Ladoga Schools

(20 January 2024) Ladoga School Song Also includes: colors, newspaper, nickname and yearbook names. - thanks Bill Boone :)
- Baptist Female Seminary (Front and side views of building)(these two are from Bill Boone, as well - THANKS)
- East School -- color
thanks so much to Fred Foxworthy - LOVE this :) - Note: this was a post card and underneath the photo it said, "Rose from Pearl" Also includes the same view as a - black & white (sorry, not sure who gave me this - probably my pal, BB)
- Ladoga Grade School Students early 1900s No names, scanned from a photocopied picture. Source: "CLARK TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- Ladoga Female Seminary & Old Normal - some articles (see also Baptist Female Seminary)
- Ladoga High School Yearbook 1908 - A Listing of students derived from the Yearbook
- Faculity of High School 1920 Names listed, scanned from a photocopied picture.Source: "CLARK TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- Entire student Body of 1922 No names, scanned from a photocopied picture. Source: "CLARK TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- Ladoga baseball article, 1958
- LHS Unknown year ,1930ish??
- Elementary - inside, 1908
- Ladoga High School Gymnasium (thanks Bill Boone)
- LADOGA ALUMNI PAGE - Ladoga & South High Schools
- Ladoga Sports (Bill Boone's GREAT site)
- (5 photos of both the old East School and the High School building which was built next to it. - thanks to Bill Boone for these photos, too :)
- Old Normal
- Ladoga Class of 1920 - as Sophomores in the 1918 Yearbook
- LHS -- Class of 1926 (named - newspaper article - thanks to Elda Herbison)
- 1927 Seniors (thanks so very much to April & Scott M for this one :)
- Ladoga Debate Team 1934 Second in the State! Names listed, scanned from a photocopied picture. Source: "CLARK TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- Faculity, Trustee and Janitors 1937-1938 Names listed, scanned from a photocopied picture. Source: "CLARK TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- Class about 1947
- 1960 Senior Trip -- Bill Hauser, Shirley Carmichael, Jean Todd, Patty Miller, Dave Prosser, Gary Bradley, Jerry McClaine, Dorman Morrison, Mrs. Prosser, Mrs Oliver, Mrs. Ainsworth, Dick Oliver, Mike Sabens, Tom Gerald, Ronald Fine, Vonnie Leach, Ned Seale, Eddie Maffei, Bonnei Wethington, Connie Elliot, Janet McClellan, Janice Fuller, and Bill Hauser again (Bill ran from one side to the other while the photo was being taken panoramically. (via Ned Seale Ladoga Facebook page)
- 1969 - Rick Haas coming your way at the 1969 Sectionals - note the full-house (thanks Bill Boone)
- Teachers of LADOGA School (There were earlier years not recorded here) Grades 1-12: 1901-1902 thru 1923-1924, 1924-1925 thru 1947-1948 AND 1948-1948 THRU 1970-1971
- LADOGA High School 1970-1971 Photo of school the Last year of high school. Source: "CLARK TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- Faculity and Administration 1970-1971 pictures possibly from yearbook, scanned from photocopied pictures. Source: "CLARK TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- Ladoga Elementary School after 1971 As part of Southmont Schools. Four photos by James Zach, taken 1 September 2020.
We welcome Annuals, help us add more. We can scan them and return. Scanning makes a better reproduction! Contact us if you will let us scan yours! Thanks for your help!
(this is so nifty - thanks so much to Judith Cross) -- because of the Depression years, so many schools did not have yearbooks for those years but the Ladoga group was pretty creative - enjoy !!!
AGAIN, Thanks so much to Judy Cross for this great yearbook. Many of the yearbooks of the 1930s during the Depression - post Depression years were never made. Luckily, the Ladoga HS kids were more ingenious and made their own. Sure wish my momma's 1938 Waveland one existed :(

Begining with the 1971-1972 school year
- Teachers of Ladoga Elementary School Grades K-6: 1971-1972 thru 2001-2002, AND 2004-2005 thru 2010-2011
- hotos of the current Building (2020) 1 photo found in Source: "CLARK TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000 and 3 taken by James Zach September 1, 2020. Enjoy!