same names, but since the offical school records of early 1900 list it Scott Township, I would go with that.  Here is a possible location from the 1898 Montgomery County Atlas, northwest corner of section 36.

Photo of Byrd School, thanks to Bill Boone!

Teacher assignmets for the school years 1901-1902 thru 1927-1928. "The school was active earlier" Source: "SCOTT, BROWN & UNION TOWNSHIP", "NEW MARKET School" prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000

  Center School - School # 5- Scott Twp --  Source: "SCOTT, BROWN & UNION TOWNSHIP", "NEW MARKET School" prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000

Teacher assignmets for the school years 1901-1902 thru 1910-1911. "The school was active earlier" Source: "SCOTT, BROWN & UNION TOWNSHIP", "NEW MARKET School" prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000

  Dr. Stone School
No other Dr. Stone is known but a William Overton Stone who lived just over the border into Putnam County - love to know about who this school (Section 20)  This school may have been in Clark Township. - also wonder if it is Stoner vs. Stone - again, HELP !!! Thanks

  EDEN School -- AKA School #1 -- AKA - Graves

Thanks to Suzie for this one and most on this page :) This was located in Section #11 and was also known as School #1 in Scott Township.

  Fairview School    

  • Map Location.  The 1878 Montgomery County Atlas has it labeled as School #2, Dr. Arvin's work he calls it School #3.  It is a toss up?  It also shows on the 1898 and 1917 Atlases, though it is not numbered.
  • In June of 1999 this school was for sale.  Later purchased by Bane-Welker Equipment to be remodeled and become their corporate headquarters.  Click on the name link above to see.
  • Located in Scott Township.  Fairview - Later remodeled by Bane-Welker Equipment. Located on US 231 and County Road 700 South used as their administrative office.  See a photo of their complex showing school building.  Thanks to Bill Boone for the old school picture :)
  • Teacher assignmets for the school years 1901-1902 thru 1916-1917. "The school was active earlier" Source: "SCOTT, BROWN & UNION TOWNSHIP", "NEW MARKET School" prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000

 FROG ISLAND -- AKA -- Swindler -- also School #2

In Scott Township, this school was on property given by one of the Swindlers. It was in section 1. School likely existed in late 1800s early 1900s - thanks to Suzie :)  I have checked the 1878 and 1898 Atlass' and did not see this school or property owns by the name Swindler.  School #2/3 was Fairview according to School records.

  GOODBAR School - AKA School #8 (Scott Twp)

Goodbar School was on land in Section #32, Scott Township and was obviously given by one of the Goodbar families in the area, likely Dickerson or John.  
On the 1878 Montgomery County Atlas this shows as School # 8.  Located east of where the Parkersburg School (9) was located.  It is shown on the 1917 map under Parkersburg School Map.  It does not shoe on the 1898 Montgomery County Atlas page.  JWZ

  GRAVES -- see Eden

  HENRY School

Henry School in Scott Township was given by the Martin Henry family. It was on land in Section #23
Found on the 1878 Montgomery County Atlas.  Shows as school # 4, located east of Lapland.

 Lapland School House - (Scott Twp) District School # 4 - Source: "SCOTT, BROWN & UNION TOWNSHIP", "NEW MARKET School" prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000

See Lapland listed in the Montgomery County "TOWNS".  Click the link and scroll down the page!


Picture of a high school class of Parkersburg School about 1923 - thanks so much to Teddy Alfrey for this one -- his grandmother, Viola Finchum Ross is by the teacher in back row (with beads). If you know anyone in the picture, please let me know as Teddy & I would both like to know Gma' Ross's companions :)

The last school picture taken in the fall of 1937.  There were eight grades of students, and names are listed. This copy thanks to Bill Boone.  

Bill McNulty notes on the Crawfordsville Facebook page that "The school was located at 256 E. 1150 S.., on the north side of the road, about 300 yards east of U S 231."  See the location on the 1917 Montgomery County Atlas. Parkersburg School is circled in YELLOW.  There is another school ?, to the east about one mile circled in Orange, my thoughts are school #8?

Teacher assignmets for the school years 1901-1902 thru 1938-1939. "The school was active earlier" Source: "SCOTT, BROWN & UNION TOWNSHIP", "NEW MARKET School" prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000

See Parkersburg listed in the Montgomery County "TOWNS".  Click the link and scroll down the page!

  School # 1 - Scott Township --  Source: "SCOTT, BROWN & UNION TOWNSHIP", "NEW MARKET School" prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000

Teacher assignmets for the school years 1901-1902 thry 1904-1905.  "The school was active earlier"  Source: "SCOTT, BROWN & UNION TOWNSHIP", "NEW MARKET School" prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
Year                      Teacher                Residence
1901-1902         Harry Kelsey         Crawfordsville, R.R. 2
1902-1903         Information not available
1903-1904        Information not available
1904-1905         Lola White           Crawfordsville, R.R. 2
There were no teacher assignments after the 1904-1905 school year.  The school must have been closed.

  School # 2- Scott Twp -- White School

See White School for Teacher assignments for 1901 thru 1917 when the school closed.

  School # 3- Scott Twp -- Fairview School

See Fairview School for Teacher assignments for 1901 thru 1917 when the school closed.

  School # 4- Scott Twp -- Lapland School

  School # 5- Scott Twp --  Center School - Source: "SCOTT, BROWN & UNION TOWNSHIP", "NEW MARKET School" prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000

  School # 6 - Scott Twp -- Sugar Grove School

  School # 7 - Scott Township - Byrd School

  School # 8 - Scott Township - Source: "SCOTT, BROWN & UNION TOWNSHIP", "NEW MARKET School" prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000

Teacher assignmets for the school years 1905-1906. "The school may have been active earlier" Source: "SCOTT, BROWN & UNION TOWNSHIP", "NEW MARKET School" prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
Year                      Teacher                    Residence
1901-1902         No teacher listed                 n/a
1902-1903         Information not available
1903-1904        Information not available
1904-1905         No teacher listed                 n/a
1905-1906            Ethel Warner             Ladoga, R.R. 2
This was the only teacher assignment list for this school!
There were no teacher assignments after the 1905-1906 school year.  The school must have been closed.

  School # 9 - Scott Township - Parkersburg School

  SERVIES School

Thanks again to Ms Suzie from the Reference Department at the Crawfordsville District Public Library. The Servies school was also known as School #3, located in Scott Township and was in Section 17 on property given by one of the several Servies families in the area.  The location on the 1878 Montgomery County Atlas.  I think this is in the heart of downtown Lapland.  It may have beome school # 4 after 1900.

  Sugar Grove School - District School # 6- Scott Township
Source: "SCOTT, BROWN & UNION TOWNSHIP", "NEW MARKET School" prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000

Teacher assignmets for the school years 1901-1902 thru 1908-1909. "The school was active earlier" Source: "SCOTT, BROWN & UNION TOWNSHIP", "NEW MARKET School" prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000

A School House Burns in Scott Township   SOURCE: Crawfordsville Weekly Review, 27 August 1909

  Swindler -- see Frog Island

  WHITE School- District School # 2 Scott Township-Source: "SCOTT, BROWN & UNION TOWNSHIP", "NEW MARKET School" prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000.  At an earlier time before, 1900 this may have been referred to as School # 7, see below

  • Located on Section 9, Scott Township, this was also referred to as School #7 and was on property given by the nearby White family - there is a White family living near there today (2012) - hmmm - thanks to Suzie for this one, too!  Map location is on the 1878 Montgomery County Atlas, it also shows on the 1898 and 1917.
  • Teacher assignmets for the school years 1901-1902 thry 1927-1928. "The school was active earlier" Source: "SCOTT, BROWN & UNION TOWNSHIP", "NEW MARKET School" prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000

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